
The Hunters Of Aliron

At the beginning of Aliron, we had created a serum. A serum that produces Apex Alphas. They abolished with no mercy or even sentiment. They were distinctive from our other test subjects. More extreme and started to kill without humanity and at that point, I knew we had created a group of abnormalities. One of them was a pure killing machine...Tatia Cerise. The woman was filled with cruelty and inhumanity. How on earth had we uncovered her or even worst how had she located us?.....

MC_Assassin · Fantasy
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32 Chs

The Hunters Of Aliron

Chapter 24

France resembled nothing I imagined...

Whilst the jet began to descend, I assumed we would run into some undesired guests but that wasn't the case this time. Layla parked at a stop where it was near the old Headquarters of ALIRON but not detectable.

"Ok so guys we'll have to stay in the jet until we start to take down ALIRON," Layla commanded.

The window by my left was shining in my eyes so I went to look out the window and saw the most repulsive place ever. In my mind, I always thought that France was a beautiful place with amazing landscapes and areas but it looked like a landfill littered with bodies. There was a faint booming sound like a drum being beaten. The noise soon started to get louder and louder and louder until all that could be heard was the deafening noise. I glanced to witness a roaring fire devastating homes of families living nearby. The incandescent flames suddenly erupted scattering fragmented glass and debris several yards away. The chillness of the stale, city air was devoured by the scorching blazes of the vicious element.


In the corner of my eye, I could see the shadows of bodies lurking in the darkness.

The purge had produced entropy ubiquitously...

"Ok, now I don't want to go to Paris," Aansiah stated with a disgusted face.

"Well, we have to do this guys. Yes, the place looks sickening because ALIRON has allowed anomie and armageddon to take place." She explained.

"Yeah, and without rules and laws in place, people can do what they want!" I finished.

"Well, Jamie has given a location. Mont St Rosaire de Paris," Aanisah mentioned.

"Guys, I think we should evacuate the area before we start the takeover?" I requested.

"Yeah, guys. I agree with Jamie. We need to clear the area. The Headquarters are probably swarming with guards that are ready to fight without mercy" Hazel agreed.

We started creating a plan to help evacuate the public and to infiltrate the Headquarters before the purge gets out of control. We had to pick partners but only half of us knew French so I got paired with Elijah which was tolerable. Aanisah was with Hazel while Layla said she wanted to stay and make sure that the jet was ready when we escaped. Layla also advised us to suit up and look professional so that people took us seriously. Elijah assisted me to pick out some clothes just like his but was black and carmine. I put on a carmine combat t-shirt with a black jacket. Then wore black uniform pants with assault boots that were a little too big.

"Excellent! You now resemble a soldier!" Elijah commented with a hint of sorrow in his eyes.

Afterwards, I shifted to notice that Hazel came back from getting dressed. Once again time stopped as I gazed at her in her fresh uniform. She wore the identical clothes as me but they were black and silver. Her hair was tightened in a secure bun.

"I look ludicrous don't I?" She asked.

"You look astonishing!" I replied. Elijah started to giggle quietly which was very vexatious.

"Thanks, Jamie you look great too," she commented with her cheeks blushing rose colour.

"Well, you guys look great! Now get your weapons and I want you in your pairs, ready to evacuate the area!" Layla commanded.

Everyone started to go to the back of the cabin, drew out their weapons and started to attach them in various places of their suits. I was feeling a mixture of feelings inside right now.

I stared at the counter to see a silver sharp-edged knife and instantly I relived the flashes of Alex's death and the vision afterwards.

I shook off the recalls and tried my best to cherish some pleasant memories- Even though it was futile.

I strapped my bow on my back with a circular case of arrows and my guns on my hips.

After preparing for the battle I notice Layla looking stressed in the cockpit so I decided to ask her what was up.

She was slumped on the main chair with a tense expression sitting on her face. Control buttons and switches were all over the main area of the cockpit. It was quite small but I was able to fit in with no issues. It also had a rectangular glass showing us where we were and the further view was shocking. The entire area was isolated. The canopy of the deciduous trees was snapped and left a single stump with jagged ends.

"So you doing ok Layla?" I asked.

"I'm ok Jamie, just a little nervous." She replied.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Jamie we are near ALIRON, a society that was able to design Apex hunters and arrange the purge on the world but their headquarters are quiet and not guarded. Something is not right," she explained.

Outside the glass, I could see that Layla had a point. The whole area was silent without a single guard in sight even though we were close to Mont St Rosaire de Paris.

"Well we can't stop now can we?" I declared.

"I know Jamie but all of you please be cautious!" She demanded. I gave her a nod and rejoined the group.


"YES!" We replied.

"Let's do this!" I shouted as we started to depart away from each other...