
The Hunter's Guide to Monsters

He was weak, he was depressed, he was a loser. He wasn't even Lvl 10 in the game when Earth was destroyed in the Quake and the players of Redlands were transmigrated to the fantastic world of Zushkenar. But he lived, learned, and died again. Now, he was back on Earth, one year and three months before the Quake. Deciding to rejoin the game earlier and with greater focus, what changes would he bring with his actions? What life would he live? * There's a map for the lands of Zushkenar posted on the DeviantArt website: https://www.deviantart.com/kilrain/art/Hunters-Guide-map-cities-grid-b-877682076 It's not complete, but it'll give an idea of the general geography. * The background image for the cover is part of a landscape by moinzon taken from pixabay.com

Jin_Daoran · Games
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136 Chs

Answering Tamvost's Challenge (4)

Krow tilted his head toward Tharjan behind him. "Why does he look like that?"

Tharjan's lips curled upward, gleeful. "The last opponent was the favorite to win the tournament."

Ah, shkav.

He'd been hoping the next opponents would keep on thinking he had the skills of a village butcher.

His lips firmed as he walked up to the platform.

Good things came to an end.

"So," Dabalt spat. "I don't know what tricks you pulled, butcher! But they won't work on me."

Hah, figured.

If Dabalt was going to be vigilant, he'd just change tactics and stop being so cautious.


Krow charged headlong like he'd never done in his last matches, hoping to catch the other by surprise.

Dabalt's eyes widened, but he had some skill.

He dodged, leaped back to put space between them, then dropped into a formal stance to parry Krow's continuing attack, redirecting the falchion to the side and thrusting into Krow's guard.