

When his bestfriend gets selected for the hunger games, a young man will take his place and start a movement that will change the world.

Jay732 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Tj sits in a room alone, away from McKenzie and the others. A door then opens, catching his attention. A beautiful woman with black hair and green eyes then enters the room.

"That was one of the bravest things I've ever seen. You taking that boys place like that. I'm guessing he means alot to you."

"Yeah, he does. Most people would call what I did stupid."

The women smiles at Tj.

"Not me. My names Katrina."


The two shake hands.

"I'm sorry that this happened to you, and I'm here to help you in any way that I can."

"That's a nice change of pace. Most people just congratulate me."

"Well I don't see the point in that. So tonight, they have the Tribute Parade. I'm gonna take you out and show you off to the world."

Tj smirks.

"So you're here to make me pretty?" He jokingly asks, making Katrina laugh.

"I'm here to help you make an impression, funny guy. Now, usually they dress people in the clothes from their district."

"Yeah, we're always coal miners, right?"

"Yes, but I don't want to do that. I wanna do something that they're gonna remember. Did they tell you about getting sponsors?"

"Yeah, they did. I don't know how good I'll be at that though."

"We'll see."

Katrina grabs Tj's chin.

"I just don't think someone as brave as you should be put in a stupid costume." She tells him.

"I hope not."

Later, at the parade, Tj is wearing a black suit and tie. He then sees McKenzie wearing a black dress, with a white sash.

"Well look at you. Very nice, kid." Tj says.

"Thanks. Same to you."

Katrina then approaches them.

"Ok, once you two get out there, your outfits will change, so be ready for that." Katrina tells them.

"Will it hurt?" McKenzie asks.

"Not at all."

Tj then sees a beautiful girl with red hair, flawless skin, and gorgeous eyes. He is stunned, never seeing anyone like her before. The red headed tribute then looks at Tj and smiles before walking off.

"You alright, kid?" Katrina asks him.

Tj quickly snaps out of it.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just fine."

Katrina and McKenzie look at each other and just shrug. The tributes all get into their chariots and they all start to roll out. Caesar Flickerman then starts announcing them.

"There they are. There they are. This year's tributes. So exciting, it's giving me goosebumps. The stylists really stepped up their games this year, just look at those outfits."

He runs down every chariot one by one, but stops in amazement when he sees district twelve.

"In all my years of doing this, I have never seen anything like this before."

As the moonlight hit their outfits, they start sparkle and dazzle the crowd. Everyone cheers for them as Tj and McKenzie smile, soaking it all in.

"I could really get used to this." Tj tells McKenzie, as the two laugh.

The chariots then stop in front of a podium. A very powerful man then approaches the podium ready to speak. An older man who has a very intimidating presence, raises his hand in the air, silencing the crowd. Everyone watches on as President Snow is about to speak.