

Kane is an hybrid, he's the alpha king. He's half vampire and half were wolf. Kane had lost his first mate, she was killed by one of his rivals. Afterwards he became ruthless and cold towards his pack members. The only person he showed love to, is his three year old daughter. Amanda. He has no choice but to find a mother figure for his child, so he marries Ariana, an alpha's daughter. Ariana is human. Her father is an alpha but Ariana has no idea that her family are werewolves. Her father forces her to marry Kane in order to save his other children from kane's clutches. Ariana agrees to the marriage. She has no idea who and what she's getting married to. I'm only doing this for the sake of my daughter, she needs a mother's love. That's the reason I chose to marry Andrew's daughter. I know nobody will ever replace her mother's place. I suddenly get this amazing scent of lavender and an hint of honey. I start to scan the place to search from where the scent is coming from.The scent is coming from the girl that I'm going to marry. As she walks down the isle, the smell starts to get stronger. How is this possible?. The moon goddess has given me a second chance mate. I have no interest in her, it doesn't matter if she's my mate or not. I'm going to do what I have to. This is another reason why I wanted to marry her, I'm going to make her life a living hell, she's going to wish she had never been born, becouse of what her father did to my mate.

Kara758 · Fantasy
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29 Chs



I was busy training my warriors when my beta, Adrian informed me that Andrew is here to see me.

What does he want Adrian?. I ask him over the mind link.

He says that he's here to claim back his pack. my beta tells me and then ends the link.

What kind of Alpha leaves his pack and lives elsewhere. for all, I know he isn't getting his pack back.

I head to my bedroom at the packhouse to have a quick shower and change. once I'm done I go to my office which is on the first floor. I open the door to see Andrew and his mate seated in the room. They both bow to me.

Why are you here, Andrew?.

Alpha king, I've come to claim my pack which you took away from me.

Andrew as far as I know, you aren't fit to be an alpha. No alpha leaves his pack unattended. I've handed the pack over to someone more responsible unlike you.

You can't do that!. you have no right. Andrew yells.

in fact, I have all the rights have you forgotten who you are speaking to?.

Sorry, Alpha king. I apologize for speaking to you that way. Please give me back my pack, I'll be a better Alpha this time.

Adrian, please escort Andrew and his mate out from here. I don't have time for this. I say as I walk out of my office.

Yes, alpha.

I'm on my way to the nursery to check on my baby Amanda. I open the door and walk in, she's fast asleep in her crib. I leave from there and go check on the patrollers at the border of my pack.

Later that day.

i'm in my office getting some paperwork done. my cousin Emily barges in.

Don't you have any manners, Emily?.

you very well know I don't have any.

So what brings you here suddenly?. I've heard you found your mate? .

Yes, I have. He's a beta of the Blue Moon pack.

He is such a sweetheart. She brags about her mate. I roll my eyes at her.

Anyways I came to tell you something since you're the alpha king.

I stop my work and look at her. What is it?. I ask in a serious tone.

There's a werewolf family that's living in the human town.

Do you know who they are?.

yeah, well my friend from campus is human but i'm not exactly sure. The rest of her family are werewolves.

Werewolves are a danger to humans, they cannot stay together. wolf's need to stay in a pack if they don't, they tend to lose control of their minds, they become feral, they then are classed as rogues.

I have a photo of her and her mother, I somehow managed to get a snap of them together, while they weren't looking.

She hands me her phone. I stare at the picture

The older woman looks familiar. it then clicks, She's Andrew's mate. I then stare at the girl something draws me to her, her eyes are captivating.

Thank you Emily for the info. I know who exactly this is, I'll take it from here.

You're welcome alpha. She says as she wakes up to leave.

Emily. Do you have more photos of this human girl?.

Why?. are you interested in her?. I glare at Emily.

Yes, I do. Anyways she's already taken so don't bother trying. Emily adds.

I'll send you the rest later, I'm going to check on Amanda.

She leaves my office. My beta mind links me.

What is it now, Adrian?.

Andrew's daughter and son are here to see you Alpha.

Fine bring them up to my office, I will deal with them.

Sure, Alpha. he says and cuts the link. A minute later, Adrian walks into my office with Andrew's children in tow.

How can I help you?. I ask the two of them.

Alpha king, where here to ask you to give back our pack to us. My father had struggled really hard to make that pack what it is today. The girl speaks.

I fold my arms and glance between the two of them. I'm about to say something but stop when I see Amanda giggling and running to me with Emily right behind her. Amanda jumps into my arms.

weren't you supposed to be in bed?.

I don't want to sleep, I want to play. Amanda pouts. It's fine Emily you can leave. She nods and leaves but stares at Andrew's daughter.

She perhaps knows her.

Alpha king, We are waiting for an answer, We don't have all day. The girl speaks again.

Yeah, you better not refuse us cause we now know your weakness. The boy threatens. Within seconds. My beta hoists him into the air.

Let him go, take Amanda to her room, and send in two guards. I instruct Adrian. He leaves the boy down. And takes Amanda away.

When Adrian leaves the room, I grab the mutt by his throat. You threatened to harm my daughter for that you both are going to pay.

Take them to the dungeon and have them chained with sliver.

Yes, Alpha. The guards say in unison.

I dial Andrew's number. The phone rings for a few seconds, he then picks up.

Alpha king, what can I do for you?.

I assume you know about your children coming to me?.

No, Alpha, I have no idea that they came to you.

Well, I have them in the dungeon.

He gasps loudly over the phone. please don't harm them Alpha.

Fine, see me in the morning. I end the call immediately before he can say anything further.

It's been a long day so I head to Amanda's room to spend some time with her. I can hear hear her playing with Emily from outside the door. As soon as I open the door she holds onto my legs.

Dad are you here to play with me?.

No, i'm here to put you to bed. She sulks. Fine, will you read me a story?.

Yes. I carry her and tuck her into bed. I then read her a story, she soon falls asleep. I peck her on her forehead. Goodnight angel I whisper to her.

I go back to my office, I can't seem to stop getting Andrew's daughter out of my mind. Emily has sent me more photos of her, I'm now staring at her picture.

A wicked smile forms on my lips. I know exactly how to make him pay for what he has done.