
The Hybrid of New Orleans

Heidelberg · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Mikael POV

He let his children escape he could have ended all of them except for Niklaus because of the ritual he put him through but he knows that the rest stand no chance against him even with time to get used to their vampire abilities which he knows that they won't do unless he gives them a little push.

However he also knows his most hated child will stop at nothing to kill him if he sees him so he will make sure to prey upon his childhood fears and weaknesses so that doesn't happen also he knows that the first thing Niklaus will do is try to master his powers instead of getting caught up in exploring the new world that they are seeing for the first time he just hopes that his past hasn't changed him too much.

Mikael has been training his abilities as best as he can and when he has mastered his senses as well as his strength he learns that he can move at really fast speeds but he also knows that the most he can go is 4x faster he also trains his tracking skills by learning the art of hunting from humans even though he hates humans he has to admit relearning how to hunt properly.

Is excellent training he has learned to master all of his senses not just one or two he can also learn when and where his target will go with enough practice he does the same with fishing plus it relaxes him after 200 years of hunting and fishing every creature known to man he trains himself to hunt humans as their is a job to do so his mentor is strict and teaches him how to fight a variety of opponents.

He even teaches how to use several different weapons also how to counter against them he appreciates the instruction then after spending 10 years learning the ropes and going on small jobs to learn the job he finally gives me a bounty of my own i complete it in a month he doesn't say anything just continues giving me jobs until 10 more years have passed he's an old man now one day he calls me into his house and says Mikael i know that you're not human but i don't care.

I look at him in shock then he says i've known about what you were since we met but it doesn't matter to me because you could have killed me anytime you wished but you didn't instead you let me train you even though i know you wanted to everyday but still no matter how hard i pushed you or how hard the jobs were you pulled through and it's for that reason that i've made you my successor.

Mikael asks why would you do that you have sons and daughters he sighs and says because they have the money i left them as well as the house and the other properties but everything connected to this job is yours and your family's until the world ends all you have to do is sign Mikael sighs then signs where he was told to sign thus giving him the bounty hunter business however knowing that he won't be able to stay there forever his old mentor gives him a list of people to train.

Mikael takes the list summons all of them they come running all of those on the list are 5 year olds and he spends the next 20 years turning them into the best bounty hunters the world has ever seen once their training is complete and they successfully complete 10 bounties he leaves after that he begins hunting down his family not to kill them just yet but to see if they have any set patterns.

He finds Rebekah first she tends to like the most luxurious places next is Finn he likes places that remind him of home next is Elijah he likes places steeped in history and ancient tradition next is Kol he likes places where magic thrives which is really hard to locate unless you know what to look for and Niklaus he can't seem to find him anywhere but according to Finn he's put himself in exile for the death of Esther.

Which infuriates him because he can't find the bastard anywhere it's like he vanished off the face of the earth all he's gotta say about it is he better not have died or he'll find a witch bring him back and kill him himself just because he can't find Klaus doesn't mean that he has nothing to do on the contrary if he can't kill his children yet then he will become a soldier to pass the time.

Mikael has served in every war there is to keep his skills sharp and to make sure that none of his children can best him however what he doesn't know is that in each of these conflicts he's been going up against one of his children without realizing it but they were always on opposite sides of the war it drove Mikael crazy how there was always one warrior that was always able to best him in combat and if he were human kill him hundreds of times over.

So far no matter how many years pass or what war it is his enemy just keeps improving and keeps making him look like a child on the battlefield eventually Mikael gave up and went back to bounty hunting but his rival followed him doing that as well for a rival company and was always one step ahead of him and even beating him to bounties it drove Mikael insane.

Mikael still kept at it but his rival moved on after besting him on the hardest bounty of his career after that his rival became a police officer then he became a fighter in martial arts tournaments after that he disappeared Mikael never knew his name just his alias "Wendigo" in fact he's never even seen his face not once or heard him speak but he's fought him several times.

Mikael again has tried tracking down his children to no avail this time it seems that they have gotten better at hiding their tracks and they don't want to be found he's been looking for years he hears tales of them in the middle east so he goes there to check it out turns out they were here as was his rival which is strange but he'll investigate that as well as to why they were all the way out here.

It takes him years to explore all of it and to figure out their reasons for coming here he also realizes too late that they didn't stay here for more than a few years then they left it took him 400 years to figure that out as the middle east is huge bigger than Europe it takes him awhile to leave it even with vampire speed which is what they wanted to happen him being on the other side of the world.

After making it back to Europe he found a boat with their names getting tickets to Australia naturally he got on the boat and once he got there he found their scents all over the place so he tracked them down only to find that it was animals carrying clothing of theirs on them all through the country he's gotta admit it was a good plan and a nice stall tactic as it took him several years to track down the animals.

Mikael finally tracked down the last animal inside one of the pants was a letter ironically from Niklaus :


If you are reading this letter then you fell for the two stall tactics i set up for you to see if your hunting skills have improved over the years apparently they haven't because i was closeby watching you as you started to fall for these schemes of mine i have several more that i really want to try if you're up for it and you're bored i'll leave clues to each scavenger hunt that will lead you to the next location at the final location you will find us waiting for you have fun try not to die old man.


Niklaus Mikaelson 

Mikael smirked atlast he would have a challenge from a foe that would challenge him mentally so his first clue is wine capital of the world Mikael heads to Sicily,Italy when he heads to a vineyard he has a glass of wine then someone brings him a scroll rice capital of the world he heads to China then to Japan where he gets two scrolls both have different clues one is telling him to go to the curry capital of the world the other is telling him to go to the cheese capital of the world.

He goes to both instead of just one he goes to India and Switzerland he also gets two scrolls both are telling him to got to the Red sea but for different reasons he goes anyway once there he finds another scroll that takes him to another sea he keeps finding scrolls that takes him to large bodies of water or counties that he's never been to before this wild goose chase goes on for centuries if not for the change in scenery with each scroll.

He would have called it quits a long time ago however that comes to end when one day he recieves a newspaper clipping with his children in it taken in New Orleans he takes his time getting there and once there he walks through the city impressed at what they were able to achieve but he knows that it will be short lived until he learns from a person he compelled that they have been here for almost 300 years which irks him to no end so he compells the audience.

He also disrupts the play and threatens both Elijah and Niklaus while burning down the building he saves Marcel from the fire instead of letting him die then he chases his children out of the city only to be put down by Niklaus and locked away in a box in a tomb in Charlotte, North Carolina he's wrapped in chains spelled to desiccate and sleep to never be awoken again.