
Chapter 27 Those Who Bullied Mommy Are All Bad People

After they left the Morgan family, Charles saw his wife Rosemary was so angry that her chest heaved violently and her pretty face turned pale. Comforting her, he said, "Rosemary, don't be angry. The Morgan family didn't reached an agreement with the Sun Group. Isn't that what you want?"

"Humph! They really pissed me off. By the way, Charles, do you know why Mr. Jones wants us to represent the Morgan family for the cooperation with the Sun Group?"

"How do I know?" With an innocent look on his face, Charles explained, "Perhaps for the sake of Mr. Miller!"

Rosemary thought for a while and thought this explanation made sense.

Seeing her daughter, Betty, kept burying herself into her arms. Obviously, she was frightened by what happened just now. She stroked her little head and comforted her in a soft voice, "Don't worry, Betty. I'm here."

"Mom, are they bad people?" Betty asked innocently.
