

Kane is an hybrid, he's the alpha king. He's half vampire and half were wolf. Kane had lost his first mate, she was killed by one of his rivals. Afterwards he became ruthless and cold towards his pack members. The only person he showed love to, is his three year old daughter. Amanda. He has no choice but to find a mother figure for his child, so he marries Ariana, an alpha's daughter. Ariana is human. Her father is an alpha but Ariana has no idea that her family are werewolves. Her father forces her to marry Kane in order to save his other children from kane's clutches. Ariana agrees to the marriage. She has no idea who and what she's getting married to. I'm only doing this for the sake of my daughter, she needs a mother's love. That's the reason I chose to marry Andrew's daughter. I know nobody will ever replace her mother's place. I suddenly get this amazing scent of lavender and an hint of honey. I start to scan the place to search from where the scent is coming from.The scent is coming from the girl that I'm going to marry. As she walks down the isle, the smell starts to get stronger. How is this possible?. The moon goddess has given me a second chance mate. I have no interest in her, it doesn't matter if she's my mate or not. I'm going to do what I have to. This is another reason why I wanted to marry her, I'm going to make her life a living hell, she's going to wish she had never been born, becouse of what her father did to my mate.

Kara758 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


what the hell is he doing here?.

Everything that he has done to me starts to play in the front of my mind.

I start panicking, if he sees me his going to try to kill me again and this time, I will most certainly die.

Anna, what's wrong?. You look like you've seen a ghost. Emilia says.

He's here. Andrew is here, we need to get out of this place before he sees us.

I'm going to call Kane and let him know.

I nod.

I gather our stuff and hand it over to the one guards to leave it in the car.

Kane said he will be here soon. Emilia notifies me.

Okay. I mumble.

Out of nowhere, I see three huge wolves sprinting towards the diner that we are sitting at.

Emilia look. I point my finger at the wolves.

Shit rogues. She mutters.

Ariana, whatever happens don't leave this place. Stay here with Amanda. Emilia instructs me whilst she stands up to leave.

Where are you going?. Don't tell me you're going to try to chase away the wolves?.

Yep, something like that. I can't let them anywhere you and Amanda, I'm going to distract them while kane gets here. I'll be right back.

Emilia are you crazy, they will rip you apart.

I have to go Ariana. we will explain everything to you later. She says as she walks out of the diner.

I note that more wolves are coming out, they look despicable, some of them have huge gashes on their face whilst the others have missing chunks of flesh from their bodies.

My eyes follow Emilia. a wolf is about to attack her, I watch as her clothes get ripped from her body and fur starts to sprout all over her body, she's now standing on all four's.

what the hell, how did she do that?. what are these people?.

Emilia swipes the wolf on his face with her long claws. she kills a couple of wolves.

my eyes then travel to Andrew, I watch him transform, his one of them, he's a wolf.

how is that possible?. I lived with him for years and I never knew what he is.

I watch as people run and scream and also transform into wolves.

Andrew jumps infront of Emilia, he yanks her by her neck and throws her meters away. I wish I could help her but I can't, I have Amanda with me and Emilia had given me strict instructions not to leave this place.

Andrew's scanning the place most probably searching for me. I quickly hide underneath the table with Amanda.

There's nobody in here beside me and Amanda. the poor child is scared to death, she's weeping uncontrollably.

Don't cry sweetheart, I would never let anything happen to you. I whisper to her.

A moment later the door to the diner opens.

I know you're in here, come out before I hurt your friend. Andrew warns.

I put my finger on my lip and look at Amanda.

don't move from here. I mouth to her.

she nods her head.

I get up from underneath the table and walk to the door, where Andrew is.

I'm now standing in front of him. he has a gun that's pointing directly at me.

I'm terrified of him. I hope kane comes in time to save me from this monster.

he yanks me by my hair and drags me outside to the car park.

he pushes me onto the ground, I fall on my face.

before I kill you I'm going to have some fun

watching you get torn apart. he says with an evil grin.

within an instant I see two huge black wolves charging straight at me.

I try to run away but one of them grabs ahold of my ankle, it sinks its teeth into my ankle. I cry out in pain. The other one drops me down to the ground and slashes my shoulder with its claws.

That's enough. Andrew commands the two wolves.

The two wolves that attacked me transforms into humans. my eyes widen. It's Jessica and Tyler. They scowl at me.

your time is over, you've caused a lot of pain and damage to me and both my children it's time you die.

why are you so hell bent on killing me?. what are you going to gain by doing that?. I question him.

He snickers. I just have a natural hate for you cause you are nothing like Jessica and Tyler, it's all because of Ava, I don't have time to explain myself to you. your time is up.

He pulls the trigger, the bullet hits my left shoulder.

I scream in pain. it hurts so bad. The blood is gushing out.

I suddenly hear a loud fierce growl behind Andrew.

I try to sit against the car and see what's happening.

Andrew turns around to face Kane. please don't tell me he's one of them too.

wait a minute, he has fangs and his eyes have turned blood red. is he a vampire?.

he swipes Andrew across his face with his long claws.

Andrew is now on the ground, his face is bloody.

kane picks him up roughly by his collar and hoists him into the air and then flings him onto the cars.

Tyler charges at kane in his wolf form. kane grabs him by his snout and tears Tyler's mouth apart. Tyler is now laying dead on the ground with his mouth torn apart.

out of nowhere, two more bullets hit me, one on my chest and the other on my arm. I fall to the ground, and the last thing I hear is kane screaming out my name.


I run to Ariana's side, somebody had shot her again. she's bleeding profusely, those filthy pieces of shit had also bitten her.

My wolf starts to howl in the back of my mind, looking at his mate's condition.

I pull her body onto my lap. Ariana, wake up. I start to jerk her body but she isn't getting up. I check for her pulse there isn't any, nothing at all.

She's gone, I've lost her. my only chance of happiness is finally gone. I hold her body close to me and cry out in pain of loosing my mate.

Mark her. Luke tells me all of a sudden.

it's too late, she's already gone.

just do as I say and don't ask any questions he demands.

fine. I bring my face down to her neck and sink my fangs, I lick the area to seal the wound.

I instantly feel all her pain surge through me. I hear a faint heart beat coming from her.

I carry her body and place it into the back seat of the car, I start the engine and take off to the infirmary.

I mind linked one of the doctors to be ready for me when I bring in Ariana.

as I walk into the infirmary the nurse brings a stretcher, I lay Ariana down, and the nurse takes Ariana into one of the rooms.

I take a seat and wait for the doctor.

A moment later the nurse steps out and walks toward me. Alpha, we require some of your blood.

alright. I reply.

they've taken two pints of my blood for Ariana.

I pray to the moon goddess that she gets better soon.

dad, I hear Amanda shouting and sprinting towards me. I carry her in my arms.

I'm grateful nothing had happened to her all thanks go to Ariana for keeping her safe.

where's mommy?.

She's hurt the doctors are treating her but she will be okay. I assure her.

Amanda has grown very close to Ariana in these past few months. I can see how worried she is about her.

when she's awake I'll inform Emilia to bring you down so you could spend some time with her in the meantime you need to have some rest.

okay. she mumbles.

I hand Amanda over to Emilia. don't ever leave her side.

Emilia nods in response and leaves the infirmary.

It's been two hours and the doctor hasn't stepped out of the room that Ariana is in.

I'm starting to get worried about her.

Alpha, Adrian calls out. I glance up at him, he also got hurt while fighting the rogues off but isn't injured that bad.

I have some news for you. He informs me.