
The Hunt For Home

Ariel Winehouse has lived her life as a normal human girl with an average human life. However, when a chance accident reveals the truth of her home town and her own parents, she sets out on her own to discover who she truly is, and find a place where she can finally belong.

Oni_Ignasha · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 48

The run to the town was fast, and the three groups parted in a beautifully choreographed and seamless movement that Ariel could not have planned better. Most of the wolves were in their wolf form, with the four that took the hunters clothing and weapons lagging behind to come in a bit after everything started. The idea was to rattle the hunters, get them distracted with the fighting so the disguised wolves could get in close and take out the hunters with their own weapons. It was the best was to utilize the disguises and weapons. The whole plan itself was a simple one, but it was the only one they had. Most of the fighters were dead or too injured to fight.

Ariel and the five males skirted the eastern part of the village, making their way for the command center once more. Since Cole and Ariel had already done some recon while they were looking for the file,s they knew where they were going. When the gunfire started, they knew that the fighting had started. Ariel hated the idea that more wolves were going to die, but they had no other options. Either they fought back, or they would all perish. This was the only option they had, no matter how bad it seemed.

The rout had few hunters., and the six of them were able to take them out fairly easily. They were just a couple of houses away and Ariel shifted, creeping to the edge to peek around it.

"I can see at least fifteen hunters. All of them are armed and on high alert." She explained to them. Without being able to talk the same way they did, she had to shift in order to tell them anything. It was far more dangerous, but it was the only course of action she had. Cole stepped up beside her, still as a wolf, and peeked around as well. His fur was soft as it brushed against her bare skin, and she could feel the heat radiating off his body. It made her want to wrap her arms around him and get lost in his warmth.

She shifted back and all six them them darted to the next house, now in range for their attack. Ariel hesitated. She watched the hunters for a few moments, her heart hammering in her chest. With that many guns, there was no way all of them were going to survive this. She could feel her throat tighten and panic began to creep into her mind. They were all going to die, or she was going to have to watch them all die. It was a painful thing to consider and all she wanted to do was run.

She felt something brush against her side, the smell of the forest after rain filled her senses and it helped to calm her. She tipped her head toward him, able to see in his eyes his belief in her. In this plan. She took in a deep breath, forcing away everything but the current task at hand. They just had to get through this. Whatever happens after they would deal with.

As one the six of them ran out from behind the house and sped toward the large group of hunters. They made no sound as they ran, their paws almost not touching the ground and their breathing carefully controlled as they closed in. By the time they were spotted, it was already too late. The first shots went off as Ariel, Cole, and Alexander jumped onto the closest of the hunters. Ariel tore out the throat of the hunter easily, already on the move before she could think.

The next hunter got off a shot, but her claws found his gut and he was down quickly. She snatched his gun away, feeling something hit her side and she shipped around, leaping onto another hunter. Teeth and claws slashed through flesh and bone, Ariel being the only one with a tolerance against the wolves-bane in the blood of the hunters. Her mind became a space only filled with her next target, determined to kill them all before they could kill her. Her eyes and throat burned, though she didn't why. She simply pushed through until there were no more hunters.

Ariel stood among the bodies, her gold tipped white fur was spatter with crimson, muddying her normally glossy coat. Her paws felt the warmth of the blood that was soaking into the ground. She felt as though she was going to vomit, but all she could do was look at the bodies.

Once more, Cole was there beside her, pulling her out of her own mind. This time, she did not entertain the thoughts that filled her mind about him. She simply walked out of the carnage. Already she could see they were one short. Ilaius was down, his breathing labored. Ariel could see a bullet wound in his chest and her throat once more closed up. She shifted and walked to him. Though she could see in his eyes that he didn't want her there, she sat beside him, soon joined by Joshua.

"You fought well, brother." Joshua said to the wolf, who shifted his eyes to his alpha. He was scared, and he was in pain but there was nothing they could do for him. The wound had done it's damage, and the silver bullet would kill him quickly. It was just too deep to try and dig out. Joshua took one of Ilaius' paws in both of his hands and Ariel could easily see the similarities between what she had already been through, and what was happening now. It hurt to have to live through it again. She didn't like this man, didn't know him. She still would never wish this fate on him.