
Chapter 129 You Bastard

Charles dared to speak unscrupulously to Sophia, but he didn't dare to joke around with Rosemary. Rosemary had an innate momentum. Even at home, she had an aloof appearance.

Rosemary wasn't showing off deliberately. It was just that her body naturally emitted something called "temperament".

The more a woman was like this, the more a man wanted to conquer her instead. It was Charles' plan. When his day came, he would make all the decisions and let Rosemary do as she was told.

Rosemary seemed to know Charles' thoughts and glanced at him.

Charles pretended to be calm and served Rosemary and Betty some food separately.

During the meal, Rosemary asked worriedly, "Charles, now that you have provoked Bruno, you should be more careful! I am worried that he will harm you."

Charles showed his fist and said, "Rosemary, don't worry. Bruno is no match for me at all. If he plays dirty, I can always go to Bob to help me deal with him."