

"I don't want trouble." "Too bad, it's found you." Vincent backed me up against the wall, he then leaned in next to my head, taking a whiff at my neck and grinned mischievously at me making my heart pound. Why did the school bad boy have to be so damn hot?! "Something tells me you like, trouble too?" He gave my cheek a lick and gasped out of fright sensing his dangerous aura. I pushed him away and pulled out my pocket knife. Glaring back at him. My hand was shaking. I'd never hurt anyone before, but his ass was pushing it! As much as he was panty-dropping hot, this guy was bad news, to me and my new family. Murders were happening in town and somehow he and his brother Mr Chase (who was my science teacher at school), seemed to be involved. "Lick me again, and I'll end you." I warned ignoring all the stupid butterflies in my belly. It was weird, I couldn't explain it but he made me feel things I shouldn't. It was forbidden especially when he was my enemy. "I'll lick, suck and I'll [deeply chuckles]....Do something, something with your permission of course." He winked. I scoffed and looked at him in a challenging way, ignoring the sudden ache between my thighs. "Over my dead body!" I seethed. "Jeana, it's going to happen. It's what is known as fate. You feel the bond don't you? I know you do, I know you haven't been able to keep your eyes of off me. The more you try to fight it, the harder it will get for you." Before I got a chance to ask him what the hell he meant by bond and strongly debate the issue that I'd been curiously looking at him, the powerful asshole lunged at me and before I got time to run away from a shriek escaping my lips, he caught me by my waist and easily pinned me up against the wall and held my wrists firmly above my head. He was impossibly strong. Last time I'd got away by head butting him, but this time, I couldn't over power him. My body was heated, and sensations thrillingly were flowing through me due to his close proximity. I growled lowly, not caring if I was glowing my eyes at him. I'd kept this secret for too long, and all I needed for him to do was get scared and let go. But to my surprise he did the same, making me easily gasp out frightened. "Give in, drop the knife." He said producing the lowest dangerous growl that made the lockers beside me tremble. . . . Jeana McCredie lived a peaceful teenage life. That is until her father re married and met her step brothers that turn out to be egotistical arrogant bullies towards her. To top things off she gets involved in a very dangerous crowd at her new high school that pose as a threat towards her new family. The bad boy is in to her in more ways than one and he's not willing to share her with anyone that touches or bullies her. What happens to Jeana when an werewolf from her school takes a strong interest in her? What will she do when she finds out that her father is not just your typical cop. Jeana finds out that there is more than meets the eye to her step brothers and she has to whatever it takes to protect them, before the enemy clan kills them. Survival/Thriller/Werewolf/Teen/School/Mates/Secrets/Romance/Enemies to Lovers/ Weak to Strong/Possessive/R18

Rain_Hero219 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

15. Lick


Friendly reminder, this is a werewolf book and the male lead will act possessively over his mate.




I stretched out and looked up at the sky..

Hmm seems like its going to rain..

There were blanket of thick grey rain clouds and I dropped my bag to the side and sat down on the white bench..

Suddenly my phone went off surprising me half to death. Who the hell could be calling me now??..

"Hey wolf girl!!!..(cat purr?!).."

"By the way, that sounds like a cat just died!" my eyes went from a 2 to a 9

"Whatever. Listen where are you? I have lost track of Mr V…I don't think you should be alone right now? Tell me where you are?"

Suddenly out of nowhere my phone was snatched away and turned off..

"Hey what the heck!!!..Oh Shit!.."

I quickly stood up to accuse my phone napper but I backed up when I met with the familiar pair of marine eyes. Not wanting to be around him a second I immediately went towards the red door exit of the roof.

"Don't bother it's locked.." he said with a poker face.

I didn't listen to him and proceeded in opening the door I went to pull the handle but it did not open at all I pulled harder almost raping the door handle to get it open from this dangerous guy..

Vincent Moreno just watched with amuse as I attacked the door now with my legs trying to break it down. But I was having no such luck at all..my legs were somehow week in his presence. Trying any other possible way to escape I kicked it more pulled more on the steel handle door but all my efforts were futile..

"Like I said. There's no way your getting that door open without this Key McCredie.." he showed it to me swirling it around his index finger and putting it away in his jean pocket. Where the heck did he get that key from!

Why am I panicking. If I remember correctly I had escaped before from the rooftop. So what if he's laughing at me right now? Doesn't this hot villain know that I can escape from the fire escape? Ha! he's such a fool. I smirked at my great idea. Later bitch. My eyes immediately travelled to the fire escape and I sprinted fast towards it. But Vincent was there in a split second causing me to crash right in to his hard chest, making me surprised.

"Going Somewhere are we?" he said with a dangerous tone. I did not like that look in his eyes.

I stumbled back quickly before he wrapped his arms around me.

"W.Wh..What do you want?.." crap I'm stuttering. Just then a a mild thunder storm erupted in the dark grey skies above us.

Keeping my eyes locked with the dangerous pervert on the loose. I kept my distance good until I was backed up against a wall. I should have just circled him! Why did I have to keep on taking huge steps back?

I saw the amusement in his eyes. Like he obviously had me trapped like a mouse.

"My friends are upset since you planned to avoid them with a certain distraction. And let me tell you McCredie they are very pissed of that you pulled that kind of stunt on them."

So what!

They brought it up themselves!

I held a poker face of my own.

Act dumb.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Mr Moreno.." I squinted my eyes at him and shook my head at his accusation.

"Call me Vince. Mr Moreno is too formal for my taste." He reminded swiftly.

Ok, Mr smooth talker. Don't think for one second because you moved so quickly like that, you're scaring me, because I don't scare easily ok!

My heart pounded in my chest nevertheless.

He was seriously an intimidating guy.

He licked his lips as he locked eyes with me. Oh no, what was bad boy pretty up to now?

"So shall we dance? How about we do a 415 or maybe,"

He was getting terribly close..i immediately started to drag myself to the left side of the wall. My eyes darted quickly to the side. Before he could finish his sentence I had sprinted of again to my nearest escape that lead towards the fire escape. The gap was closing in on us way too close for me making me somewhat uncomfortable of his approach..

I brushed past him quickly trying to keep my distance and I got to the stairs again. But this time I was pulled back with force from my hair pulling me forcefully on the ground. With now a heavy load on top of me..yup so much for keeping my distance..erugh get off me you wide load!!..

"Now that I think about I think this is the perfect place for a 261?"

My eyes darted to his eyes again with fear written all over. He hovered on top of me like warm blanket and heat easily crept my face. No way. He was going to cause a disturbance and rape me right now on this roof top! He's just trying to scare me again!

Suddenly it thunder above us and I was scared shitless with being with him. I started to kick and squirm but he held me tighter pushing all his weight down on me making me stop any movement. He laughed out at me and I grabbed his face and tried to push his head that was nearing mine away.

"GET OFF ME YOU PERV!!!KYAAA. STOP!!!" he ignored my plea as he grabbed my hands roughly in his one strong and held my both hands above my head..

I was wearing my grey puma tracks, with a black jumper that was unzipped. Showing my white spaghetti beneath.

Vincent studied my fear and smiled to himself. I was lost for words when I felt him look directly at me and slowly down to my lips with his free hand I saw him reach out for my black glasses and remove them gently..Vincent features had suddenly changed..he looked at me deeper and I although I hated the fact he was looking at me..i turned my head away from him looking very pissed off..

"You do have beautiful eyes…it's a shame you have to hide it every day behind these tools .." he said with amusement once again studying my eyes..

"Hmm..you seem to close in your transformation..it won't be long now..maybe you need a little more of trigger to start you of to the next process.."

What the hell is he on about now???..

"The next process would you getting off of me!!" I said with clear venom in my tone..

He just smirked and I proceeded to move more underneath him..crap if on I could get one of my legs free I can possibly knee him!..but how can I move..his hands are cuffed above mine..his weight is not doing me anygood..think Jeana think!!!..

"Don't move Jeana." he said in a serious tone, which I had no choice and obeyed foolishly..i was under serious pressure here and the stories I heard about him from Aria were all bad news..

Vincent Moreno age 18.

Hangs out in a gang in out of school, beats up people to an extent were they are left hospitalized for weeks! Can't get sued because of his rich parents that donate generously to the school board. Has been kicked out of many private high schools due violent acts against teachers and student. Loves vandalising and destroying school property. Loves to steal cars and taking them on joy rides.

The teachers fear him. They let him be and let him come late to class. He loves going out messing around with girls then likes dumping them the very next day.

All around bad guy, who can't be messed with. The only person he'll obey is Mr Chase, strangely.

I was interrupted by his eyes suddenly finding mine…

"What are you thinking about Jeana? You seemed so worried, yet so confused at the same time?" He mused as he curiously gazed down at me, trying to figure me out.

I gave him a death glare and he started laughing.

Unfortunately, bad boy Vincent smelled really, really good. It was a sin.

I was almost on the verge of shedding a tear, since scared the hell out of me.

From a distance, he looked like an angel. An angel that belonged in a cover of a magazine. His skin was tanned yet flawless. But as soon as he neared and smirked with his pretty pearly white teeth like that, you knew deep down that soul of yours you were f^cked.

"J-J-Just get of me." I said annoyed and angry that he was squashing me underneath him. Soon enough the rain had started to drizzle on upon on.

He smiled showing me his pearly white and shook his head with joy. I hated seeing his happy face and I immediately closed my eyes and bit my lower lip from refraining myself heavily from saying a word that would probably anger him. I immediately turned my head to the side, which was probably not such a good idea since he got a view of my warm naked neck.

"Wrong answer Jeana. Well then lets get started. You smell very nice right now? Hmm, let's take care of that transformation." he said it whilst he inched closer to my left cheek and smelled my aroma of my soapy cream on my face.

I soon felt his hot lips upon my neck and I panted in panic.

"Np, please!" My heart hammered in my chest.

I was furious and I wanted to slap him so hard that he never turned to see my cheek ever.

Suddenly I felt his palm trace my jaw line towards my chin, sending me shivers down my spine. I felt his hand feel my neck, and moving down to my collar bone slowly resting his huge palm over my left breast almost cupping it.

"Ahn♡ ~"

I gasped out loud out of surprise. What the hell is he doing?

I heard him chuckled as he continued.

Suddenly I closed my eyes and prayed for an idea to strike me, as he continued to explore his hand upon my body gently and pleasingly.

I felt a warm breath on my neck and all of a sudden it got warmer. I opened my eyes to see that he was licking my neck with his warm tongue making it go all the way up to my neck and coming down.

He sucked and kissed with grace, playing his tongue over my skin, making me moan out lower again. I could feel him smile as he continued on with his soft succulent kisses and licks at my skin making me suddenly feel things down below.

He soon settled for a position just above my left collar bone, and started to suck on my skin harder almost pulling it gently with his soft moist lips.

I see how he charms the girls now. Vincent here is a really good at what he does, and I'm not going to lie. I kind of like it. I know I shouldn't but I actually do like what he's doing to me.

Wait what did he mean by transformation?

Get a grip Jeana! Get him off of you right now! My mind mentally screamed at me.

"Quit it!" I said angrily with a nervous tone. But he didn't stop. I was all hot and I felt a sudden heat radiating from his face. Just to cool things down for us the cloud banks were out with raindrops, getting heavier on us each time they fell.

He suddenly loosened up his grip on my hands and he entangled his hand from mine. With his hand loose he now freely took the advantage of running his hand in my dark mahogany hair. Electricity was dancing between us as he cupped by breast and increased his hard succulent licks upon my neck, making me suddenly buck under him.

"Ahn♡ ~ Stop" I was panting harder than usual, feeling things between my thighs I shouldn't.

"Hmm, you like that?"

I felt a playful smile on my neck as he still continued on. I silently bit my lips hard trying to stop the silly noises escaping from my mouth. I could feel him escape a silent moan as he pressed harder now getting lower from my neck. He felt like he was hungry pulling me more closer to him I suddenly gasped out loud as he licked and sucked on me harder than usual.

It frightened and excited me all at once. My stomach danced with butterflies and my heart skipped stones each time he warmly licked me up.

What the hell is he doing to me? Why the hell am I even liking this? This is crazy! I need to stop this madness! He's just taking advantage of me and he's playing with me!

That sudden anger took over me when I realized he threatened my family too. What did he really have against them?

My eyes snapped open with anger and rage igniting a fire in my eyes. I felt my voice getting heavier than usual then suddenly a low feral snarl as mean as a lioness escaped from me.

This bitch better get off me now.

Snapping back from my dream like almost europhic state I took my free hand and fisted it hard besides me. I could feel my hands had swelled up and my nails were phenomenally grown pointier and sharper. How could that be when I clipped them this very morning? Ignoring my sudden thoughts I suddenly winged the punch hitting his face hard making him roll over from me heavily with a painful groan.

Take that you dirt bag!

I heard him let out a deep growl that scared the hell out of me. He was still rolled over and had his back against me. With all this adrenaline rush pumping throughout my body I took the advantage, grabbed my bag pack and dashed towards the fire escape. I didn't dare look back anymore as I suddenly let instinct take over me.

"Jeana!" Vincent practically lunged towards me to catch me, but I dodged out of his way quicker and more alert before.

Screw the fire escape.

I jumped out of the edge of the rooftop.

The sky thunder and struck with lightning powerfully.

Like a spider I spread out myself when I was in the mid air. My hands were dangling as if I was doing a front stroke going down in mid air. Somehow an instinct on landing on the hard concrete ground struck me and I quickly brought my knees closer to brace my self for the landing.

I landed on the ground and it was a horrible landing from the side. My arm broke my fall but the strangest part was that I didn't feel excruciating pain?! I was shaking and to my bones when I steadily got up to my feet and then I looked up.

Vincent was staring down at me with blue glowing eyes and in that instant I had a flash back of the wolf that attacked me the other day.

My heart pounded widely in realisation as I realised that I was staring back at danger. The world around me spun and just as I went to run away, my legs gave out due to the intensity of the adrenaline rush flowing through me and I passed out on the ground.

I suddenly heard something land hard beside me.

Without a word that powerful presence got towards me quickly and lifted my body up from the ground.

Warmth soon engulfed me and I welcomed it once more as it carried me away in silence.