
The Deathly Hybrid

scream 5/ TVD universe/ AU Soo… I killed myself out of boredom, I know crazy right. You’re probably wondering why I would do that and my answer would be a shrug, moving on to the more fun stuff. Like seeing the fiery inferno that is hell and meeting Lucifer Morningstar himself, reincarnation and getting 3 wishes to fu€k with fate, plot and causes as much mayhem as possible. And did I mention some fun little surprises from The devil himself thrown into the mix. This already feels like it’s shaping up to be an interesting new life _________________________________ I do not owe the movies or shows nor the images used, only my MC

RogueCrescent · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter 3


(A/N) Sup


'-' Thanking

"-" Talking to someone

(-) Author note until further notice



Woodsboro Orphanage Home, California

Year 2011, Month May, Date 9 -


" it's already been 4 years, huh" I say aloud to myself in the comforts of my room, looking down to the finished gravity introductions book.

"Hum…hu.. Humm…"

Gently closing the last page waltzed standing up from my now fluffy king sized bed, my feet gently sliding across the carpet to the overflowing bookshelf, lightly placing the book a top another pile before skimming for another to read but coming up blank.

Deciding to go to the Woodsboro Book Store, my mind going on auto pilot as I began to change my clothes and think up the aspects of making a black hole with magic before disregarding the thoughts for now, not even realizing I'm at the front door grasping the handle.

"Be back later, Ms. Green" I automatically say as I close the door behind me before ignoring it and continuing to walk down the now creaking wooden steps while ignoring the other two 9 year olds playing in the front yard.

Leisurely walking down the sidewalk to the bookstore, I begin to reminisce on what I've done in the past 4 years.

' which isn't all that much considering I'm very limited' I am only 9 after all, there's not that much I can do physically except for some light exercise. But I have been using my photographic memory and 280 IQ to the best of my ability.

I'm already almost finished with the high school curriculum and I have been using all of my time while in Elementary school to thank up possible magical moves, because there's no way in hell I'm chanting shit… but other than daydreaming cool magical shit and keeping my head low.

I've found the computer lab and local library to be a most interesting place after I learned some coding of course, it was so disappointingly easy to find supernatural sites and making a little money was easier than I thought with the Internet. All I had to do was make a Bank account in Grandpa John's name and social Security number, which was also super easy to get, and Walla $500,000 just sitting aside for my personal use when I get emancipated at 14.

Another interesting little fact I found is that Amber Freeman doesn't exist, I was sitting in computer lab bored out of my mind when I saw Mindy Meeks and it had got me thinking. I had heard of the other scream cast characters in passing. They had went to my school but i could not even with my photographic memory remember hearing about Amber Freeman in Elementary school or Woodsboro.

'Sooo… I did a little digging and there is no Amber Freeman in the state of California or hell even the United States… in conclusion Lucifer must've did something' Breaking me out of my thoughts is a strong wind blowing my shoulder length hair back, focusing my attention back to reality I seem to be walking past the Woodsboro park.


"Over here"


I notice a familiar group of five 9 year old kids laughing and giggling while they play frisbee on a large patch of grass, indifferently ignoring them while I stop at a crosswalk seeing my destinations in site.

What i failed to see and would later come to know is a pair of little dark chocolate eyes followed my every action until I disappeared into the bookstore.


"Ding Dong"

Greeting me is the little Bell a tap the door and the smell of fresh ink with a hint of barely discernible bitterness of freshly grounded coffee.

Inhaling and exhaling a little as I entered, making my way in I nod to the elderly gentleman behind the counter as I walked to the far back of some bookshelves, randomly entering a selection i'm greeted by historical books.

'Between Two Fires, No Longer Human…'

Stopping at No Longer Human I pick the book up with my right hand, while giving it a glance I notice I'm not the only one in the Historical selection. A handsome man with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a dusty long tan coat, my dark brown eyes clash with blue ones.

Recognizing who this is and feeling so much power flowing from him. Although a little different from the show, I can't help but be a little excited seeing the Big Bad Hybrid in the flesh. Slowly looking away while feeling the book securely in my right hand, I get a very dangerous idea that I am so going to act upon.

Seeing as he's now looking at a book, I quietly and gently make my way to him with my slowly racing heartbeat.

"You might like this one" I say holding up the book while he turns to look at me. Glancing at the book in my hand before gently accepting it.

"Ha" he laughed a little quietly before shaking his head " perhaps I would, I've never read it before"

"You'd probably understand it far better than anyone else"

"After all… you're The Original Hybrid"

After the words leave my mouth my neck is forcefully seized and I'm slammed into a bookshelf.

" Who. Sent. You." he demanded angrily in a accent with his face twisted in a paranoid scowl, all the while gripping my neck harder.

"N… Cough… No one" I say while oxygen leaves my brain, reaching my hand up to his outstretched arm that's gripping my neck. Forcefully grabbing his wrist I start to painfully as possible Siphoner his magic and strength.

Feeling my neck slowly start to free from the death grip, greedily sucking in air through my mouth as I forcefully cut my siphoning off while falling to my knees because I feel like a balloon that's about to burst.

"Interesting" an accented voice rings out from a above me, looking up well getting my bearings I'm greeted to curious and suspicious blue eyes that's offering an outstretched hand.

Gently grabbing my arm in his hand, he seems to freeze while taking me in, after all I'm still a 9 years old kid and klaus is known to not tolerate any type of child abuse.

"It's ok, i'm fine" i said seeing his eyes start to dilate a little and the beginning of a panic attack, giving a little spin around hoping to calm him more. Seeing it work I grabbed his hand which he allows and lead him to some tables in the back, grabbing a seat and seeing him sit in front of me I can't help but rub my throbbing throat a little.

"I'm sorry for startling you in such a way, i'm just such a huge fan"

"No.. it was…. What do you mean huge fan and how old are you?"

"Well the Internet is a thing nowadays vampwolf and if you're as smarter as I am you can read behind the lines in history"

"And I'm 9" I said all in a single breath as I start willing my borrowed magic to accelerate the healing around my throat.

"I see…. And what's your name?" He said a little strained most likely to being called old and a little slow minded.

" Raven Thornrose and you're Niklaus Mikaelson"

I said before I start to geek a little out and so do the loaded questions.

"Why is your last name Mikaelson?"

"What's up with all the Daggering?"

"Why the Original Hybrid and not something cooler?"

"Why did you allow your son to fuck your sister?"

"Why didn't you just turn your mom Into a vampire so you could torture her for all of eternity?"

"ENOUGH… with all the questions, little one"

Klaus says a little to overwhelmed and aggravated before he starts to calm down,

looking at me and smiles a little. His face slowly relaxing and a more gentle expression appears but he still ignores my very important questions.

"What are you?"

"A Siphoner"

"A What?"

"You know someone born with the ability to use magic but not produce it" i said looking at him like he's mentally challenged because come on, he's 1000 years old it's impossible for him not to know.

He seems to pick up the look on my young face but expertly ignores it.

We converse for hours before we part ways with him giving me a book he had for one of his witches but ultimately decided to give it to me as a token of friendship, with a way to contact him. I had given him the location of what he most desired after all.

'We're so going to be best friends'


So tired, don't worry I'll go back through this and probably edit a lot
