
The Huntress, The Champion, and, The Ranger

When Lilly Meya's Improbable resurrection actually occurs, her return is Interrupted when The Man Known by the greater world as The Betrayer Shows up to cause problems for her and her Best Friend, Xomera. Halfway Across the world, Xomera's Husband, Zathor reconnects with his daughter, Amara, And a Ranger Finds himself also Improbably resurrected by a Ghost of an Elf, who claims they're cursed to exist between life and death unless the person who cursed them is killed. and he sets off to find that person so he may return to his family.

ForSangheilios_6 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 3

Lilly woke up in an unfamiliar location, the wound in her gut, and her broken left arm, healed. The Area looked to be an unfamiliar Forest; Lilly was laying on the stonework of an old ruin. Lilly actually recognized the stonework: it was built by an ancient order of warriors, The Defenders of Tiplora, Tiplora being the only other discovered continent on the planet aside from Tiplella. She learned about the defenders' combat techniques in the sisters Elita. Lilly was also pleasantly surprised to find all the gear she had on her when she died.

"Hello?" Lilly called, trying to see if anyone heard her. A few seconds afterwards, Lilly was Pleasantly surprised again when Xomera broke through the treeline facing Lilly.

"Xomera?" Lilly said

"Lilly." Xomera mumbled back. Lilly approached Xomera.

"I guess she placed pretty close to each other." Lilly said, glad to see her best friend, "Do you know how long it's been? It probably takes some time to reconstruct a physical body."

"I have no idea, that's no longer my task to keep track of. Though I'm sure you could figure it out with the gift you got from the pompous goddess of time." Xomera said in reference to the hourglass Xelina gave Lilly, when Lilly took it out of her bag to take a look at it, many of the fractures that were on the glass before were gone, but many still remained. Using the Magic of the hourglass Lilly used it to determine that it had been three years since they returned to the material plane and Xomera taught Amara the skills she would need. Lilly put it away with a sigh and looked back to Xomera.

"It's been three years since that happened." Lilly told Xomera, and Xomera gave a small sigh, seeming almost defeated in a way as she thought over this new information, only giving a small nod of her head.

A fire appeared in the distance, and Lilly noticed it.

"And what could this be?" Lilly said, Looking in the direction of the fire.

"Whatever it is, kill it." Xomera said, it was clear Xomera wasn't in the best mood, and knowing her history, it was reasonable. Xomera drew her longbow,

and knocked three arrows, aiming it at the fire, but she did not release the arrows. Hesitantly, Drawing Chillkiss, Lilly approached the fire, looking to see if anyone was there.

"Are ye a bunch of weary travelers like I?" says the hooded man around the fire.

A column of fire appeared behind Lilly and out walked the hooded man, from Three years prior, just before Lilly's death.

"Oh hell." Lilly said, walking around him going back to where Xomera was standing. Xomera had her bow trained on the hooded man, ready to unleash the arrows into him at a moment's notice, if she didn't like his next moves.

"Not hell Lilly Kakina Meya and Xomera, this is the real world I thought the trees might clue you in on that" the hooded man said with a slight chuckle.

"What do you want?" Lilly said, "To piss me off some more after what you said about Alayna in the grand scheme of things?"

"Moreover, than that, 'Traveler,' talk of this being the real world matters not, when you approach strangers throwing out little information about them. Identify yourself or die." Xomera said.

"Hmmm I'm not a stranger I'm an ally at times and you could try to kill me goddess, but it wouldn't end well come and sit down there's many things to catch you up on and questions to answer" the hooded man said bluntly.

"Oh, and I suppose you're the one to do that, then?" Lilly said, her distaste of the man remaining over three years of being incorporeal.

"Sometimes if it is necessary now then you can keep standing and pointing swords and arrows at my face and we can duke it out like children or we can sit down and talk like adults im sure you would like to hear how Alyana is doing" the hooded man said standing up.

"And what can you tell us that others can't?" Lilly asked.

"Many things but mostly information on alyana, Greggory and since i'll give you information I want some as well Lilly." the hooded man stated.

"Yeah, I think we'll pass." Xomera grumbled, arrows still fixed on the hooded figure.

"You sure even if it's about both your daughters or that hourglass in your bag Lilly also as much as I love being targeted, I don't want arrows in my face" the hooded man said waiting for Lily to answer.

"How do you know whether I've even got an Hourglass in the first place?" Lilly said, as she never mentioned it when he showed up when Lily met Greggory.

"Let's say that we both have a certain friend that causes us both headaches" the hooded man said "Now are you willing to sit and talk or are you going to leave and head into a situation blind" the hooded man said with a slight knowing tone.

"I think it's best if you start talking here without the sitting part. Let's just say the sword and the arrows are a precaution." Lilly said.

"Fine I know you're worried you are not at full strength yet don't worry it'll come back in 2 days but sadly for your plane sifting it'll be back in four months. Now let's get information. You'll ask a question I'll answer, then I'll ask one and you'll answer and don't worry about lying" A sphere appears around them. "This is a truth field by the godly laws no lies will be spoken. if broken by anyone it shall be known."

"Okay," Lilly said with a sigh, "What's been going on, over in Tiplella over these three years?"

"Greggory adopted Alayna, Alayna has been having panic attacks, Xomera's daughter is going through panic attacks and other problems, but she will find some people who'll help her. Mara doing something very dangerous as per usual and Tarron is back don't worry, you'll find out who he is, eventually oh before I forget your boy who is a friend disappeared and Alyana is starting her first quest to find him." the hooded man said as casually as possible.

"Now for my question, how did you two-time travel" the hooded man asks

"That's not information you need to know." Xomera mumbled, not even wanting to be a part of the questioning in the first place. She had only been standing silently, aiming her arrows at the hooded figure as he and Lilly went back and forth, not even wanting to be present in the moment.

"Hmmm alright, but I would be careful about time travel and using that hourglass the more you use it the more danger you might cause" the hooded man said," Do you know which direction the illusionist is in? I want to talk for a bit."

"He's hopefully being dragged through five miles of burning hot coals while having alcohol dumped on him through the whole process." Xomera growled, not even wanting to talk about Draxon the Betrayer or his men.

"Agreed." Lilly said her rage towards the Illusionist and Dolga remained, almost flaring back up, but Lilly Managed to hold it back for now.

"Hmmm alright I guess I'll look for him myself later though but right now you might want to stay on this island for a bit. Your best friend The Betrayer is here. Tell him I say hi will you" The hooded man said with an evil grin.

"Last time I said 'Hello' to that crooked-nosed knave he bashed my head in only with the assistance of his henchmen blocking my shifting ability. The time before that? I threw him off of a roof, and made a crater with his body before taking the precious imperial palace and all of centerpoint city from him. So, saying 'Hi' to him may not be the best idea for me, at least. Maybe deliver your own message, fopdoodle." Xomera muttered, glaring towards the hooded form.

"First off, I want you to do something like that since he's currently planning to do something quite cruel to your friend Mara, Lilly. Also, fopdoodle, what are you 16? You are definitely a gentle woman of four outs" the hooded man said the last part jokingly.

"You whiffle-whaffle wandought. You are a stampcrab, snoutband, sorner who only seeks to cause damage to yourself, or others around you. Careful of your next words, or you might return to your base camp with a broken arm, or much worse." Xomera growled, her tone warning.

"Good energy glad to see you haven't lost your touch so now I have jury duty. A friend of a man broke his restraining order against a god and is going to court. Lilly if you want to save your friend from one of the cruelest forms of torture you might want to find the betrayer adios どうけがた(dōkegata)" the hooded man said and disappeared in a puff of sand.

"I hate people." Xomera grumbled, finally lowering her bow down and unloading her arrows.

"Me too." Lilly sighed, Sheathing Chillkiss.

"If I see Draxon, I'll beat his head in, as he did mine." Xomera growled, killing her bow back over her form once more.

"I'll help. I'll brew up more nerve poison and keep him alive while you beat him over and over again." Lilly told Xomera.

Xomera stretched herself out slightly, her body sore from time of unuse while redeveloping. "That would be a show, almost as much as watching him land."

"I still envy the sight." Lilly replied.

"If only you got to see it, Lilly. Watching the creator form as he slammed further and further down. I would watch that for hours if I could." Xomera mumbled, a small smirk coming to her face at the thought.

"In fact, whenever we decide to rest for the night, I will start making some bottles of nerve poison in case the event happens that we see him." Lilly replied, Lilly often disapproved of the use of Nerve poison, but at this point Lilly didn't much care. The betrayer had Caused issue after issue after issue for Lilly and her Friends and family.

Xomera gave a small nod of her head at that, glancing around. "Might as well try and find the nearest town, and check into an inn. I don't drink much, but after everything, I could use something strong, and a few hours in bed for my tired muscles."

"Being northborn I can point you to some of the better drinks." Lilly said as she and Xomera began Walking. Lilly did her best to use her tracking skills to find their way towards Civilization, and eventually they found themselves on a cliff overlooking a city.

"I believe that this is Refuge, the capital City of Tiplora." Lilly said, looking upon the massive city that was almost double the size of centerpoint city in Tiplella.

"How famous are they for their drinks?" Xomera questioned, not about to remember this town, much less the other continent they were on.

"Don't know. I've never been here, much less had the interest in taking the sailing trip. I prefer tight knit communities Like Whitereach, not spanning metropolises like this, but let's find out, shall we?"

"Alright, let's." Xomera said, looking over the city.

Lilly and Xomera made their way in the city, they each got a room at an Inn, and had some drinks.