
The Hybrids Path

Shaun is the only Vampire/Lycan Hybrid in existence and one that needs to keep his Lycan half secret other wise it's a guaranteed death sentence, Living on his own for the last 10 years was difficult at first, but over time he has gotten used to it, now he works as a bounty hunter/adventurer for hire, someone who will do anything as long as he is paid. From head hunting to taking down organisations who sell monster parts on the black market Shaun has done it all and without much trouble, but he is in for a few surprises as the story unfolds. ~~~~~~~~~ Authors Note ~~~~~~~~~ I hope this book will be entertaining as its something I have tried to start over and over again, please leave any feed back and I hope to see this book kick ass out there :) Hope you enjoy and thank you.

ShaneKenra · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Ch.2: Prey

<p>Johnathan attempts to stand, clutching his left side, clearly something was broken, stumbling with his feet slightly hunched over he faces his attacker "Someone clearly needs to learn who he is dealing with, you've just signed your death warrant punk" He sneers at the cloaked individual, sizing up the young man judging by his stature and stance deduced Johnathan, "I'm the boss of this territory, and you just went and attacked me, when I'm done with you noone is going to find even a trace of you, but it's going to be a long painful journey before you are released from your coming hell, BOY!".<br/><br/>The young adult seemingly sneers back and crouches slightly looking like he is planing on lunging at Johnathan, Johnathan leaps first from his slightly hunched position ignoring the pain that sears down his side and prepares to grab the cloaked young man, with the attempt of dragging him to the ground and beating him unconscious, however it seemed like this was the plan all along on the young man's side as he drops to the ground and kicks Johnathan with both his feet in the chest and send him flying with his own momentum stopped and a strong force repelling him and crashing back into a nearby dumpster on the side of the street.<br/><br/>The cloaked figure immediately gives chase, grabbing Johnathans ankle and with monstrous strength, lifts and throws Johnathan down a nearby side street between the bar and neighbouring warehouse, Johnathan still slightly dazed from the impact with the dumpster only comes to his senses as he is let go by the young man and is shocked momentarily by the feat this individual has just preformed throwing his 230lb body like a bag of trash tossed into a landfill, but is brought out of his thoughts by the unbearable pain of his landing as he bounces off the concrete and lands awkwardly, snapping his right foot backwards causing the bone to pierce his flesh and bringing a yelp from Johnathans mouth.<br/><br/>Johnathan not able to think clearly as lights dance in his vision of his blurred view, sees that the man he threatened stalking towards him with clear meaningful steps, Johnathan curses and shakes his head trying to get the irritating light to leave his sight, Johnathan reaches behind him and opens a phone, but as he does the young man appears as if by magic infront of him and grabs his hand and proceeds to crush his hand and the phone in one motion, Johnathan can't help but scream in agony but is quickly muffled by the cloaked man's hand over his mouth.<br/><br/>Johnathan mid-scream tried to bite the man's hand, trying to inflict any kind of pain on the man as a way of revenge for reducing Johnathan to this pitiful state, clamping down with all the force he could muster managed to draw a single drop of blood from the man's hand, grunting in satisfaction and staring with anger and a twinkle of victory at the man's face which was only a few inches from his at this point, Johnathans blood runs cold as he looks into two glowing red pools that made up this cloaked man's eyes watching him with a blank expression, the cloaked figure face resembled that of a teenager, 17 at most, gazing at him with an almost uncomfortable look on his face.</p>