

"I like my women to be a little more colorful when I take them." He said as he grabbed the front of my shirt and yanked on it, hard. "You're a little plain right now, we need to get you ready." My shirt had disintegrated and disappeared after he pulled on it. I was now topless and bare before him.

I saw the look in his eyes darken then, with desire and something more. He left the bra in place but he leaned forward so that he hovered over me with an evil smile.

"You see, little wolf bitch, I like it rough. Not rough on me, you see, but rough on my women. I like them bloody and screaming, and I don't care if that screaming is in fear or pleasure, it all ends up the same anyway. I will take you while you're afraid and hating me and still make you come screaming in pleasure. That's my specialty."

"You're a sick fucking freak." I knew that the fear was showing in my eyes, I did my best to hide it but I didn't want this man to touch me any more than he already had.