

"I don't want trouble." "Too bad, it's found you." Vincent backed me up against the wall, he then leaned in next to my head, taking a whiff at my neck and grinned mischievously at me making my heart pound. Why did the school bad boy have to be so damn hot?! "Something tells me you like, trouble too?" He gave my cheek a lick and gasped out of fright sensing his dangerous aura. I pushed him away and pulled out my pocket knife. Glaring back at him. My hand was shaking. I'd never hurt anyone before, but his ass was pushing it! As much as he was panty-dropping hot, this guy was bad news, to me and my new family. Murders were happening in town and somehow he and his brother Mr Chase (who was my science teacher at school), seemed to be involved. "Lick me again, and I'll end you." I warned ignoring all the stupid butterflies in my belly. It was weird, I couldn't explain it but he made me feel things I shouldn't. It was forbidden especially when he was my enemy. "I'll lick, suck and I'll [deeply chuckles]....Do something, something with your permission of course." He winked. I scoffed and looked at him in a challenging way, ignoring the sudden ache between my thighs. "Over my dead body!" I seethed. "Jeana, it's going to happen. It's what is known as fate. You feel the bond don't you? I know you do, I know you haven't been able to keep your eyes of off me. The more you try to fight it, the harder it will get for you." Before I got a chance to ask him what the hell he meant by bond and strongly debate the issue that I'd been curiously looking at him, the powerful asshole lunged at me and before I got time to run away from a shriek escaping my lips, he caught me by my waist and easily pinned me up against the wall and held my wrists firmly above my head. He was impossibly strong. Last time I'd got away by head butting him, but this time, I couldn't over power him. My body was heated, and sensations thrillingly were flowing through me due to his close proximity. I growled lowly, not caring if I was glowing my eyes at him. I'd kept this secret for too long, and all I needed for him to do was get scared and let go. But to my surprise he did the same, making me easily gasp out frightened. "Give in, drop the knife." He said producing the lowest dangerous growl that made the lockers beside me tremble. . . . Jeana McCredie lived a peaceful teenage life. That is until her father re married and met her step brothers that turn out to be egotistical arrogant bullies towards her. To top things off she gets involved in a very dangerous crowd at her new high school that pose as a threat towards her new family. The bad boy is in to her in more ways than one and he's not willing to share her with anyone that touches or bullies her. What happens to Jeana when an werewolf from her school takes a strong interest in her? What will she do when she finds out that her father is not just your typical cop. Jeana finds out that there is more than meets the eye to her step brothers and she has to whatever it takes to protect them, before the enemy clan kills them. Survival/Thriller/Werewolf/Teen/School/Mates/Secrets/Romance/Enemies to Lovers/ Weak to Strong/Possessive/R18

Rain_Hero219 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

02. What do you know?


"So, Seriously guys. Look at the time. I got to catch some sleep. Wake up early tomorrow, do the whole school thing. Haha! Ok, well enough said (YAWNS fake) Goodnight.." Bitchez. I said quickly, not want to linger around them.

I saw Derek take a seat and Roman clearly blocking the entrance.

This punk!

"Ermm..Excuse me Roman." I said politely, trying hard not to get angry.

He gave me a his playful mischievous grin.

Concentrate Jeana! Don't get distracted by charming looks.

He's the stupid one! You are smart! You can get past this douchebag somehow.

"Oh, come now didn't you say you were going to make me a cup of coffee?"

Damn it Roman! It was hot chocolate. Who the hell wants to drink coffee at this late hour?!

"I think you meant hot chocolate.." I corrected. His silly error, as he realized he was wrong but still continued with what he said.

"But I want coffee…sugar.." he said putting his arms and crossing them over his broad chest.

"Well then make it yourself…sweety.."

I heard Derek chuckling deeply amused and shaking his head at Roman who was looking amused yet annoyed at the same time.

Can you pricks leave me the hell alone?!

I smiled back politely empathizing the last word, through my clench teeth showing I was getting angry with his order.

My patience with him was running out, and I saw him looking a little annoyed at my comebacks. I took a step to the right to get past me but he mirrored my moves, and suddenly he grabbed my shoulders and brought me close to him..

I froze. Crazy guy.

"Let go!" I tried to push him away, but he was hulk strong. Damn jock.

"Are you saying no to me?" he said in his deep threatening voice.

He suddenly looked up and smirked. Pushing me back I was caught by another annoying good pair of strong arm.

I hate them to the core!!

What am I a toy you get to throw around? Might as well throw in the pig in the middle…oh wait, that's right! That's currently me!


"What! the hell Derek let go of me!" I stated angrily trying to keep calm and shaking my shoulders of Derek's hand.

"Hey Roman."

"Yes Derek.." I saw them both ignoring me now, and I was now officially pissed of to the max.

"Did you know are baby-step sister is a eavesdropper?"

My eyes widened and I can't believe he just ratted on me to his stupid brother.

I hated the fact they called me their baby step-sister. If you guys were truly my blood brothers you would not be bullying your precious sister right now!!


He shoved me back into Roman and he turned me around to face me with sarcasm written all over his face when he gasped out.

"No, way!" he said like a girl making me raise my eyebrow and rolling my eyes.

I looked up at him disgustingly annoyed and was tired by the fact that I have to deal with these two punks.

"Ok Jeana…How about you tell us what you heard. From the top and don't lie because trust me I know Eric was talking on the phone before I came down the stairs. And you need to tell us what you heard."

Roman spoke in a serious demanding way.

Ha! So he's also a eavesdropper too. This punk. Trying to make me feel so guilty here, is not going to work.

"Well. Roman and Derek."

He let me go and I backed away shooting my head towards the exit. I started walking fast that direction. With the exit still on my rattled mind.

Yet again I was pulled back by my hood and forcefully sat down on a white chair with Derek standing behind me.

Oh great Roman the caveman is blocking the exit. Think, think Jeana!! How are you going to get out of this one?!

"I didn't hear a thing.." I said flatly and suddenly braced myself when Derek, knelt down towards me and squeezed my cheeks in his right hand, Oh no not my chubby face!!

I flinched at his touch and threw him a cold glare through my thick framed glasses.

Calm down. Jeana. Don't loose your fuse, just yet.

"Tell me the truth Jeana or I'll swear I'll be making you do the dishes in the kitchen for the rest of the year." Derek threatened.

He smiled and played with my cheeks pinching them widely.

That's it!!! No body pinches my cheeks like a five year old.

I know I have chubby cheeks but damn this is too far Derek!!! I fisted my hands into a ball and looked up at Derek who was now patting me on the head like his dog. Well the correct term of the female dog would be...

"BITCH PLEASE!!!" I yelled out in anger catching him by surprise as he let go due to my outburst.

That's right, back the f^ck up.

Derek stood his ground, folding his arms.

"Did our innocent nerdy step sister just curse Roman?"

"Yes she did Derek, surprised me too, she's not the type to curse like that." Roman addmitted shocked at me.

He suddenly started to laugh at me and Derek cracked up in his stupid laughing fit.

"Haha!!! Must be her hormones."

Roman said in between his laughs as Derek calmed down now looking pissed of at me.

Oh no. He cupped my face suddenly and my heart was pounding madly out of fright. What would they do to me now? How would they torture me for information?

This is the Caesar brothers we are talking about I know Roman well in school and his a stupid jock with a bunch of mean guy friends and I have seen him literally kick the ass out of other people if he doesn't get his way.

Derek, well I don't know what he is capable off since he goes off to college, but being brothers, and the way these two act roughly around the house, fighting it appears that Derek is the strongest one.

Well done Jeana..

(Sound of Applause)..

You just ticked him off!

Thanks for the reminder gut, but could you do me a favour and shutup!!! I need help here with this beautiful monster Infront of me!!!

I sighed and watched him, my glasses slipping of my face and my dear brother slipped them back on top of my nose.

Clearly I was sweating out of fright and looking at him dead in his eyes as he smiled at my nervous terror.

Both the boys knew how I was afraid of them I was and they clearly liked it when I was frightened in their presence. It was as if I was their toy, for the purpose for their entertainment and amusement.

Once I ratted on Roman that he hadn't done the dishes and Denise was furious with him. As a form of vendetta Roman locked me inside the laundry room from the early hours of the morning and went out only unlocking me from the basement just before Denise returned in the late afternoon. That prick almost made me piss my pants when he locked me up like that and I still havn't forgiven him or his crazy brother for pushing me around the house like some sort of maid.

"Jeana!?" Derek said now cupping my face hard.

Ouch it hurts you fool!

I know I'm not your typical good looking girl but I'm still a girl better yet you freak I'm your step-sister!!!! Handle me with care.

Screw this I'm done being scared I'll take my chances of the consequences!

He let go of my face and I was too angry to drop a tear for their further amusement oh no I was not about to show defeat just yet.

Derek was standing too close now and I looked up and smirked at him.

"You won't get the information that easy dear brothers."

I aimed directly between his legs with my left foot and he fell down on the floor grabbing his dice, I was trying to control my laughter as the other mischievous looking brother was looking angry now.

"Feel my wrath bitches!"

"That was not clever Jeana!" Roman barked and ran straight towards me.

I quickly dodged out of his way and he ran into the counter.

I knew he would still be fast so I took three mineral water bottles that were on the counter and threw it at them. Even though he was huge at least it was slowing him down.

I had one last trick up my sleeve. I took the sink pipe and sprayed his straight in his face, making him stumble back and trip over Derek who was still crawling on the floor.

Hmm, my I hope he can still have babies..hahahaha!!!

That'll teach to grab my face again.

"This is such a Kodak moment. Darn I need my camera. Oh well next time boys." I sprayed them again and dashed all the way upstairs locking my doors.

Safe haven atlast.

The one territory they couldn't enter, because if they did, I'd rat on them like crazy and they knew they'd be close to being kicked out if I did that.

Oh M G!!!!!!

Ok breathe! Breathe you just survived the lions in the house.

I just stood up to them. After two weeks of torture.

I can't believe I just defeated the 20 and 18 year old high tower of authority..and who beat them…non other than a 17 year old girl with not beauty but brains!...haha..clever girl.

At that moment a very inspiring song played in the back of my mind…


I did a little victory dance, that was short lived.

"JEANA!..OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!.." barked Roman outside my door.

They were banging and cussing. I kept silent and pretended I was asleep.

Roman still kept on banging the door. Stupid idiot will he never give up?

"I know your awake Jeana!!!"

Roman said angrily.

So? What if I am. Are you crazy that I'll open the door to you crazy guys at such a late hour?

My guess he'd grab me, haul me over his shoulder and take me down to the basement and lock me up like he usually like to do. But I wasn't scared of him anymore. He could lock me up as many times as he wanted. I had made so many keys for the basement that he didn't even know about.

"Go away guys It's late. Don't you need to catch up on your beauty sleep bitches?" I mocked. They finally gave in after a precise 12 minutes of his loud banging and thudding. I seriously thought he was going to break the door down.

"Jeana you're playing with fire here." Derek warned darkly.

"Hey, I can put out that fire anytime punk, so don't you dare try to threaten me!"

I wish Denise didn't go on her business trip to London.

With the Queen in the house, these two punk @ss bitches were like door mats.

Despite the fact that I was in the house with two lions alone. This lamb had come a long way. I was talking back, cursing at them at free will!!.

Honestly, where the hell did I learn how to talk back at them like that?

"You better sleep with one eye open bitch!" he finally hissed and I heard him walk away from my door.

I let out a huge sigh of relief.

The lions had retreated back to their lair.

No matter if I stood up to them, I knew deep down my warrior soul.

I just declared war with them.