
The Hundred Handed One

When a small soul, has a big influence on one of the mightiest beings of myth, the world is sure to change. the Riordan-verse crossed over with something secret, until it enters the plot. due to the nature of Greek myths, subjects such as violence, gore, sex, and sexual violence will be mentioned. Gore will be described in a non gratuitous manner (in my opinion), and sexual violence will only be mentioned in passing.

GrinningAsura · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

The Right to rule.

Cronus looked at me, his gaze showing his outrage.

"How do you intend to ambush Ouranos, when you are the size of a mountain, he would see you from beyond the horizon?" asked Cronus.

"Our mother is the Earth, and the one who will lure him into the trap. If she was incapable of adequately setting up this ambush, I would doubt her position as a protogenos. Speaking of protogenoi, how do you expect to restrain our father while you kill him? In a weakened state he may be, but even as an avatar, he is still stronger than you."

Cronus looked only further offended. Likely taking my statement as an insult more than an observation.

"And you think you're strong enough to take him out? Do you believe yourself more capable than me?!"

Obviously I do, but there would be little point in saying that aloud.

"What I am suggesting, is that it would be an unnecessary risk to attempt to kill him alone. If we fail the first time, there likely won't be a second chance." I stated, hoping to appeal to his sense of reason. And it seemed that I had, as his shoulders relaxed and his sour expression lessened in intensity.

" So what is your plan? You sneak out from behind a mountain sized bush and hold him down, while I get close and deliver the killing blow?" Said, Cronus.

"Close, but I am going to have a weapon for myself."

His eyebrows raised in question before he turned to our mother, Gaia, to question if she would be able to provide another. But before the words could leave from his mouth, I began to speak again.

"She won't need to provide it for me, I intend to make it myself." I looked around at the rest of my siblings, specifically my five youngest brothers. Making eye contact with them, I made my request. "And I would like you lot to help me."


Gaia said that it would be a few weeks until Ouranos came down. And that gave us plenty of time to work. I spent the first few hours deciding what I would wield against our father.

From swords, spears, a scythe of my own, to hammers and cudgels. Until I finally settled on my weapon of choice. A length of chain, long enough to wrap around him thrice over.

And so we got to work. I asked my mother to pull from the earth malleable metals, to forge with my own hands, and the strongest of stones to infuse them with. She brought us ores and gems which refused to glitter. Strong were the materials she brought, but in dire need for refining.

Briareus and Cottus were given the job, to build a pit meant for great flame, and a crucible big enough to hold a titan within. They did so, hewing the stone with their hands like I had shown them before.

Next I had the Cyclopes help me with sorting the ores, picking out similarities and differences between them. Choosing the more rigid of the metals to melted first, so that we can forge them into chains.

Next was the fire, in order to melt down the ores into a workable form, the pit beneath the crucible needed a flame, and that is where we found our first problem.

The only one amongst the titans, who held and affinity with flame was Hyperion, and so we needed his help. The issue being that Hyperion is not the most cooperative individual.

" What are you expecting of me? You want me to just lay in this pit, and be used as a tool by you?" Hyperion said, the flames growing in intensity as he spoke.

I was upset at these words, and why wouldn't I be? Me and my brothers have been working tirelessly for the past three days at this point, so that we would have a chance at killing our father and getting freedom. We ask him to contribute to his own benefit and he has the gall to get upset at us?

I was tempted to throw him into the pit, and hold him there with stones while I forced his flames out of him with his outrage. But starting a fight and brewing bad blood between one of the only few people in the world right now was not going to be any more productive than just calming the crybaby in front of me.

" What is the point in getting angry at me? Aren't you angry at Ouranos, don't you want him to pay for casting us down here?"

"Of course I do. But do you really expect me to act as a bed of coals for you to do so?"

"You'll serve more use than as the torch you are at the moment. What else are you contributing to the cause besides your bragging, and your oh, so, witty, jokes? Hmm?"

"I contribute plenty."

"Oh, have you made any weapons, or armor? Have you devised any cunning strategy? Or are you referring to the entertaining stories you choose to regale us with? What happened in to one about the Nymph you accidentally set aflame? I can't recall as I've only heard it half a dozen times already."

" Are you trying to start a fight?!" Shouted Hyperion, garnering the attention of the others in the cave.

"No, I want to kill. And right now my sights are set upon Ouranos. Why aren't yours?"

It was now that I noticed the others had stopped their own work, as they watched alongside the rest of the titans. Even the bullheaded Hyperion wasn't ignorant of their gazes, and I chose to use that to my advantage.

"Let me guess, you are so afraid of our father, you would not lift a finger to help those who are brave enough to fight, for fear of his wrath. Am I wrong?"

The cavern grew hotter, as the flames jetted out of him. His glowing feet even began to sink into the earth as the stones began to liquefy. He became so bright that it was painful to look directly at him, but I knew I couldn't afford to look away.

Several minutes passed as he showed his indignance and continued to act like a child, before his flames calmed, and his gaze fell.

He looked back up to me, his eyes showing his resentment clear.

"I, Am, Not, a coward." He said through strained lips. Before marching to the first forge and hopping in. Convincing himself he has won, for now.

Another chapter down. Im figuring out how hard it is to turn the cinematic masterpieces in my head into words for you to enjoy. I'm still at it with this book, and I hope you continue to read.

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