

Kane is an hybrid, he's the alpha king. He's half vampire and half were wolf. Kane had lost his first mate, she was killed by one of his rivals. Afterwards he became ruthless and cold towards his pack members. The only person he showed love to, is his three year old daughter. Amanda. He has no choice but to find a mother figure for his child, so he marries Ariana, an alpha's daughter. Ariana is human. Her father is an alpha but Ariana has no idea that her family are werewolves. Her father forces her to marry Kane in order to save his other children from kane's clutches. Ariana agrees to the marriage. She has no idea who and what she's getting married to. I'm only doing this for the sake of my daughter, she needs a mother's love. That's the reason I chose to marry Andrew's daughter. I know nobody will ever replace her mother's place. I suddenly get this amazing scent of lavender and an hint of honey. I start to scan the place to search from where the scent is coming from.The scent is coming from the girl that I'm going to marry. As she walks down the isle, the smell starts to get stronger. How is this possible?. The moon goddess has given me a second chance mate. I have no interest in her, it doesn't matter if she's my mate or not. I'm going to do what I have to. This is another reason why I wanted to marry her, I'm going to make her life a living hell, she's going to wish she had never been born, becouse of what her father did to my mate.

Kara758 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


I'll be there shortly. I inform Adrian.

I'm sorry Ariana, I never meant to scare you.

What happened? You look furious

I sigh and get off the bed. Adrian found Nicole dead in her cell this morning.

OH, That's awful.

She deserved to die by my hands not by someone elses.

Why would you say something like that?.

Nicole was working with Andrew, she came back to destroy my life and hurt Amanda and you also.

I guess she deserved it then.

Yeah well, I have to go now but I'll be back later. I'll send Emilia and Amanda to keep you company.

Okay. I mumble.

I love you Ariana, I tell her as I give her a kiss on her lips.

Me too. She replies.

When I reach the dungeons, I walk to Nicole's cell. She's laying on the floor with her throat slit.

Where are the guards that were stationed here?. I ask Adrian.

Alpha, nobody was here when it happened.

So you're telling me this is the second time this person had gotten away, first they helped Andrew and his children escape and secondly this happened, I point to Nicole's body.

I want a have a meeting with all the guards and including the warriors.

I wasunter up the stairs to the boardroom which is on the third floor.

I take my seat at the head of the table and wait for them to arrive.

I mindlinked Emilia, to ask her how's Ariana and Amanda.

A minute later everyone enters. They take their seats while I stand up and address them.

What the hell is going on here?. Is anyone not following any of my orders?. I bellow.

They flinch and bow their heads.

How is this possible that this had occurred the second time without anyone seeing a damn thing?.

Who where the people that were on patrol this morning, when the murder happened?.

Nobody seems to be speaking up, everyone's just staring at me, like they've seen a ghost.

I slam my fist onto the table, they all recoil in fear.

Are you telling me that non of you were patrolling the borders this morning? I yell at the top of my voice.

I watch as a young boy stands up to speak.

Alpha, we were told not to patrol since everything is now settled down.

What? what do you mean settled?.

Who exactly told you not to do so?.

Luna Nicole, One of the warriors say.

When did she become your Luna?. And did I tell anyone of you that she's going to be your Luna huh?.

No Alpha. He answers with his head bowed down.

In future, I say as I point a finger at them, you all will take orders only from me and not anyone else, do I make myself clear?.

Yes Alpha. They all say in unison.

Get the hell out of here and get to your stations.

Everyone immediately scrambles out of the room.

I pull out the chair and throw myself on it. I sigh deeply.

Andrew is really starting to get on my nerves again, he wants me to lose my pack and position as king. I would never let that happen, I'm going to find him before he plans his next step.


Emilia and Amanda had just left a minute ago to let me have some sleep.

I insisted that they must stay with me but Emilia said that kane will be here shortly.

I feel so drowsy and weak with all the medication that the doctor had just given me.

The doctor said that tomorrow I will be discharged, I can't wait to get out of this damn place.

My eyes was about to close, when kane just walks in, looking very mad and irratated.

I take it things didn't go too well at the meeting.

He raises a brow at me, how did you know?.

Emilia told me.

Oh alright. So are you feeling any better?.

I wish everyone could stop asking me that I groan.

He comes closer to me and holds my hand, I care about you Ariana.

You do?.

Absolutely. You are important to me, you would never realize it.

Why?. Cause I'm human and not a werewolf like you?.

Ariana, I never meant it that way, you are my world, I would do anything to keep you happy and safe.

Don't you think it's a bit too soon to say all of that?.

No it isn't. Ariana there's another important matter I haven't told you about.

What is it that you want to tell me?.

Ariana, whenever a wolf meets its mate, they both mark each other to state that they're taken and cannot be with anyone else but their mates.

Once you mark your mate there's no going back, the bond between mates are sacred.

Ariana, while you were hurt I marked you. He exclaims.

I did that to save you, it was the only way to bring you back. I'm sorry I did it without asking you.

It's fine, I'm not mad at you, You did it for a good reason.

Where is the mark?.

It's over here,between the shoulder and neck. He touches the mark, making me gasp loudly.

I look at him embarrassed. He chuckles at me.

Now that I've marked you our bond is much stronger but we still have to complete the bond by mating.

My cheeks turns pink mentioning about that again.

We will do that when you're ready in your own time to take over as the new Luna queen.

Queen?. What do you mean queen? I shoot him a confused look.

Since you don't know, I'm the werewolf king, basically I rule over the entire werewolf race.

Wow, that's quiet of a huge responsibility.

Yeah, it is when you don't have a mate by your side, things start to get difficult. He says with a crestfallen look on his face.

Anyways now that you're here, I'm quiet certain you will do an excellent job as the new Luna. The pack will most definitely adore you.

What is a Luna exactly?.

A Luna is another term for the alpha female in the pack, which is the counterpart of the alpha male. A Luna is basically like a mother figure towards her pack, she supports her mate as well as her pack in times of need.

I don't think I could do it, I'm not quiet fit for that roll.