
The Hybrid of New Orleans

Heidelberg · TV
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

9,990 Years Ago

It was a blistering cold night in Mystic falls the Mikaelson family has just moved from Norway with their two children after losing their daughter Freya to the plague despite this Esther found out that she is expecting another son she has decided to name him Elijah however Mikael isn't happy with the news because he's still mourning the loss of his daughter and he feels like his wife is trying to replace or forget about her with new children.

This thought becomes even more cemented in his mind after a warrior friend of his is going through the same thing but his wife just keeps getting him in bed after he gets too drunk to resist her advances so they have sex and soon enough they have more kids which seems to be a pattern so in seeing this he thinks that his own wife will do the same as she is best friends with Esther.

Despite seeing the warning signs happening to his other friends he let it happen but he also became a negligent husband other than to teach the kids to survive but his love for her was waning with each kid she had because he felt like that's all she wanted him for was to make children so he became cold distant ruthless and embraced his viking ways completely instead of being nice to his wife he was cruel.

When Klaus was born he actually had hope that this child would take his side because he had the eyes of the warrior as he got older despite how much he beat his son he knew that he wanted to be just like his father so he was meaner than all of his trainers were to him growing up and just like he hoped this boy has surpassed his siblings however for some reason he can't fathom.

Just when it seems like the boy just might best me in a spar he all of a sudden becomes weaker than a newborn babe the first 1,000 times i tortured him and beat him with an inch of his life i even impaled him with my sword but he still wouldn't attack me so one night i noticed that he always wore that insipid necklace that Esther made him so i took it off of him while he slept then i hid it deep in the forest.

I left clues to it's location along with a note i even marked a trail and had his siblings as his opponents to interfere in his quest but i gave them wooden weapons only when everyone woke up i told them of my plan they liked it including Rebekah as she never got to do anything other than chores but when their mother wasn't looking Niklaus and i would train with her in fact he would beg me for days to train her.

Honestly i have to admit i'm kinda envious of how protective he is of his sister so much so that he would abandon our daily training sessions to teach her how to fish how to hunt how to process the animals like i taught him she taught him medicine how to sew clothes cook once that was done Niklaus looked around to make sure that no one was around then held his hands up.

She looked at him confused he says hit me Rebekah if you can't hit my hands then i won't bother asking father to train you like you have been begging me too Mikael was floored upon hearing that she still looks at him with a puzzled expression then asks what's this gotta do with you asking father to train me.

Klaus sighs then rubs the bridge of his nose and says it's to test your resolve obviously your good with a bow because mother has been teaching you how to shoot that's all well and good but that's killing your opponent from a safe distance a true warrior fights his enemy face to face not stalking in the shadows like a coward isn't that right father!

Mikael grimaces at being found out but acquiesces to his son when he comes out he sees a smirking Niklaus and a shocked Rebekah she looks at her brother then at her father then asks how did you know he was there Mikael says that's something i'd like to know as well Klaus says you aren't as stealthy as you think you are.

Mikael is getting irritated but calmly he asks what do you mean by that Klaus says crunching leaves broken branches not to mention that you smell like ale herbs blood and sword oil Mikael asks how do you know that because only a witch or a werewolf should be able to have that kind of enhanced senses Klaus says honestly idk but i do know that sometimes when mother does her spells my senses go haywire.

Mikael asks define haywire Klaus says that well i notice that my necklace is missing so i need to get it back or my senses and strength will continue to go up and down with out it Rbekah looks at her father with suspicion he has a similar one he gives Klaus his map and note about his test Klaus goes and does it Rebekah stays behind at her father's behest Rebekah pouts cutely.

Then asks why do i have to stick behind he laughs at her childish behavior then he gives her a serious look she understands but still pouts he chuckles then says listen it isn't that i don't think that you deserve this opportunity because i know Niklaus has been training you in throwing weapons she puts her head down then says i'm sorry father i wasn't trying to get Nik in trouble it's just that he felt that as a woman with lots of bad men.

In the world i should learn how to defend myself Mikael puts his hand on her chin lifts her head up then says i'm not mad at your brother if anything i'm proud of him for taking the time to train you she gives him a horrified shocked look then asks then why are you trying to kill him according to mother you were never rough with the others even when you punched them they never even bruised.

Mikael says proudly with no shame because i'm not raising a son i'm training my successor i couldn't careless if he loves me or hates me or even if he survives my training just that he surpasses me Rebekah is shocked to hear this then backs away from her father then asks what are the rest of us to you he says my children Nikalus is nothing to me he's completely expendable.

Rebekah can't believe what she is hearing she sees that her brothers are back and that they have heard everything but their most volatile brother is still looking for his necklace which is a blessing in disguise Finn walks up to their father hugs him then asks how would you describe him Mikael says a plague on this earth that will stretch generations and us he says you my children are blessings in disguise.

Rebekah asks what about our mother he pauses then thinks about what he learned about last year when their son Henrik died to the wolves he says depends on who i talk to but i'll have you know that every marriage has it's problems no marriage is perfect Rebekah in case you want to get married someday remember this don't treat your spouse like a baby factory or someone to be used.

Everyone nods then before he could give more advice Klaus comes back with his necklace as well with food enough to feed everyone in the village which he did he gave food to the werewolf village to the human village and now he's carrying a bag with potatoes mushrooms apples fish cheese eggs milk bread and he's carrying in his hand a baked pastry everyone looks at him like he robbed a bank.

Klaus asks what Mikael gets annoyed then asks Niklaus where did you get all of that from Klaus smiles then says i traded a bunch of fish, squirrels, rabbits, geese, ducks, deer, for this stuff in the village everyone relaxes at that and you wouldn't believe it father but i finally found my first bear that's what took so long and i finally killed it as proof Klaus chucked a bears claw and fang at Mikael who caught both with ease he can see the fresh blood on them.

Also Klaus pulls off the bears hide then walks over to Rebekah then says once father teaches me how to do it properly i'll turn this into a blanket for you dear sister then gives her a hug she leaps into his arms happily then Mikael takes the hide to do what Klaus wants which is a good idea he can't fault the boy for that one week later Klaus and Mikael finish the blanket for Rebekah and the entire family as winter was approaching in a few weeks so the boys helped hunt for more animal hides.

Soon Elijah started dating Tatia within the span of a year he had fallen in love with her Klaus thought she was beautiful but he had kept his distance because his instincts told him that she was trouble to men in general however his brother Kol was not so lucky and he watched as she played both of them like fools Mikael heard Niklaus says fools undone by a pretty face and nice pair of breasts now she has twisted you two against each other.

It's no wonder women think that they rule the world when they can get away with stunts like this one Mikael unfortunately can't help but agree with his assessment even though he hates Klaus he can't deny his intelligence and his instincts so far have served him well he knows that in two years time Klaus will be able to kill him despite Esther weakening him he found out a year ago about not only about her infidelity but about the fact that since he could walk she has been weakening the child even though he hates him.

In his mind he can't help but think which is the crueler parent him for physically torturing him or her for mentally doing it by weakening him to be beaten and tortured by his father figure Mikael knows that if Klaus ever learns the truth he'll kill his mother which will awaken the beast inside him and he's not talking about his werewolf nature he means the monstrous side of himself that Mikael has only seen glimpses of but no one else because fighting is Klaus's only outlet.

Another year passes the wolves have become restless since Mikael killed Ansel last month Esther has no choice she decides to go through with the ritual she turns her family into vampires Finn Kol Elijah Rebekah Klaus they do it Mikael however refuses to Esther is taken aback she asks why not he says i don't want to live forever besides even if i could be one it wouldn't give me anything that this life has she forces it on him before she could make him stronger than all of her children combined Mikael tricks her and as an apology aims it at Klaus.

Instead of just saying who she wanted to recieve the blessing they had to drink it so when the time came when she wasn't looking Mikael forced Klaus to do the ritual that she was going to do on Mikael when it was completed and she opened her eyes it was too late Mikael forced Klaus to follow every step of the ritual the only part he didn't do was the bonding ritual which would have made Klaus a servant/lover to Esther and completely under her control Mikael did that part not knowing what it was until it was too late.

 This ritual can also make the one who cast it take some of their partner's immortality so they don't age after everything is done Esther reveals because she has no choice that they can only be killed by the white oak tree she looks at Klaus and says for you i sense a very difficult path ahead fraught with much danger darkness and unimaginable pain , torment , untold power , and i see you dying surrounded by enemies.

Rebekah walks up to her mother slaps her then asks who's fault is that everyone is taken aback by what she said and did because Rebekah has never spoken to Esther like this before Esther chuckles but before Esther can say anything Rebekah says don't you even think for one second that this has anything to do with us becoming vampires because we just became them a day ago.

Esther is shocked that her daughter can read her so well but now that she studies her daughter's face closely and looks into her eyes she sees it yeah this has been a long time coming she just got tired of holding it in Esther asks ok how long have you been waiting to have this conversation Rebekah says 10 years Esther is shocked again that her daughter has been biting her tongue for a decade.

Mikael says so have i but i think that they need to go feed Esther gets a really worried look on her face when he mentions that he says don't worry everything will be fine however everything was not fine sometime during the night while Klaus was feeding he killed a werewolf he started changing then more wolves witnessed it and wrote down what they saw they expected a small dog not an 8 foot black thick furred muscular wolf with red streaks running through the fur sharp claws ears standing up long fangs claws on his feet long snout iridescent yellow and black eyes.

After his transformation he slaughtered everything in his path they called him in their tongue the 'Demon Wolf' or 'Hound of Hell' it took them an hour to put him to sleep after that his family found him the next morning shocked at his transformation it was a werewolf but something else the next night Esther decided that it was too dangerous to let things lie so she locked his werewolf side away and put him through seven days and nights of the most agonizing torture he's ever endured.

It felt like every inch of him was constantly being ripped apart and being put back together when it was finished he didn't move for a month not that anyone could blame him once he was able to move he took off his necklace he grabbed his sword then snuck out before anybody knew he was gone he made sure that they were asleep then he made sure to hide his trail by making others also he used things to make his scent appear on other trails to confuse them.

he did this for several days so he wouldn't be tracked whether by his new vampire family or by humans he was extra paranoid it was a month before he finally quit being so paranoid and he was at the docks he had bought passage to Europe while this was going on his family discovered he was gone and has been trying to track him down they have no luck until Rebekah tells them that he always wanted to see the world so they head to the docks and see him pay for passage on a boat then leave.

Klaus hears his name he asks when does this boat leave the guy says tomorrow Klaus says that's fine i'll be back by then he nods Klaus turns around then walks toward his family he asks is there something wrong Rebekah slaps him then pouts cutely and says we were supposed to leave together it was our dream Klaus says don't worry i had enough money for ten tickets i can just pay the guy so more of you can come but i'm not going with you two.

Finn says i'm not going either i'm staying with them to finish my training Rebekah's eyes sparkle at hearing that she then turns to Klaus with a hopeful expression that he remembers all too well then she asks will you finish my training as well Niklaus Elijah Finn and Kol snort in derision then say as if he could teach you anything he's the weakest among us always been always will be she defends Klaus at least she tries before Finn and Elijah smack her around for talking back to her older brothers.

Mikael Esther and Rebekah notice that Klaus isn't wearing his necklace which is bad but also that he's starting to get angry Kol catches it too as their beating gets worse and worse sensing the bomb that's about to go off Mikael drags everyone to the woods away from prying eyes and Esther puts up a barrier so no human can enter see or hear what's about to happen.

After the precautions are in place and Kol is for the first time in his life afraid of his brother in fact even Mikael is afraid of Klaus right now it's taking all of the vampire strength they have to hold him back Esther says let him go you two it's time that these two learned what he's really capable of Mikael asks are you sure that you wanna do that she says if anything our daughter will calm him down.

Klaus doesn't say anything he just rushes towards Finn and Elijah before they can even blink they are launched off of Rebekah then they are being beaten within an inch of their lives and thrown around like rag dolls bones breaking and healing constantly Kol already got Rebekah out of the way then once she recovered she watched in shock as her brother destroyed the two who were beating on her.

The beating went on for an hour and Klaus wasn't stopping in fact he was getting worse and worse as it went on the bystanders were getting worried until Rebekah started walking towards Klaus when he was taking a breather the others tried to stop Rebekah but she just walked up to her brother hugged him looked him in the eyes then whispered stuff into his ear so they wouldn't know what she said after that he passed out in her arms.

Esther asks what did you say to stop him Rebekah says i'm not saying besides you only want to know so you can have an attack dog to do whatever you want isn't that what the bonding ritual was for that father did with you Esther blushes at being caught Mikael gets angry and asks what bonding ritual so Rebekah explains everything it does including how it can make him have kids again if she so chooses.

Esther sends a copy of the bonding ritual to her sister Dahlia who smirks at what her sister has managed to accomplish with her viking husband also she finds the prospect of a vampire mate intriguing she uses magic to keep herself young and beautiful for all time just like Esther did also she will do the same for freya when she reaches the right age and she won't take anymore first born children now she can have one of her own however she isn't sure on who she wants to be with.

They head back to their house and Esther says listen if you want to survive in this world you have to continue wearing your necklace she tries using a persuasion spell mixed with a hypnosis spell which is working until Rebekah snaps him out of it by saying don't listen to her never listen to her only listen to me she didn't mean to make it come out as a seductive purr or use a seduction spell on Klaus but she did and his eyes were drawn to Rebekah's ready to listen to whatever she said.

Rebekah smirked then focused the energy of all the magic at him when she hugged him and whispers in his ear she's trying to make you weak Niklaus she's trying to keep us apart she's going to hurt me if you don't stop her if you do i'll give you a reward he just nods then she sees that he needs one more push to always obey her in all things she says mother knew who your real father was all along it's why father tortured you it's why she locked away your wolf side.

Esther was trying to stop Rebekah from poisoning Klaus's mind into hating her but more than that into thinking that she would give him the time of day as a lover when clearly she was toying with his mind and she was enjoying it the further it went the more obvious it became that she just kept seducing Klaus and telling him half truths and twisting his mind until he was boiling with rage in Rebekah's head she thinks to herself just one more push.

 I'll own the strongest creature in the world and the only thing that i'll owe him is maybe a hug or a kiss she smirks to herself in triumph until Mikael says to her that listen Rebekah despite what you think you know about your brother you know nothing if you think that some hugging some sexy talk some rubbing a hug a kiss on the cheek and you whispering in his ear is going to break him then obviously you underestimate him.

Rebekah says maybe so but what he craves above all else is love and Esther says you won't give it to him you'll be his sibling yes but not his lover despite how well you're seducing him it won't work Rebekah says i know it won't besides all i did was make him think of me as a lover instead of a sister and besides that's not what i was putting in his head for or what his reward would be for if he followed my orders.

Mikael asks what reward would you give him freedom from this family and if he so desired a night with me but what he doesn't know is that the night he finally does so is when the bonding ritual will activate only on him not on anyone else also everything he has ever learned will be mine as well they asks why did you do this she said i didn't do this she did when she learned that i could keep him calm.

Everyone looks at Esther who gives a guilty expression and says she speaks the truth even the spells being cast except for one are a result of a design so Rebekah would always be able to control him Mikael asks why would you put those thoughts in your own daughters head that you must at some point develop a relationship with your brother if you want kids Esther says because like you i really can't stand Niklaus especially after Ansel was killed.

Mikael is shocked that Klaus is being blamed for something that he did the only one who knows the truth is Rebekah who asks why would Niklaus kill someone he has never met before except for last night but Ansel was alive after he passed out from being subdued by the other wolves in fact he still doesn't know that he's the product of your infidelity she said that by whispering in Esther's ear Esther looked at her daughter shocked before she could ask how everyone still noticed Klaus in a trance.

Smirking she walks up to him brings him to her then whispers in his ear so none can hear then says these words that will forever become locked away in his mind " very few women in your life will actually love you for who you are or what you are most will try to use you the reason is because of your parents were always trying to make your life miserable but i won't when every other woman hurts you or betrays you come to me and i'll fulfill all of your wildest dreams and now our parents are trying kill us you have to stop them or they'll kill me do so and i'll give you your reward"

Esther during this time is starting to realize that she has made a mistake in turning her children into vampires as well as her husband despite the fact that she wants another child his hunger is becoming a problem before she can do anything she sees Rebekah kissing Klaus on the lips then snapping her fingers then her son gets this dark murderous look in his eyes before she can stop him he's already feeding on her draining her dry after that he breaks her neck then stops as the magic in Esther's blood is working on clearing out most of the things Rebekah did to manipulate him the only thing left are those last words she whispered to him.

Mikael is a little mad that Niklaus killed Esther but he realizes that he wasn't even in his own head when he did so he walks up to Rebekah grabs her by the throat holds her up by it looks her in the eyes with venom smirks at her and says congratulations Rebekah you have now joined your mother and i in tormenting the bastard Klaus is hearing all of this he says you may have thought that your looks and with the help of the siphoning magic that you seem to have even as a vampire that you could combine three really dangerous and potent spells.

So that Niklaus would do whatever you wanted we all saw how you began to love the rush of power it was giving you to twist and warp his mind until he was your plaything at least when Esther mentally tortured him he had his free will and she never forced him to kill anyone before but i can tell that strange as it is you really do love your brother which is why i'm willing to wait for Niklaus to recover it's also why i went back and paid off that boat captain.

Rebekah asks what are you saying he says i'm giving you a head start after that i'm going to be hunting you down and ending you all just like Esther was about to do those that stand with me survives those that don't dies before anything can be said Elijah and Finn stand right beside Mikael Rebekah and Kol look shocked at this but Klaus who's mind is getting clearer and clearer isn't that surprised Mikael looks at Klaus and can see that his mind isn't all the way back but by grabbing his face and looking into his eyes he can tell that one week should be enough.

Five days passes Klaus's mind is mostly back to normal there's still somethings that haven't gone away but Mikael has been giving Klaus herbs everyday and at the end of today his mind will be perfectly back to how it used to be except for an annoying vision that he can't get rid of but he just takes the herbs eats then goes to sleep when he wakes up the next day he walks outside to see what looks like his family divided into two halves one on Mikael's side and on the other is Rebekah's side.

Everyone is shocked to see him up a day early but Mikael had to Threaten Rebekah to tell him about the Merlock Orchid so it could speed up his recovery time Klaus looks at everyone sighs then asks what fresh hell is this Mikael explains everything that happened including how Esther was going to try to turn him into a slave after seeing his strength but Rebekah hijacked the spell and used it on him instead then had him kill Esther before he can say anymore Rebekah steps in.

Rebekah explains how yes she is sorry about how she did that spell and manipulated his mind but they are worse they tortured you for years worse still you're not his son Esther hid it from you it's why you're a wolf and we aren't also Mikael killed the man who was your birth father and Esther died thinking that you did it Klaus can clearly see that they are telling him the truth but it's odd that they are doing it now of all days.

He looks around at his other siblings Elijah looks hopeful that he'll join them Finn is looking at him with disgust scorn and hatred Kol is looking at him the same way Elijah is only with worry in his eyes as if he knows something that he doesn't before anyone else can say anything Klaus asks isn't it awfully convenient that you two just happen to have this much ammunition and knowledge ready to use it on today of all days when this could have been used years ago not the spell part but the rest of it.

They look kinda ashamed at each other before they can speak again Klaus walks up to Finn then says speak i don't have all day so say why i'm suddenly the monster in your story when you were always the third monster in mine Finn is taken aback at that statement not realizing at how much he tormented his brother for no other reason than losing a spar to Mikael their strongest warrior he says you killed our mother Klaus says no i didn't she must be gathering herbs for her spells like usual.

Finn can see that he truly doesn't remember so he won't bring it up to him again after this revelation he looks at Elijah pulls him aside away from everyone else Elijah asks what's wrong brother Finn says Niklaus doesn't remember killing mother which means that he can still be saved as long as you keep him away from that traitorous witch Rebekah make sure that he never succumbs to her charms again Elijah asks how am i supposed to do that he says easy ply him with other women to keep him distracted and put other men in her path as long as they never get together those two can never have kids unless Niklaus beds a another Doppelganger.

Lastly Elijah just enjoy yourself i'm not staying with father i'm going out on my own do try to keep a low profile Elijah nods they go back to everyone Finn says change of plans i'm going out on my own Elijah is going with you and depending on what Niklaus decides we should meet up once every 100 to 300 years at a random time and place Klaus says you all can do what you want but i'm going out on my own as well and by the way Mikael if you so much as even plan to lay a hand on my siblings family or no family i'll kill you here and now i'm not going to wait around for you to become stronger than me.

Mikael is taken aback because that was his plan but he counters by grabbing Rebekah by the throat and says if you don't let me go now i'll rip her head off boy Klaus growls then says run fast and far old man and hope that our paths never cross again because if they do i'll destroy everything and everyone that you love and only when you are begging for death will i deny you the sweet release of it because a quick death is too good for you you deserve a slow and painful death that will be talked about until the oceans have run dry and the deserts have turned into water.

Mikael runs then Klaus burns every white oak tree he can find he studies Esther's herb book and travels all over the United States destroying every white oak tree in existence several remain in Europe and all over the world but after that once he was sure that his family is gone Klaus grabs his mother's grimoires all of her books he actually finds her body preserves it with a spell with the help of a witch for the first time he enhances a spell then puts her coffin in a cave that no one but him can enter along with her books and magic supplies then leaves everything behind he grabs a compass his sword wears his warrior's tunic then gets aboard the ship and heads to Europe.