
The Hybrid with Two Mates: Werewolf and Vampire

It's the most painful when your parents reject to accept you as their child. Hybrids were hated in both the clans of vampires and Werewolves. Natalia was a hybrid, her mother was a werewolf and her father was a vampire. Her parents didn't accept her. She only saw hate, disgust, and disdain in their world, Orleans. A witch took her in and brought her to the Monde Humain, the human world as she can't keep her in Orleans. She grew up there with the witch and worked for an organization of Vampire Clan as a contract. She never returned to Orleans nor did she wants to. But for once she has to. Every vampire and werewolf are destined to meet their fated mate, and love and affection naturally develop between them. When Natalia went to Orleans, she too found her mate. But wait what is happening to her there are two, who claimed to be her mate, and what's with her, her heart is beating fast for both of them, both their touch gives her goosebumps and makes her excited, she is attracted to both of them. Does that mean she has two mates? And the cherry on the top, Both are the prince but One is a werewolf and another one is a vampire. What will Natalia do now? Or she doesn't accept them as for her hate for both the clans. Both the prince are in dreadful condition, will it be easy for them to accept a hybrid as their mate. A war can be started between both the prince for their mate. A hybrid is still someone who is not accepted in both the clans. Will they accept hybrids now and will Natalia forget all the hatred she received. What is God's plan for them? To know what will Natalia and the prince do. Please read this story. This is the second story I am writing, so please let me know your views.

fantasiereise · Fantasy
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23 Chs

8. "A Prince?" Part 2

Lestat was too shocked to digest Spike's words, Spike doesn't follow anyone unless he doesn't want to. After his dad, he only obeyed his sister.

Lestat took him aside, a bit from Natalia, and whispered in his ear.

"How can we go with her and hand over him? And what if she is lying to us? It can be a trap too."

"They can find out that you are directly involved in the investigation."

"No, we can't."

After Lestat ended with his long speech.

"I know you are worried, but don't. I have a gut feeling that we can go with her"

"We do not have records for those who migrated here illegally, we didn't check those and he was one of them."

"Also, we can meet the person who made these things. The person must be a powerful sorcerer, I should know if there is one like him in our clan"

Lestat understood his reason but still, he was uncertain.

"But we can't let anyone know that we are in Monde Humain. Even if that girl is saying the truth, going with her means we have to show her our identity. it will be chaotic if they find out their prince is in another realm secretly"

Spike put his hand on his shoulder and said looking in his eyes "Lestat, in any case, I will make sure that the words do not spread".

Lestat can see the fierceness in his eyes, that look in his eyes simply means that he will be true to his words or if not he will make it so.

Lestat just nodded his head.

---- On the other side ----

Lestat took Spike away to talk to him in private. But they didn't know Natalia can hear their conversation easily.

She heard everything they said, but the only thing which made her curious was when Lestat mentioned the prince.

"A Prince?"

"Is he a prince?"

"They seem like master and his servant too. That Lesat guy is following the other one's order"

"But why a prince is here by himself, if he wants to catch someone he can order people"

"Whatever let's keep our curious a*s aside, there's no good in putting my nose there. Let's just do our work, I don't know anything."

Soon, they both returned.

"So, what's your decision?"

Natalia knew that they will say yes but she can't expose that she can hear anything from afar. She got this ability from her wolf side, vampires do not have this power.

"We are coming with you, just that you can save your job.", Lestat said showing annoyance on his face.

"Then take these keys, bring my car here."

"Why should I? Can't you drive?", Lestat now was completely irritated with her attitude.

"I can but I can't leave you two alone, or we can all go together to my car"

"Let's go all together", Spike said interrupting the two. He doesn't want to see them bickering again.

"Only because you are saying", Lestat said cheekily.

Natalia shrugged her shoulder to them.

The three went to the parking where Natalia parked her car. Lestat was about to sit on the passenger seat but Spike asked him to sit on the back.

Natalia went to the driver's seat, she opened the door and sat in. As she sat, her wolf sense felt someone peeking at them. She glimpsed in her rearview mirror and saw something moving behind a car.

"Stay in."

She gets out of the car and looked there, but no one was there. She looked all around and used her power to look for any vampire or werewolf but couldn't find one. She thought it must be some stray animal otherwise she has sensed the presence. She went back to the car, sat in, and put on her seat belt.

"Is everything fine? You suddenly got out of the car.", Spike asked in a serious voice maintaining his composure, he got worried when she left her seat all of a sudden and told them to stay inside.

"Everything's fine"

She drove off from there.

Natalia was inquisitive about them especially after knowing that the man beside him is the vampire prince himself although she decided to not be a nosy one. She couldn't keep herself composed and asked him.

"By the way, what that thing is done? that you think I might be here to kill him."

"I already said you don't need to know more, we are coming with you doesn't mean I will answer everything."

"Fine, then at least tell me your names"

"You don't need to know that too", Spike was about to tell him his name when Lestat suddenly spoke in between.

"I already know yours, Lesat, right? He already called you multiple times in front of me", Natalia said making eye contact with Lestat through the driving mirror.

"That's Lestat", Lestat corrected her when she wrongly pronounced his name.

"And You?"


"Spike Athna..."

"Only Spike", Lestat interrupted to stop him from saying his full name. He knew that if he mentions his family name then she can easily guess that he is a royal family member, but his first name only isn't much of a problem.

"We told our name, what's yours?"

"It's not like we will be meeting again, but 'cause you told me yours. It's Natalia."

They were silent the rest of the drive until the bat in Lestat's pocket woke up.

Lestat was quietly sitting behind when he suddenly felt something moving in his pocket. He pulled out the vampire bat from his pocket to check on him, but the bat didn't move a bit.

He was about to put him back suddenly he started flapping his wings and attacked Lestat on his face.

Natalia and Spike heard the commotion behind and they both looked in the driver's mirror and saw the vampire bat coming ahead. Natalia instantly closed the only window opened on her side.

Next, the bat attacked Natalia, Spike instantly caught his legs.

He pulled the bat in front of him and hanged him upside down.

"You are already caught, why resist when it's no use?"

"I can't convert myself what spell do you put on me?"

"You will die soon anyway, what difference does it make if you transform"

"Are you going to kill me? Haaa...! You won't until I tell you what you want to know. If not then please kill me", the bat said in a mocking voice.

"You are right, I won't for now. But I will make sure, that your life is no less than hell", Spike reversed his body and squeezed his neck tightly.

"Leave me! Leave!..."

The Vampire bat started hitting him with his wings but for no use, he didn't even touch him. After some time he stopped moving.

Natalia touched his body with her fingertip and tried to shake him a little.

"What? Is he dead?"

"He isn't, he is just unconscious. We know perfectly how much pressure could make him die and how much make him unconscious.", Lestat said from behind.

"Oh! are you fine? I saw he attacked your face"

Lestat has some scratches on his face and neck and his hair which was completely aligned before is a complete mess now.

"Do you think I am? I have so many scratches, what if they leave scars?", Lestat said looking at his face in the mirror.

"I think you are fine"

"There isn't any deep wound, it will not leave any scar", Spike said giving the bat back to Lestat.

"But you don't have any, I saw him using his claws on you.", Spike asked Natalia as there wasn't any scratch on her. The small scratches instantly healed due to her werewolf side.

"Did they heal instantly, but how? we vampires don't have healing powers. We can heal faster than humans but not that instantly", Lestat asked her as if he was investigating her.

They both were looking at her face which was cleaned as if nothing happened, her hair was only messy.