
Are the Rules the same?

"What the f#ck" he stares with a wide-open mouth.

What stands out are the two large white frills on the necks. They remind you of those frilled-necked lizards, also known commonly as the frilled lizard, frilled dragon, or frilled agama. They live in Australia and are relatively large lizards.

The heads of the Hydra look at him and show no bit of aggressiveness towards him. It looks more like they're waiting for something.

They remind him of dog puppies who want to play and have some tasty treats.

"Are they here for me? Did I summoned them?" he slowly moves his hand from right to left and observes how the heads follow his hand.

If that's true, I may have more skills that I don't know about yet. I most likely inherited all the skills from my character from Diablo III.

'The question is to what extent. But, strangely, the Hydra has five heads and not three' he looks at the Hydra.

'The reason why you can summon a hydra with five heads in the first place is because of the Typhon set. But I have my normal clothes on.'

He looks carefully at his clothes and finds nothing abnormal.

To sum up, I have the skills of my Diablo III Wizard, but not a single legendary item, but their effects still work. Doesn't make much sense. Did she make a mistake and forgot to send my things?

The Hydra looks at him weirdly when he touches himself.

After he no longer wants to waste any thought on it, he concentrates again on the Hydra.

'Of all the Hydras that exist, the Frosthydra is the best in my current situation.' he smiles.

'But how do I best do that. let's try it.'

"Frosthydra attack that area with your Frostbreath" he points to a direction.

The Frosthydra follows his command without hesitation and exhales a strong breath of frost.



What happens is a small explosion, that is followed by an icy cold wind.

After the white cold fog disappeared, a whole new world greets you. Everything in the vicinity of hundreds of meters is covered in ice.

"Wow, that was cool. And the place where they attacked is a small crater now. They seemingly shoot their breath at high speed. The breath not only freezes everything but also causes physical damage." analyzes he enthusiastically.

After he has calmed down, he moves to the crate and finds a large lump of ice in the middle.

"Jackpot, now I have water and my own cooling system in this wasteland, where only sand and stones can be found."

He licks the chunk of ice and enjoys it while talking with his full mouth.

'I still have to hurry. Even if I now have water and don't die of heat, I need something to eat.'

He turns back towards the mountains and starts walking.

After a few steps, he notices that something is wrong and turns around.

The frost hydra looks at him and he looks back.


"Don't tell me you cant come out of that rift?"

He is speechless and doesn't know what to do. He knew that his skills would most likely work similarly as in the game, but he didn't expect that. He has to find out how the skills differ from those in the game. Otherwise, it could cost him his life.

The most important thing is whether his shield is still there and how much it can withstand. Does he still have to take no damage for five seconds to get the protective shield or does it turn out to be different?

If not, he will not survive long. His shields are his only defense.

Unlike barbarians and monks, his armor and resistance are low. He can only assert himself through his shields and other effects. So it's important to know how they work now.

With every hydra-head, the damage suffered is reduced by 8 percent. And with the hydra-head, the damage the hydra deals is increased by 1300 percent. That means that he must always have the hydras with him to deal out damage and defend himself. As soon as the hydras are gone, he is more than half weakened. He can probably only exercise a fraction of his power.

The main reason why he can die in Diablo III is when the opponents are too strong and do a lot of splash damage or when he is not quick enough or forgets to summon his hydras.

He has to find a test object as soon as possible, to check whether everything still works as in the game, and what his position in this world is.

Another problem is his arcane power. Did it work the same way as in the game? If so, then he doesn't have to worry much. After summoning the hydras, his arcane power regains its maximum in a very short time.

And the only skill that he actively uses while doing this is Teleport and Arcane Torrent. And that should work with good resource management.

"Now that I know the Hydra can't move, should I summon it every five hundred meters, so I get the buffs? And how long will they stay here?"

After much deliberation, he wants to stay careful and always have the Hydra close by if something should happen.

After this brief consideration, he sets off again.


What he doesn't know is that a woman with golden hair and eyes is watching him from a mirror.

"I hope you can do it before it's too late"

She smiles as golden blood drips from the corner of her mouth.