
the human world is awesome

basically fantasy characters having fun in our world this is my first book and English is not my first language cover is not mine it's just looks cool if it your Tell me if you want me to take it down

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chapter 2 gil and volt

in the land of the elf lenora we could see a

young boy with a tiger ears and tail walking happily to a group of elf and beastmen his name is volt

volt pov

i walk to mom and say

"hey mom i go and see gil"


mom look at me and say

mom "ok honey go play with gil me and you father are going to talk with his parents a little more ok" mom said with a smile

"ok" i smile back before i run to gil room

in gil room

we could see a young boy elf with brown color skin hah weird aren't elf supposed to have a clear white skin

and the boy open his eyes and suddenly shout

" im a dark elf you idiot"

you can hear me?

he start looking around and starts sleeping again....

gil pov

in my sleep i could hear someone raning to my room "please don't be volt i want to sleep"

volt come to my room and start waking me up

volt " gil gil you got to wake up let's play play"

"vol i want to sleep"

volt"no you to lazy lets play before we go to the human land "while trying to pull me out of my bed

" wait a minute why are we going to the human land? "

volt stop and look at me with a questioning look

volt" you don't now? "

" no I don't know why?"

volt" we are going to the human world "

" ya you already say that why are we going to the human land? "

volt" no not the human land the world the other human come from "

" .... "

volt "... "

" WHAT!! "

gil DAD" oh good you already know "

volt father" you two are going to regon empire to learn how to live in that world and stay there to see how things are in there world "

" just the two of us?! "

dad" no you going with 2 other the princess of regon Rachel and a descendent of cthulhu "


okay chapter 2 Completed i want it to be a bit longer so i make it 2 characters in one chapter so the next chapter probably going to be shorter i dont even now

English is not my first language so if there is any error tell me

that all am out