

in the land of Italy it is said that there is a well that grand u any wish so a teenager called Anthony deemed himself to find this well on his way he finds interesting people who destined to help him through his journey is he going to find the well? let's find out

Victor_Nunekpeku · Sci-fi
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31 Chs

Unlocking The Ultimate Power

The world is mysterious in its own way .

Think of it are we the only creatures in the universe/multiverse.

It is strange how people are able to dive in into the spiritual realm and still be as they are.

But not all people follow the dark side.


what do you want from us Shivanto?

Isn't it obvious? we are here to mug you.

You are a strong and energetic boy but you are utterly naive.

You don't think much ahead of what you are doing but instead you just go ahead and do what you think will serve you right, that is why I envy you so much.

You are a mad man Shivanto cried out Anthony yes of course I am a maniac the grand master piece of a psycho, how can I refuse such a wonderful compliment?

You know what let's have a duo, if you win I'll let you and your friends go and you can keep your treasure but if you loose I will take everything you have and make you my slave.

Alright then challenge accepted proclaimed Anthony.

Ok,this is gonna be fun to watch says Peter.

Peter? Catie cries out

What ? What did I say.

Never mind, but you are right about that, Anthony is no joke . He is more than an energetic boy, he is much stronger than we think.

How do you know that asked Peter?

Well , I realized when we were training he was holding back ,and also he could have drunk his energy drink but instead he rather endured the pain inflicted on him.

Ah yes I know what you mean, his leg movement he wasn't even trying to dodge the marbles. Hey I just realized,he is not trying to improve speed but instead he wants to improve endurance realized Peter.

(Shivanto recite enchantations)You know what Anthony I will be going all in on you so that I inflict more pain on you.

I will like to see you try Anthony said with much confidence.

(Swoosh) Shivanto dashes at Anthony striking his sword at him . Ha got yah.

Anthony dodged with incredible speed and stood at the back of Shivanto.

Ha,how is that possible,I'm the fastest man in the world Shivanto brags.

Sure you are, after me that is Anthony mocks Shivanto.

You dare mock me ,I'll show you.

(Hahaha Shivanto screams)Speedster limit 50% ,at that moment he started glowing and building up speed rapidly.

He runs and circulates Anthony.

Really ,do you think that will help you defeat me you are truly slow.

At that moment Anthony reveals another ability of his ,time freezing.

Anthony froze the time period and then kicked Shivanto right in the gut , he also tied up his legs and placed a stuck of hay in front of him and then he snapped his finger and time came back to normal.

Shivanto fell to the ground laying head on the hay and started spitting blood out.

What the hell was that?! Shivanto Crue screamed .

Anthony turned and gave them a hard stir. They were so frightened that they immediately untied Catie and Peter and took Shivanto and fled.

Ah Anthony,what you did over there what was that? Asked Catie.

Oh that , it's just my time freezing technique.

Oh God I don't even know why I'm surprised, you always seem to amaze me.

But one question Anthony ,why didn't you use it back in the first battle? Peter asked.

Oh, now you mentioned it , I have no idea.

What ,are you telling me you were not even aware you had that ability ,what is wrong with you?! Peter screamed at Anthony.

Hey, is it my fault that I felt pressure in the face death?Anthony said with an awkward smile.

(Bushes shakes) Guys duck.

At that moment , multiple black creatures jumped out from the bushes, ready to pound on them.

Their speed was Incredibly fast .

Catie them jumped over one and threw the dagger at it but it didn't even break through it's skin.

Peter then used his sword aimed for the neck but the knife also broke .

I knew it this are migers ,a creature with top speed of 1992.44m/s and a tough skin that is impenetrable notifies Anthony.

Hey guys stop aiming for their head it won't work,instead aim for the chest that is it weak point

(Slice) Anthony with no hesitation striked the chest of one of the migers and it fell on its face dead flat.

Peter and Catie also mimicked his approach.

After some few moment they slayed them all .

We did it ,we killed them all Catie rejoices.

I'm not sure about that Anthony points out. I can still feel some Mona from there but this one is much powerful than any beast we've faught, so be on your God.

Now take out you sword and repeat what I say. Holy enchantment activate, strengthen my blade and grant me speed .


What is that? Peter asked.

It's the boss he is here.

The migers boss, it is 8.5 feet tall and it has an armor ten times stronger with the application of dark enchantment and also it has 2 heads ,it can also spit out crystals that can decay you in 3 hours .

(Boom boom)The beast finally revealed itself and it was much terrifying than any other beast they have ever fought before.

It shoots crystals out of its mouth but Anthony manages to put a boundary around them. Now guys let me inform you . This one it weakness is between the two heads but to get there will be quite difficult, so we need to distract it first, so guys try ro distract it .

Ready go.

They dashed directly at the miger boss but they spinned around it .

The miger keeps attacking the two of giving Anthony a fix chance. He charged towards it aiming for the dipole between the miger he jumped ready to kill the beast but before he reached the beast it turned and sweep him off with his tale .

Alright then , speed mode at 5%.

He started jumping left and right increasing his speed using his toes and gave the final dash and this time the aim was perfect slicing through the beast like paper .

The miger boss fell on it side releasing its last breathe .

Finally we did it .

Yh that was tough monster.

Before the monster disappeared a box appeared in front of Anthony.

What is this? Anthony asked.

It's a box Peter ridiculously replied.

I know its a box but what is it for?

Open it.

Anthony opened the box and out of the box appeared an armor which was of his size .

Immediately as he touched it , it formed around him but became invincible and it felt much lighter .

Wow Anthony you just got an a rank armor says Anthony.

And what is A- rank armor?

Really, sometimes it's wonder if you are from this world. An A- rank armor is an armor that has the power to protect you from any magic attack.

Wow then I guess I'm lucky then.

You really are.

They walked for miles and finally they reached the temple.

There it is, we are finally here .

(Boom boom)Welcome master Anthony says a familiar voice.

Who are you and how do you know me?Anthony asked with curiosity .

The strange being walked out and to his surprise it was the cherubim.

Welcome master ,I have a lot to show you


power doesn't come from the blasphamer but out of those who have passion for power.

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