
The Hybrid with Two Mates: Werewolf and Vampire

It's the most painful when your parents reject to accept you as their child. Hybrids were hated in both the clans of vampires and Werewolves. Natalia was a hybrid, her mother was a werewolf and her father was a vampire. Her parents didn't accept her. She only saw hate, disgust, and disdain in their world, Orleans. A witch took her in and brought her to the Monde Humain, the human world as she can't keep her in Orleans. She grew up there with the witch and worked for an organization of Vampire Clan as a contract. She never returned to Orleans nor did she wants to. But for once she has to. Every vampire and werewolf are destined to meet their fated mate, and love and affection naturally develop between them. When Natalia went to Orleans, she too found her mate. But wait what is happening to her there are two, who claimed to be her mate, and what's with her, her heart is beating fast for both of them, both their touch gives her goosebumps and makes her excited, she is attracted to both of them. Does that mean she has two mates? And the cherry on the top, Both are the prince but One is a werewolf and another one is a vampire. What will Natalia do now? Or she doesn't accept them as for her hate for both the clans. Both the prince are in dreadful condition, will it be easy for them to accept a hybrid as their mate. A war can be started between both the prince for their mate. A hybrid is still someone who is not accepted in both the clans. Will they accept hybrids now and will Natalia forget all the hatred she received. What is God's plan for them? To know what will Natalia and the prince do. Please read this story. This is the second story I am writing, so please let me know your views.

fantasiereise · Fantasy
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23 Chs

15. The Mysterious Man

---- Monde Humain (Back to Natalia) ----

After that day, neither Natalia nor Agnes heard about Spike and Lestat. Both of them got busy in their daily lives.

The next day, Natalia went out to catch other illegal immigrants on her list and send them back to Orleans in the Vampire Kingdom.

And as for the one Spike took away, she sent a report saying that she indeed found him out, but he succeeded in escaping from there and wasn't seen in the same area.

She approximately caught all the vampires on the list except a few; some were successful in escaping, and others were not found in the place she was told to.

Only one man was remaining to be caught from the list; strangely, the name of that man was mentioned on the list; his name was Logan. He must have killed a lot of people or made a huge commotion in the human world; he must be the most difficult one to handle. These were the only thoughts that came to Natalia's mind.

Instead of an isolated place or a place where he was seen often, his residential address was written on the letter, another strange thing.

If the vampires from the Vampire Association already knew where he was, then why didn't they catch him before? If they did, then he must be a strong one. She needed to be well prepared for him and attack efficiently.

After sending the vampire, she arrest this morning, back to the Vampire Kingdom she got back home to take some weapons from home.

She got into the home and went to Agnes's office where all the weapons were, Agnes wasn't in the room. And she couldn't take the magical weapons without her permission, she tried to call out for her but she didn't come.


"Agnes, where are you?"

"I needed some weapons."

"Could you come here for once and give it to me?"

But she got no replies.

Usually, Agnes would've known and come already to her when she entered the home. Agnes has complete control over her house, she got to know through her magic when and who is entering her house and when someone is leaving.

Natalia went to her lab and knocked on the door but she wasn't there.

Now she doesn't have any other choice but to take non-magical weapons, which she can access without her permission.

She went back to her office and pull out a gun with silver bullets and a dagger, a normal iron one as she wasn't allowed to handle any other weapon made of silver except the gun. Being a half-vampire and a half-werewolf, she has a disadvantage both silver and wolfsbane were fatal to her. Thus Agnes doesn't allow her to use any of these.


Natalia reached the two-story building, the building was in a bit creepy place well what can be except by the appearance of the building, it was more like a place for some gang meeting. This could be him a gangster, she thought.

She has to pass through a narrow street, there were only a few people there but their aura was a bit different than any other human it was full of regrets. To tell what a person or any other creature is feeling through their aura was something that was out of her power but for some reason, she can feel the regrets and darkness in all of them.

They were just standing there casually without talking to each other and without moving an inch, to the extent that it was totally weird for her to see them.

She knew that all of them are normal human beings.

She passed through all of them, cautiously making sure that she won't touch anyone. But she suddenly bumped her head, but there was nothing. She extended her hand forward to feel it again and felt something there, like an invisible wall.

She tried to feel the wall to know its height but the wall doesn't seem to have any end.

Suddenly she felt a dark aura behind her, she knew that it was of a vampire. She thought it to be a trap.

She pulled out her dagger and turned swiftly pointing her dagger over his neck but got blocked by the man, the old man.

She instantly swung her leg and kicked him near his shoulder, the man freed her hand and stepped a step back.

She was about to hit him again but stopped as he said something.

"I gave in kid. Please follow me to my place."

"Why would I? When I don't even know who you are."

"I know why you are here, just come and follow me", the man went ahead passing her.

She again pointed her dagger at his neck, "First tell me who are you?"

"I am the person you are here for, I am Logan.", the old man said calmly.

"Why should I trust you?", she asked suspiciously.

"Oh! come on. I know you don't trust me but just trust me you have to go into that house, right? Just follow my steps", he said indicating the house she has come for.

The man passed through the invisible wall and disappeared.

"Hold my hand. Then only you can pass this wall", the man said giving his hand to her, only his hand was visible to her.

She skeptically held his hand and tried to pass through the wall and to her surprise she did.

Now she was in front of the house where Logan lives. She turned her head and saw the place she came from, from afar, she tried to check if there is a wall on this side too and there was an invisible wall there too.

She thought it to be an invisible barrier to stopping unwanted intrusions.

"You are thinking right, it's a barrier, and only people living in this house can pass through it", the man said entering the house.

As he entered the house, a small kid came toward him running and hugging his legs.

"Grandpa! You came back."

A lady came behind the kid saying, "He saw you on the street and came running here leaving his studies."

"Grandpa, I will play no study.", the kid said with a pout and the old man took him in his hands.

"Then let's go in and play with others and this big sister", he said pointing toward her.

"Yay!", the kid said happily.

"Please come in.", the man welcomed her into his house.

Natalia doesn't understand what was happening here but she knew for sure that there wasn't any other vampire in the house. The little kid and the lady were normal humans.

The three entered a room, there were so many kids in there and the other females seems to be their mothers.

But why there were so many humans in a vampire's house?