

"I don't want trouble." "Too bad, it's found you." Vincent backed me up against the wall, he then leaned in next to my head, taking a whiff at my neck and grinned mischievously at me making my heart pound. Why did the school bad boy have to be so damn hot?! "Something tells me you like, trouble too?" He gave my cheek a lick and gasped out of fright sensing his dangerous aura. I pushed him away and pulled out my pocket knife. Glaring back at him. My hand was shaking. I'd never hurt anyone before, but his ass was pushing it! As much as he was panty-dropping hot, this guy was bad news, to me and my new family. Murders were happening in town and somehow he and his brother Mr Chase (who was my science teacher at school), seemed to be involved. "Lick me again, and I'll end you." I warned ignoring all the stupid butterflies in my belly. It was weird, I couldn't explain it but he made me feel things I shouldn't. It was forbidden especially when he was my enemy. "I'll lick, suck and I'll [deeply chuckles]....Do something, something with your permission of course." He winked. I scoffed and looked at him in a challenging way, ignoring the sudden ache between my thighs. "Over my dead body!" I seethed. "Jeana, it's going to happen. It's what is known as fate. You feel the bond don't you? I know you do, I know you haven't been able to keep your eyes of off me. The more you try to fight it, the harder it will get for you." Before I got a chance to ask him what the hell he meant by bond and strongly debate the issue that I'd been curiously looking at him, the powerful asshole lunged at me and before I got time to run away from a shriek escaping my lips, he caught me by my waist and easily pinned me up against the wall and held my wrists firmly above my head. He was impossibly strong. Last time I'd got away by head butting him, but this time, I couldn't over power him. My body was heated, and sensations thrillingly were flowing through me due to his close proximity. I growled lowly, not caring if I was glowing my eyes at him. I'd kept this secret for too long, and all I needed for him to do was get scared and let go. But to my surprise he did the same, making me easily gasp out frightened. "Give in, drop the knife." He said producing the lowest dangerous growl that made the lockers beside me tremble. . . . Jeana McCredie lived a peaceful teenage life. That is until her father re married and met her step brothers that turn out to be egotistical arrogant bullies towards her. To top things off she gets involved in a very dangerous crowd at her new high school that pose as a threat towards her new family. The bad boy is in to her in more ways than one and he's not willing to share her with anyone that touches or bullies her. What happens to Jeana when an werewolf from her school takes a strong interest in her? What will she do when she finds out that her father is not just your typical cop. Jeana finds out that there is more than meets the eye to her step brothers and she has to whatever it takes to protect them, before the enemy clan kills them. Survival/Thriller/Werewolf/Teen/School/Mates/Secrets/Romance/Enemies to Lovers/ Weak to Strong/Possessive/R18

Rain_Hero219 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

11. Mr Moreno

"Ah, Mr Moreno and his party of four. How nice for you to join us?"

Mr Chase said as four guys walked through the door.

You know the 'troublesome' bunch I was talking about earlier? Well these guys were that troublesome bunch at school that Mr Chase mostly handled.

My ears were caught up with that familiar name Moreno. I had no idea who it was. But that last name sounded dangerous thanks to Ted's call I eavesdropped on to the other day. Was one of the notorious gang members a student here at Apollo high?!

Two had on sport gym attires where as one was wearing a cropped khaki short with a dark shirt on. The other guy that most of the girls were drooling over had dark faded jeans on, with a dark shirt that sported a stripper logo and had text in white below it that said 'I Support Single Moms'

"Sorry about the lateness Mr.C we got caught up with an emergency." said Khaki guy.

Mr Chase stared at the stripper logo and his khaki pant friend for a brief moment in silence. They both gazed at each other and then he silently nodded his head in some kind of understanding.

What the hell?! It looked strange but I swear some how those three were communicating in silence.

Oh c'mon Mr Chase! How come these bad boys get a silent nod from you and no detention?!

He briefly glanced towards his obedient silent class for a short second, and no doubt immediately saw my very annoyed stare at him. I swear I saw Mr Chase's lips twitch into a smirk before he turned away from gaze. He knew I was pissed because he let these guys stroll in late.

Then one by one the four made their way to take their seats. Just as they did, I got a terrible dangerous vibe when some passed by my aisle.

Gym boys took their seat to the further left.

Khaki boy sat down in the back of the middle row stealing the text book from the nerd infront of him and then the last guy.

Well, I'm afraid he took my breath away. I'd never seen him before. He was equally as handsome as Mr Chase. As he walked down my aisle on the right, my eyes suddenly linked with his.

He was tall. Atleast 6ft2 broad shoulders, coffee dark brown hair with mesmerising greyish-bluish eyes i'd ever seen on a guy sporting a very light slight beard, that not many teenage boys could grow that easily and perfectly.

He was walking normally, but to me, it felt like was walking in dangerous slow motion, with his sharp eyes targeted right at me. He held my gaze curiously and deeply as if he was looking into my soul. My heart pounded as he drew closer, he had tanned skin no doubt. Strangely I could feel his insane dangerous energy levels just as he passed my row by.

Goosebumps instantly invaded my arms.

They were quite notoriously high like Mr Chase.

It secretly frightened me.

Stripper logo guy, looked towards me sensing my sudden nervousness then he shot a short playful smirk at me before he took his seat right at the back behind khaki guy. I quickly averted my attention towards my book.


So he's dangerous and hot.

Never seen him before in my life.

Big deal.

"Oh my goodness! I forgot to tell you about these guys!"

Aria whispered as I went on with my work, whilst still thinking about beautiful blueish-greyish eyes.

I paused and I whispered back.

"What do you know about them?" I asked curiously.

She glanced towards the bad boys who seemed to be lost in their own world via their phones and then she pulled me in to whisper closely in my ear.

"These guys are trouble Jiji, it's better we steer clear of their way, because they're all juvenile delinquents." she said in a quiet whisper. I was stunned at shocked.

Juvenile delinquents? Doesn't that mean they've been to jail?

Mr Chase suddenly sighed and fired a strict gaze at us.

"Enough from you gossip girls Miss McCredie please swap seats with Mr Hulio."

Hulio he was part of the juvenile delinquent gang?!

"No wait sir we were discussing our lesson" I tried to protest with a lie to save us from separation.

"NOW! He boomed with his beautiful voice (note the sarcasm), making me instantly get up in obedience all whilst startling the other students with a minor heart attack.

"Go Jeana go before he gives you another detention." Aria said avoiding all eye contact with me, to frightened to even look at her crush of a teacher. She's right, the last thing I wanted to do was provoke him.

I quickly grabbed my work book and text book and departed from my seat.

"Thank-you for your co-operation Miss McCredie."

Mr Chase smirked and sat back in his seat eating his green apple. Yummy, I want that apple shutup stomach now is not the time!

I shot my teacher a quick polite smile and made my way over to Hulio and greeted him with a quick look of acknowledgement. Hulio ignored me and eagerly went over to my seat.

"Hello Aria."

"Sup, Hulio."

"Sup, yourself girl?" He plopped down next to her with a big smile on his face and took no time grabbing her by the back of her neck and pulling her right next to him and scenting her strongly by her face.

"Excuse mmm..me!" Aria pushed him away looking nervous as hell.

"You're excused."

"Hulio, behave yourself." Mr Chase warned.

"Of course I will." Hulio winked at Aria who looked down towards her book.


I reluctantly plopped my nervous @ss down besides the mysterious blueish-greyish eyes that gave me dangerous vibes earlier.

'Oh my goodness she's sitting with him?!'

'Better watch your back McCredie'

I heard a couple of students whisper in the air.

I sat down and immediately shifted my chair completely to the side. As rude and offensive as it looked, I gave my pretty neighbour a short smile, still trying to act coy around him.

Why is pretty boy looking at me?

Do I have something on my face?

Do I smell? I was really wishing to smell myself but then I held back on that notion because I knew I wasn't sweating. Badly.

Ignore him Jeana. There is no need for communication. I breathed out a sigh trying to ignore his intense yet curious stare at me.

I put my things down and got straight down to writing my notes.

However I clumsily dropped my red note book beside my chair. In this note book I had been writing up 'my new project' that I had brainstormed and I didn't even realize it had been picked up by my new neighbour.

After five minutes of silence he suddenly spoke.

"Interesting notes?" spoke the deep dark velvety voice beside me.

I turned my head towards him and my eyes went wide with shock as I saw him reading my private note book.

I went to snatch it back when Mr. Chase was not looking.

"Please give that back."

"How about no?" He spoke quite enjoying the read.

"Give it back!" I hissed. I leaned further into him trying to get to his stretched out hand which he was slowly pulling away. I glared at him and at the same time I couldn't help that he actually smelt really nice.

Focus! Get your book back!

This was no concern to him at all. The book consisted of all the police codes the incident on the rooftop and luckily I had written about the call I heard heard my father talk about but I had written Mr.M..instead of Moreno.

I had memorized that name beforehand and just for precautions such as these I knew I had to be careful, because I couldn't trust the Caesar brothers after all, they were too conspicuous.

Just before I could lean more further in.

Pretty boy stretched out his hand more further. He then suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me so close to his beautiful face that my specs almost fogged up. He grinned his pearly whites when I took in a sharp gasp, knowing all too well I couldn't shout since Mr Chase would shout back at us for misbehaviour.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down Jeana I didn't know you wanted me that bad." he whispered dangerously closely to my right ear.

Ok, how the hell does pretty know my name?!

I'm pretty sure I didn't give it to him?

My face went completely ketchup red and I pushed away from him causing so strongly that he let go of me and I fell down from my chair. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest, as if it was alarmed yet excited when he suddenly grabbed me out of the blue like that.

Pretty eyes cracked a smile and laughed shortly whilst the whole class looked back at me on the floor and laughed in a fit of laughter.

I silently gave a sharp glare at my neighbour who caused this ridiculous humility upon me in the first place.

Aria wasn't laughing, infact she was caught with trouble with her new neighbour who flicked at her hair playfully.

Mr Chase came by and I cursed at my luck.

"I'm sorry."

My neighbour winked as Mr Chase pulled out his hand for me to take in silence. I sighed accepting his offer to help me up. He did so swiftly and pulled my chair in the correct position too.

Mr Chase gave me a silent annoyed look then turned around to the rest of the class giving them one look of his most strictest gaze.

Like a miracle the class ceased their laughter upon me and fell pin drop silent.

He then turned his attention back on me.

"Can't you behave anywhere I put you Miss McCredie?" he said in a disappointed tone.

I let out a brief sigh and looked away in shame.

Why do I have a feeling today is not my day at all?

"What caused you to fall down in the first place?"

I pointed at him at the culprit beside me. Who then turned back with an innocent look at Chase. This d!ck.

"She fell on her own, like most of the girls do." The culprit winked.

I scoffed.

"He stole my personal note book sir, I was just trying to getting back!" I fired angrily.

"What notebook?" Pretty eyes said with empty hands. This lying d!ck.

"He's hidden it sir I'm sure it's inside his jacket pocket!" I claimed.

"You're most welcome to search me." Pretty winked in a flirtatious way right in front of Chase. Oh, this guys has balls. My cheeks caught heat once more not because I was blushing, because I was getting angry.

"I want it b —" I was suddenly interrupted by Chase.

"Enough Vincent. Hand over that book to me."

Vincent sighed in defeat and pulled out the note book from the back of his jean pocket.

"Thank you Mr Moreno. You can collect this book at the end of your one hour detention Miss McCredie."

Vincent then looked at me and winked earning me to glare back at him again.

"But Mr Chase, sir!" I protested.

I wanted that book back now. However it was of no use.

Charming Mr Chase ignored me and got his attention back to his slaking off students.

I looked back at my official enemy that was going down in my invisible book of bad book of bad people names.

1. Derek Ceasar

2. Roman Ceasar

3. Pretty Boy Vincent Moreno!

4. Mr Charming Chase

Wait hold up.

Did Mr Chase call bad boy Vincent Mr Moreno?!

Moreno, the one that my Dad was on to? Ok calm down, let's not jump to conclusions. There can be so many people with the last name as Moreno. Stop freaking out just because he shares the dangerous name as the person I heard off.

I sat down on my chair and I saw Vincent turn his attention to his work book.

I continued on with my work in silence. Trying to control my sudden rage within me. This was very unlike me. I mean I did get mad but I always used to calm my anger away.

I had learned how to control my anger always when it came to the Ceasar brothers bullying me by barking orders at me.

However something was strange. I didn't feel right today. I suddenly started to get hot in my grey jumper and I looked out the window for some fresh air avoiding a certain person blocking my view with his attractive eyes I glared at him sharply before turning my gaze back towards my work.

The pen I was holding was shaking in my hand and as I gripped it tighter then suddenly it broke easily in two.

Shit what was going on with me? I needed to get out now! I'm starting to get so warm, I can feel the trickle of sweat running down my spine. I know it's a summer season but honestly it's not even that hot outside thanks to the cloudy skies.

"Hey, you don't look so good?"

Vincent said curiously with his perfect poker face.

I fired him one angry pissed of look, that easily made him smirk.

I said nothing to him. Not when he stole my book like that. Pr!ck you're on silent treatment with me. I kept my head low to the ground I immediately stood up and made my way.

"Where are you going?" Said the charming one.

"Bathroom, break your highness!" I snapped, stunning Chase and the rest of the class in process.

Pretty couldn't help but crack up laughing.

I suddenly came to my senses and realised I snapped at him.

"Miss McCredie watch your sass." Chase said in a strict tone easily frightening me.

"Sorry, I just need a bathroom break sir."

Keeping my head low avoiding all eye contact.

He looked at me and knew I was not looking right at all.

"Very well, you may —" Without a second I rushed out of the classroom not letting him finish.

I headed in to the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

I immediately took of my jumper and I was sweating like waterfall. I quickly went to the sink and splashed cold water all over at on my face.

When I looked up I gasped at myself out of shock and fright. My deep dark chocolate eyes were now a pair of yellow glowing pair of electric eyes. Staring right back at me.