

Kane is an hybrid, he's the alpha king. He's half vampire and half were wolf. Kane had lost his first mate, she was killed by one of his rivals. Afterwards he became ruthless and cold towards his pack members. The only person he showed love to, is his three year old daughter. Amanda. He has no choice but to find a mother figure for his child, so he marries Ariana, an alpha's daughter. Ariana is human. Her father is an alpha but Ariana has no idea that her family are werewolves. Her father forces her to marry Kane in order to save his other children from kane's clutches. Ariana agrees to the marriage. She has no idea who and what she's getting married to. I'm only doing this for the sake of my daughter, she needs a mother's love. That's the reason I chose to marry Andrew's daughter. I know nobody will ever replace her mother's place. I suddenly get this amazing scent of lavender and an hint of honey. I start to scan the place to search from where the scent is coming from.The scent is coming from the girl that I'm going to marry. As she walks down the isle, the smell starts to get stronger. How is this possible?. The moon goddess has given me a second chance mate. I have no interest in her, it doesn't matter if she's my mate or not. I'm going to do what I have to. This is another reason why I wanted to marry her, I'm going to make her life a living hell, she's going to wish she had never been born, becouse of what her father did to my mate.

Kara758 · Fantasy
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29 Chs



Who would come see me this part of the time. I haven't made any friends in campus. Oh wait a minute Emily, what does she want and how does she know where I live. I say to myself.

What's the matter Anna?.

You know the girl from campus that I told you

about, she's here.

Then bring her in, why are you letting her wait outside.

Okay. I mumble. I open the door for Emily, she grins at me. Hi Anna. I came to ask if you would like to go out?.

You mean now?. I ask.

Yeah, I'm going to a club it's not far from here.

You might be Emily, Anna has told me about you. It's good to meet you. My mom tells Emily as she shakes her hand.

It's a pleasure to meet you to Mrs. Emily halts not knowing what my last name is.

call me Katherine. My mom informs Emily.

Where is my manners, please come in Emily.

Can I get you anything to drink?. No thanks. she replies to my mom.

So are you going to come or not Anna?.

Where are you two going?. My mom inquires

Emily wants me to come with her to a club not far from here.

I'm assuming you want my permission to go?.

Well I'm not in the mood to party right now, so I was thinking of declining the invitation. Don't be silly Anna, I told you that you need to live a little. Go on and enjoy yourself.

Fine. I groan. Emily let's go to my room, I'm not sure what to use.

Emily has chosen a short strapless black dress with black heels. She had curled my hair and applied make up onto my face. I'm now staring into the mirror, the person I'm staring at isn't me, I look totally different.

You're looking hot. Tonight you're going to the center of attention. Emily compliments me.

Thank you Emily. Can we please go now becouse it's getting late.

Relax, your mom is fine with you going out, so there's no reason for you to rush. We have all night to party.

I roll my eyes at here. It's only been one week and I'm grown so close to her. it's like we've been best friends since we were kids.

Fine, let's go. My boyfriend sent me a text saying he's going to be there shortly with some of his friends.

I'm going to inform my mom that we're leaving.

Okay, I'll see you in the car soon. I nod my head.

I stride into the living room, where my mom is watching TV. Mom I'm leaving. She turns around and stares at me.

Anna, you look stunning, I think you need to start dressing more like this. Mom you know I hate dressing this way. I say as I roll my eyes.

My mom snorts. Whatever Anna. Send me a text when you reach there but I know you're safe. Enjoy yourself sweetheart. She pecks me on my cheek.

Goodbye mom, see you later. I yell as I walk outside to Emily's car. My mom waves her hand and I do the same.

I get inside of the car and put on my seat belt.

Your mom is really cool Anna, I wish my mom was like that.

What's your mom like?. Don't even ask, she's a living nightmare. She has no idea where I am, she assumes I'm at my sister's place. My mom is strict with me since I'm the youngest out of four kids. Speak of the devil. Emily shows me her phone, her mom is calling her Right now.

Emily stops the car and speaks to her mom over the phone, While I think about what's going to happen tonight, I hate going out cause people think I'm weird.

It's the first time I'm going out. I hope nobody ridicules me or laughs at me tonight.

We arrive at the club, it took us twenty minutes to get here. I'm nervous and scared. Emily gets out and I do the same. I walk beside her. There's two guards stationed at the door. Emily greets the two of them and introduces me. They let us in.

Do you know those guys?.

Yes, they are very good friends of my brother.

The place is filled with lots of young people. The music is loud and my head is going to start pounding by the noise.

Come on Anna, let's get you something to drink.

I don't drink alcohol just so you know.

Loosen up Anna, you're here to have fun. You only get to live once. Emily states.

Emily greets the bartender, he's a tall blonde. he and Emily seem to have the same features.

Anna meet my twin brother, Michael.

HI there, I'm Anna. I say to her brother.

I know, I've heard a lot about Anna. So what can I get you girls to drink?.

I'll have some water. Anna. Emily screeches.

What?. Nothing. Michael get Anna her water and get me my regular.

Sure, coming right up. He responds.

I sit on the stool and glance around the club. I must say there's a lot of attractive guys in here.

Michael hands is our drinks. I mumble out a thank you to him. You're welcome Anna. He says with a wink and gets back to his work.

I take a sip of my water, it tastes different.

Is there something wrong?.

No, I'm fine. I assure Emily.

I've drank two glasses of water, I'm now having my third. Whatever Michael had put in here surely tastes good.

My boyfriend is here, let's go see him. Emily pulls my hand and drags me along with her to the entrance of the club. A tall dark haired guy is standing by the door, he waves to Emily. Her boyfriend is quiet attractive.

Anna this here is my boyfriend, Nicholas. Hey there. I say to him. It's nice to finally meet you Ariana.

Same here Nicholas.

The three of us order more drinks. Guys have you forgotten about me?. A gruff voice calls out behind us.

I spin around and to see the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen before. He's just a little taller than me, he has sky blue eyes and jet black hair that's short and styled.

Mason, sorry I was in a hurry to meet Emily. Nicholas apologizes to the "gorgeous guy".

The guy stares at me. Mason this here is Emily's new friend. Nicholas tells Mason.

Mason takes my hand and gently kisses the back of it without taking his eyes of off me. A blush forms on my cheek. I'm probably red as a tomato now. You're absolutely beautiful Ariana and it's such a pleasure meeting you.

Thank you. I squeek out.

Anna. Me and Nicholas are going outside, I'll be back soon.

I nod my head. Mason is still staring at me.

I'm starting to get nervous, I've never been with a guy before, so I'm not sure what to exactly do or say.

Do you want to go for a walk?. Don't be afraid I won't hurt you, I'm not that type.

Yeah, it's kinda stuffy in here to. I reply. He takes my hand and leads the way out.

We come out of the club and walk to the car park. Do you like ice cream?. Mason asks me with a smile forming on his lips.

Of course, who doesn't.

Let's go then. He opens the door for me to get in. Mason starts the car and takes off. We stop at my favorite ice cream parlor.

This is my favorite place, I come here after campus. They sell the best ice cream. Do you also come here often?.

Yes, in fact I do. whenever I feel unhappy. I guess we have one thing in common.

Ariana, i'd like to get to know you better.

I know it's too soon but would you like to go out with me tomorrow?.

I'm stunned, I never expected a guy to ask me out tonight. I assumed I was going to get humiliated and bullied. I'm not even sure weather to go or not with him, but he seems to be a good guy not one of those creeps.

yeah, i'd like that too but there is something you must know. I've never dated a guy before,

That isn't a problem. I'm very much interested in you Ariana.

We spend half the night getting to know each other. I only get home at 3 in the morning.

Mason drops me home. I'll fetch you at 10 am. I would like to spend the entire day with you, if that's okay with you?.

yeah, I'm okay with it. goodbye Mason.I'll see you in the morning. Bye Anna. see you soon.

I knock on the door, my mom opens it for me.

she isn't angry that I came home so late.

I take it you had a good time. yeah I did in fact I had an amazing time. I'm so happy mom, I met a guy. He's sweet and gorgeous. I'm going out with him tomorrow if that's okay with you?.

I'm fine with it Anna,I'm glad that you're finally meeting new people. so are you going to tell me more about this gut that you have met?.

yes mom but not right now, I'm tired and sleepy. I'll tell you everything that happened, when I wake up in the morning.