

Iris Bloodmoon, she wanted nothing more than to feel free, to feel normal…but she wasn’t normal, far from it. She was the last white wolf left of her kind, and soon to be Luna of her pack, she has expectations she’s expected to reach, but what happens when a hunter is thrown into the mix? —————— Xander Cooper- werewolf hunter. With a long, mysterious and…complicated background, he knows it’s not ethical, but then again, since when has that stopped anyone?

Nonexistent911 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter Forty-two

"This food is amazing" I all but growl out the next morning when my mom made me a giant stack of pancakes the size of mount Everest. I continue to wolf down the food while my family and friends continue to look at me like I just ate all of North America.

"Slow down Hunny you eat any faster and you might choke" my mother laughs light-heartedly.

"I'm a big girl I know how to eat" and almost as if the moon goddess had to prove me wrong, I start choking on a bite of my pancake, making me cough horrendously. My mother quickly hands me a cup of orange juice.

"you were saying" she says giving me a playing look as I finally stopped with my coughing fit.

"That was just terrible timing" I glare back and she lets out a chest-filled laugh that made me smile.

"So Iris, I know this is probably a bad time to ask considering all that's happened but have you thought about plans for your coronation?" my dad asks leaned up against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest and his eyebrows creased.

"I have actually, and dad I would rather talk about anything else besides what happened, so trust me I'm grateful for the change in conversation topic" I say all too quickly.

"Understandable, so what are your plans?" he asks redirecting the topic back to my coronation, and I welcomed the change of subject with open arms.

"Well, I'd definitely want my colors to be red, white, and gold. Honestly, that's all I have, other than that I kind of just want mom and Kris to pick" I say with a shrug, I know that planning your coronation is like planning a wedding for a human, but I honestly don't care that much about it, obviously it's important to me because it's part of my history and traditions, but I just want to get it over with.

"yes, I knew you would let me help, don't worry sis, I got this" Kris says with a grin and big thumbs up.

"I don't doubt you" I say with an eye roll at the fact she seems more excited about my coronation than me.

"Have you picked who was going to be your new beta?" Xander cuts in

"I have, but that's to be revealed at our coronation" I say with a smile when I hear everyone in the room sigh with defeat, they were just going to have to wait.

"our?" Xander asks

"yes our, you mine as well consider this our wedding" I say with laughter and he grins back showing just as much laughter behind his eyes.

"No complaints here" he says holding his hands up in mock surrender.

"It seems oddly peaceful today" I say suspiciously....it's almost too peaceful

"Probably because Mackenzie is still in the dog house" Quinn laughs and that's when I remember what happened right before I was taken, me sending Mackenzie to the cells.

"Oh yeah, I have a bone to pick with that bitch" I growl instantly losing any remaining hunger I might have had. I had my eyes on my target, Mackenzie.

I quickly bolt away from the rest of the pack and head in the direction of the basement, where the cells were. I quietly took my time walking down to the very last cell on the left, the one I sent Mackenzie to.

"Well looks like they finally found you" she says once I'm in front of the cell, I can't see her, she must be in the shadows.

"You didn't think I'd be gone that easy did you?" I all but laugh in response.

"I don't know princess three weeks is a long time" she says finally coming into the light so I can get a good look at her. She's covered in dirt and grime and her hair is tangled so bad birds could live in it, she had obviously lost a lot of weight and a part of me almost felt bad..almost.

"You look just as pathetic as I thought you would, maybe even worse" I say with a smirk, she responds with a scowl.

"Just kill me already bitch, you've ruined my life" she practically cries making me laugh even more.

"No Mack, you ruined your life when you opened your legs" I spit the nickname out with clear vile in my voice. She steps closer to the cell wrapping her bony fingers around the bars. Her eyebrows furrow before she takes a deep breath near me, leaving a smirk plastered on her face at the end of it.

"Does daddy know you're pregnant?" she says quietly all the while that smirk never leaving her face, while mine drops.

"What?" I say speechless at that point, how did she-

"That thing in your stomach reaks, it won't be long before the others realize you don't smell the same" shit, am I really that far along?

"and once I get out of this cell, I'm going to kill you and that baby" she laughs and that did it for me, I yank the cell off the hinges, which we werewolves shouldn't be able to do since they're magic. I grab her by the back of the head and she tries to scream out but I shove my hand on her mouth instantly shutting her up.

"and who the fuck said you were getting out of here?" I whisper next to her ear and she looks at me with wide eyes but before I could even listen to her pleas, I snapped her neck letting her now limp body drop to the floor.

I take my time once again walking back up the stairs calmly, once I reach the kitchen everyone is still where I left them, they at me expectantly.

"Clean up aisle nine" I joke with a smile before turning to walk upstairs to get changed.

"Iris" I look back over my shoulder at my dazzling handsome mate.


"what did you do?" he asked genuinely concerned, and I couldn't help the glare that formed on my face.

"Whatever the fuck I wanted"