

Kane is an hybrid, he's the alpha king. He's half vampire and half were wolf. Kane had lost his first mate, she was killed by one of his rivals. Afterwards he became ruthless and cold towards his pack members. The only person he showed love to, is his three year old daughter. Amanda. He has no choice but to find a mother figure for his child, so he marries Ariana, an alpha's daughter. Ariana is human. Her father is an alpha but Ariana has no idea that her family are werewolves. Her father forces her to marry Kane in order to save his other children from kane's clutches. Ariana agrees to the marriage. She has no idea who and what she's getting married to. I'm only doing this for the sake of my daughter, she needs a mother's love. That's the reason I chose to marry Andrew's daughter. I know nobody will ever replace her mother's place. I suddenly get this amazing scent of lavender and an hint of honey. I start to scan the place to search from where the scent is coming from.The scent is coming from the girl that I'm going to marry. As she walks down the isle, the smell starts to get stronger. How is this possible?. The moon goddess has given me a second chance mate. I have no interest in her, it doesn't matter if she's my mate or not. I'm going to do what I have to. This is another reason why I wanted to marry her, I'm going to make her life a living hell, she's going to wish she had never been born, becouse of what her father did to my mate.

Kara758 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


I'm telling my mom how I met Mason at the club and that we have so many things in common. she insists on meeting him after she gets back from her trip.

Anna, I'm going to get ready, well be leaving in an hour.

alright go ahead, I also need to get ready mason will be here shortly.

Anna we're leaving, my mom yells outside of my door. I'll be there in a second. I shout. I'm in the shower. I quickly wrap myself with a towel and open the door for her to come inside. she hugs me and peck's my forehead. if anything happens please don't hesitate to call me and if you ever need anything I've kept some money for you, it's in my room. please take care of yourself and try not to work too hard. I'm going to miss you, Anna.

I'm going to miss you too mom. we both start to tear up. I'll have to get going otherwise we will be late for our flight. I'll see you soon sweetheart.

I'm waiting for mason to arrive, he said he will be a little late cause he had to take care of something at home.

My phone buzzes. He sent me a text saying that he's waiting at my door. I quickly run down the stairs and open the door.

Hi Mason. Hey gorgeous, are you ready to go?. Yeah, let me just get my bag.

Twenty minutes later, we arrive at an expensive five-star hotel. so what would you like to have?. Mason asks as he glances at the menu.

I'd like to order a chicken salad. I'm not that hungry, my mom had made sure to feed me before she had left. you seem to have a good relationship with your parents?.

well actually my mom only, my dad hates my guts. I'm not exactly sure why, ever since I was a kid he always treated me differently from my other two siblings.

I'm sorry to hear that. I sometimes wish my parents were still alive. They both died in a car accident, a year ago.

That's awful. It must be hard without them. I don't know what I will do if anything has to happen to my mom.

Trust me it is, I have a younger sister. She's going to turn sixteen in a week. it sometimes gets difficult with her, She has taken it hard when our parents died. I wish my mom was still around, my sister needs her the most at this moment.

I hold his hand. I'm sure things will get better as time goes on. you just need to be there for her, you're the only one that she has left.

Thank you, Anna. That's sweet of you. We both stare at each other for a minute. I quickly look away.

just then the food arrives, I start to dig in and so does Mason.

when we finished having lunch. We go to the movies. We're going to watch a horror movie. I'm not a fan of horror movies, I'm not sure why I even chose to watch it. From the corner of my eyes, I can see Mason staring at me.

I turn and glance at him. Why are you staring at me like that instead of the movie?.

it isn't interesting at all, but you are. Anna I would like for us to be in a relationship. I'm starting to like you.

I start to blush. He likes me. I like him too but I'd rather not tell him that now, let's see how far this goes.

I would like that to Mason but we have to take it one step at a time as I said to you before I was never in a relationship.

I'm fine with that Anna. I'm glad you accepted. I was nervous and afraid to ask you since it was a bit too soon. I promise I'll never hurt you in any way Anna.

Thank you for being understanding Mason. you're welcome. Do you want to go someplace else?. Cause I've noticed you don't seem to be enjoying the movie.

To be honest it's boring and I hate watching horror movies.

Then why did you choose it?. I had assumed you liked it, that's why I had chosen it. I reply to him.

No, I also don't watch them. We have another thing in common. we're so much alike Anna.


Since the day my mate rejected me, I've always been miserable. I had lost hope in finding love but after meeting Ariana everything changed. She's such an angel, she's innocent she has no idea who I am. when I had met her at the club something drew me to her.

I've decided to take her as a chosen mate and make her my luna of the Blue Moon pack. I can't tell her what I am now, I'm afraid if I do what in case she refuses to be with me. I think I'm falling in love with her.

She's amazing, why didn't the moon goddess give her to me as my mate instead of that whore. She refused to be my mate because I was an alpha of a small pack. I'm not like the other Alpha's that only believe in power. I run my pack very differently. I don't instill fear in my pack, I treat everyone the same.

we've spent most of the day together, it's quite late. I'm dropping Anna at her home now. we arrive at her place. I get out of my car and open the door for her.

Thank you. she mumbles.

I leave her right at her door. Goodnight Anna, see you again tomorrow.

Goodnight Mason. I had a great time with you today.

I pull her in for a hug and kiss her forehead.

I'll call you when I get home. She gets inside and I leave. As soon as I reach home, I call Anna. We talk for hours over the phone. She ends up sleeping while talking to me. I end the call so that she can sleep.

I can't wait to see her again tomorrow. I fall asleep thinking about Anna.