
The Hybrid with Two Mates: Werewolf and Vampire

It's the most painful when your parents reject to accept you as their child. Hybrids were hated in both the clans of vampires and Werewolves. Natalia was a hybrid, her mother was a werewolf and her father was a vampire. Her parents didn't accept her. She only saw hate, disgust, and disdain in their world, Orleans. A witch took her in and brought her to the Monde Humain, the human world as she can't keep her in Orleans. She grew up there with the witch and worked for an organization of Vampire Clan as a contract. She never returned to Orleans nor did she wants to. But for once she has to. Every vampire and werewolf are destined to meet their fated mate, and love and affection naturally develop between them. When Natalia went to Orleans, she too found her mate. But wait what is happening to her there are two, who claimed to be her mate, and what's with her, her heart is beating fast for both of them, both their touch gives her goosebumps and makes her excited, she is attracted to both of them. Does that mean she has two mates? And the cherry on the top, Both are the prince but One is a werewolf and another one is a vampire. What will Natalia do now? Or she doesn't accept them as for her hate for both the clans. Both the prince are in dreadful condition, will it be easy for them to accept a hybrid as their mate. A war can be started between both the prince for their mate. A hybrid is still someone who is not accepted in both the clans. Will they accept hybrids now and will Natalia forget all the hatred she received. What is God's plan for them? To know what will Natalia and the prince do. Please read this story. This is the second story I am writing, so please let me know your views.

fantasiereise · Fantasy
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23 Chs

12. The Bearer

Although humans were kept clueless about the existence of Orlean some knew about their existence. They were the human who have ever harmed the people of Orleans for their greed was cursed by the Moon Goddess and St. Raulus, they have to serve the vampires and werewolves till their last breath. The curse was more like a blessing to them as those few humans were showered in wealth to help vampires any way they were asked whenever needed. But the worst thing was, that the curse was passed down from generation to generation and their descendants have to pay the price for their deeds and have to become their slaves.

There was only one descendant in each generation who has to carry on the curse, and the person is known as the bearer of the curse, and their families are known, as the Bear family.

Similar to them, the Werewolves too, have their own Bear family.

Only the royalties have command over the Bear family, the family and the Bearer have to provide their assistance to the royals to adjust to the new environment who visited Monde Humain for any reason and carry out the task given to them by the two kingdoms and the commoners and other novelties of the vampires or werewolves were helped by their respective associations.


Spike and Lestat took the vampire they took from Natalia to their place, where they were staying in the Monde Humain, Lestat was holding him with his claws.

Flying, they reached the large glass window of the house they were staying in, the window was closed. Lestat went ahead, and the window was of a small reading room, Lestat stuck his face on the window and looking around the room he spotted two men in the reading room, one was sitting beside a table and the other was looking at some files in the reading room.

Soon the man, behind the table noticed a bat lurking on the window.

"Submit me those files after completing, BEFORE this week", the man behind the desk commanded the other, his voice was menacing and intimidating enough to make the person shiver in just a few words.

The other man left the room.

As soon as he left the room, the man behind the desk stood up from his chair and went toward the window where the bat, Lestat was.

He opened the window for him, Lestat came in flying, and Spike came behind him flying.

"I knew you will use this window to enter, so I was waiting for you in this room", the man said.

This man was one of the bearers who received the curse from his ancestors, named Jason Bear. All the Bearer family were rewarded with the surname Bear so that Orleans can identify them and ask them for help even though they don't receive the curse, usually except for the curse bearer the rest of the family do not know about the Orleans.

Jason was Spike's bearer that was assigned to him by the moon goddess herself, he was a tall man with fair skin and a slender body. Jason was a few years older than Spike and Lestat.

Jason's family owns a business, despite being the second born, Jason, being the curse bearer, inherited all the business and became the vice president of his company with his father as CEO.

Spike transformed himself back to his human form.

Lestat placed the bat on the desk and transformed back to his human form too.

"You should have left the windows open and shouldn't allow any other human in if you knew that we will be using this one.", Lestat said lying on the relaxing chair in the reading room.

"I will keep that in mind, from later on", Jason said politely.

"He will wake up soon, make sure he will not escape from here, and remove this ring from his neck he will automatically convert into his human form. After that chain him up in the dungeon and make sure he gave all the information we needed.", Spike said to Jason pointing toward the bat lying lifelessly on the desk.

"Ahh...., we don't have any dungeon here", Jason said.

"Just lock him up in any room and Spike I do think, I should do the rest of things myself, he isn't any powerless human, he is a vampire", Lestat said in between the two with his eyes closed.

"Do whatever is suitable. Just make sure that we got what we want to know.", Spike went toward the room's door, "I am going back to my room, don't come in for anything until I call you".

"Aren't you thirsty? Won't you go out for a hunt?", Lestat said jolting up from the sofa and turning his head toward the door to look at Spike.

"I will just take some blood from the reserve for today, I already have them in my room", Spike said closing the door and leaving from there.

"Aren't you going to leave from here? I have work to do.", Jason said to Lestat entirely changing his tone from polite to a curt one.

"Do what you are asked to, first, and then you are free to do your work.", Lestat said turning his back to Jason.

"I know what I should do first and I am exactly doing that.", Jason replied taking the bat from the bat and trying to remove the ring from the bat.

Hearing him, Lestat turned toward him to see what he was doing.

At the same time, the ring got suddenly out of the bat's neck and the bat slipped from Jason's hand. Lestat saw the bat falling from his hand, he extended his hand to catch it. But before he can the bat spread his wings.

"I have heard whatever you said and I was waiting for you idiots to remove this hellish ring", saying this the bat flew toward the open window.