

Kane is an hybrid, he's the alpha king. He's half vampire and half were wolf. Kane had lost his first mate, she was killed by one of his rivals. Afterwards he became ruthless and cold towards his pack members. The only person he showed love to, is his three year old daughter. Amanda. He has no choice but to find a mother figure for his child, so he marries Ariana, an alpha's daughter. Ariana is human. Her father is an alpha but Ariana has no idea that her family are werewolves. Her father forces her to marry Kane in order to save his other children from kane's clutches. Ariana agrees to the marriage. She has no idea who and what she's getting married to. I'm only doing this for the sake of my daughter, she needs a mother's love. That's the reason I chose to marry Andrew's daughter. I know nobody will ever replace her mother's place. I suddenly get this amazing scent of lavender and an hint of honey. I start to scan the place to search from where the scent is coming from.The scent is coming from the girl that I'm going to marry. As she walks down the isle, the smell starts to get stronger. How is this possible?. The moon goddess has given me a second chance mate. I have no interest in her, it doesn't matter if she's my mate or not. I'm going to do what I have to. This is another reason why I wanted to marry her, I'm going to make her life a living hell, she's going to wish she had never been born, becouse of what her father did to my mate.

Kara758 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


what news do you have for me?. is it about Andrew?

well yes, it also has to do with Nicole as well.

let's have this conversation in your car, there's too many people in here, I'm not sure if I can trust anyone, there could be spies here in my own pack.

we walk to Adrian's car, we both sit inside with the windows up.

So what did you find out about Nicole?.

She's working with Andrew and also the rogue leader. Apparently, Andrew's daughter Jessica is mated to the rogue leader.

I've been following Nicole like you had instructed me to and I found out she's been working with an extremely powerful witch.

I heard Nicole speaking to someone over the phone the other day about destroying you and also.Adrian pauses.

And also what?. I shout.

she's plotting to kill Amanda. she basically wants you to suffer for rejecting her.

where is Nicole?.

she's at the dungeons.

I want twenty guards stationed outside the infirmary and five at Ariana's door. Nobody is allowed to enter except for the doctor and Emilia.

I'm going to have a word with Nicole.

yes Alpha.

I run to the pack house in my wolf form, I stop behind a huge tree and slip on a pair of shorts. as I enter the pack members greet me as usual.

before I plan on making with Nicole I have a quick shower and change into some clean clothes.

The dungeons are situated at the basement.

I open a door near to my office and walk down the steep stairs, the place stinks like a dead carcass.

Nicole's cell is at the end. I pass the other cells and scowl at the rogues that are staring me.

Adrian unlocks her cell and I walk in. She has a sliver chain around her neck.

she looks horrible from the last time I've seen her.

Adrian opens the chain around her neck and straps her to a chair.

she hasn't said a word to me as yet. Adrian then hands me a sliver knife.

I point the knife at her. Start talking before I use it on you and trust me, when I'm done decorating your face with it, no man would ever want you.

she starts to chuckle all of a sudden.

what is so funny?.

kane, you have no idea what's going to happen soon and when it does, you're going to get the shock of your life and take note this time, you're really going to die.

this woman is pissing me off. I take the knife and stick it onto her shoulder. she screams her guts out.

I pull out the knife and grab her face, I run the knife down her cheek making a permanent scar. That is for trying to hurt my daughter. I tell her.

I'm about to do it on her other check but she pleads with me. I'll tell you everything that you want to know but please don't hurt me anymore.

I step back and fold my arms against my chest and glare at her. I don't have all day, I'm waiting, start talking.

Are you going to speak up or not?. you're just wasting my time, seems like you're no use to me.

Wait, I'll tell you. she shouts.

Andrew wants to kill your mate, he wants to destroy you for ruining his life.

he has people working for him in your pack, that's how he was able to get ahold of your mate.

Tell me more of this witch that you've been seeing?.

she resides near the mountains, she keeps to herself. She's a pure blooded witch.

Andrew hasn't been to her, I never told him where she lives.

does this witch happen to have a name?.

yes, her name is Ava.

I've heard that name somewhere. I try to think hard where I heard that name.

I remember Ariana mentioning her biological mother's name was Ava. could this witch happen to be Ariana's mother?.

only way to find out, is for me to meet this witch.

I snap out of my thoughts and look at Nicole.

can you take me to this witch?.

No, I wouldn't be able to.

why not?.

She despises men, she wants nothing to do with them.

I don't care what she likes and doesn't.

you're going to take me whether you like it or not.

Emilia, mind links me. informing me that Ariana is awake.

I'll deal with you later. Adrian put her back on the chains.

I leave the dungeons and go to the infirmary.


my body hurts like hell, I feel like I've been knocked by a bus with the intense pain all over my body.

I'm back at the same hospital where I was before when Andrew had shot me the first time.

speaking of him, I hope kane managed to get him if not Andrew will still be after me.

The doctor enters the room with a nurse behind her.

how are you feeling luna?. The doctor asks?

I'm sorry, my name isn't luna but Ariana.

she doesn't say anything but gives me a small smile.

She gives me a quick check up and leaves the room.

a minute later the door opens and Amanda and Emilia steps inside.

They both look happy to see me awake.

I'm so glad you're awake, we were so worried about you especially kane.

Mommy, are you okay?.

yes sweetheart, I'm fine now that you're here.

Emilia could you please call kane, i'd really like to see him.

sure, give me a minute.

I watch as her eyes glaze and roll back.

did it. he said he will be here in a moment.

what did you just do?.

I mindlinked him.

I shake my head, kane has a lot of explaining to do.


as I enter the infirmary Ariana's scent gets stronger. I can sniff her out a mile away.

I open the room door and walk inside.

She looks in a pretty bad shape, she has a cast plaster on her left hand. her ankles have a bandaid wrapped around them.

she looks pale and weak.

My blood did help her heal her wounds quicker.

Emilia, can you please take Amanda to the pack house, I need to speak to Ariana.

okay, I guess I'll see you later, Anna.

bye mommy.

goodbye, I'll see you two later.

The both us are now alone. I pull out a chair and sit next to her, I hold her hand in mine and stare into her blue and green eyes.

she brakes the silence between us.

kane, what are you?.