

in the land of Italy it is said that there is a well that grand u any wish so a teenager called Anthony deemed himself to find this well on his way he finds interesting people who destined to help him through his journey is he going to find the well? let's find out

Victor_Nunekpeku · Sci-fi
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30 Chs

the hunt for the wishing well


Down the road of Italy there is a forest that has a well that people say if u make a wish u get it at that moment.

So this boy was determined to find this well

His name was Anthony

Anthony climbed mountains and valleys trying to find this well

He faught with dangerous animals and almost got ambushed by muggers(thieves)

For 6 weeks he finally got tired

So he decided to rest in the nearest village and u know what he found one.

So he approached the village when he heard the voice of a man saying

Stand down , who are you?

As Anthony turned back he saw a tall and muscular man who looks like he was protecting someone or should I say something precious.

🧠 So Anthony 🧠 who was very 🤓 intelligent said with a bold but calm voice I am Anthony Zimfis the III

I am on a journey to find this magical well I've heard from my grandfather but I'm tired and need a place to rest I have travelled miles climbed mountains and gone over valleys pls may I rest in ur abode.

So the looked at Anthony for a sec and smiled 😁

And said alright I'll flet you rest in my home for the night so u can continue ur journey,So Anthony rested there for a night and the next day he felt ones again alive he took his stuff which was only a ring in which all his things are found in it

He pressed the diamond of the ring and out came a can of energy boosting drink

As he drunk it he felt strong and lighter

He said good bye to the man .

The man said remember this the well u r looking for only u can find it make ur wish wisely

Anthony said ok and turn to the other direction

He jumped on his toes left and right and got got into a running stunt.

Breath in and charged forward he moved so fast even light couldn't reach his level.

I feel so light like a super being

He then jump up and he went up so high of 13222.34m/s which was almost close to getting to the clouds

He started thinking of wat the man was saying and

At that moment he had the feeling someone was following him so he press his ring again and out came a sword 🗡️ so sharp it could cut through anything.

He swings the sword at the direction he feels the best to

Then suddenly a person ninja like vanished to his presence

He wasn't surprised for he faced more than that

Then he said why r you following me

They both landed softly on the ground as if they were feathers with cat paws.

The ninja like person with a soft voice of a woman said

Forgive me I'm here to guide you through ur path

So r u a ninja? Anthony asked

No I'm a grand styler she said

A grand styler, so u mean u know all type of martial arts asked Anthony

No, to learn all martial arts is quite impossible since new ones always made around the world.

Ok so what u r saying is that you are like my side guidian and u r here to protect me at all cause?

Yes due to my contract.

I rather not ask wat it is

Good it seems u understand very well the situation

No it's just that I hate buzzing into people's business Anthony said.

Things were moving illumatingly

Then he got sucked into an hallucination

We're he saw the well it was shining and out of it came a Phoenix looking directly into his eyes 👀.

He was pulled to normality and asked wat was that

The grand styler asked also wat do u mean

Then that is wen he realized it was a vision and a strange one.

Hold up Anthony said where do u think we can find a temple around here ?

The grand styler said it's at the north 500 km from here.

Alright Anthony said

It then again press the ring 💍 and out came the energy boosting drink he drunk it and said to the grand styler quick jump on my back.

With a shy look she she climbed to his back and he bend to a jumping position

He counted down

3 2 1 then jumped with so much speed and and power that if he jump straight up he would reach the moon but knowing that he did it horizontally to the north.

Then he saw an old looking church house

That's it the grand styler said and he said get ready to land hold on tight.

Suddenly it seemed there was an invincible wall behind him as he project him self down and pushed forward with a smoke coming from his shoes 👟

The grand styler was in shock. And taught to herself are my sure this is the guy master said to protect ?He looks to powerful for that.

Because this feels like he was pulled from an anime and he might have the power of the immoral king Shingwu.

Anthony realizing she might be shocked he then directed his leg in a landing stand

Suddenly he started thinking like the physicians the exact amount of pressure needed to land smoothly with a weight on u and he calculated it with a speed of 0.0282726m/s.

They landed safely,U can get down now Anthony proclaimed

There it was the temple right in front of them so old but out of it u can feel immense power.

But I can also sense danger in the minst of all that power .

Grand styler embrace yourself, something is coming

At that moment something seem to be coming towards their direction, something big, something powerful.

(Boom Boom)(Something walking with much pressure but slow)

Suddenly flaming eye showed up out of the darkness in the temple

What the hell is that Anthony screamed.

To be continued...

when you need hope don't think of it

let it think of u

winning is everything

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