
The Human Who Won't Reincarnate A 3rd Time

I kenji will become the strongest!

Daoist588420 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 15

First I need to bring the zombie to me, I went outside the safe zone and I caught it's attention slowly but surely I brought the zombie to a

the place I wanted it to go a trap!

I brought the zombie to near the safe zone but close to the evolved bear. When I saw the Bear was coming over I sprinted to the safe zone, and watched as the predator became the prey. After 5 Minutes of fighting the zombie took a fatal blow then died. I dashed to the zombie and picked up a piece of it that I could eat. The bear lunged it's claw at me and it grazed my shoulder I escaped it by getting back into the safe zone.

I looked at the flesh, it was disgusting. It had an odourous smell and it looked disgusting. Luckily I won't die of poison because of the safety zone but it still will be disgusting to eat. I tried to trick my mind into eating it but it just wouldn't. But then I remembered all the people who would get away with effectively killing me and my mother. And I gulped down the flesh.

Level Up! Level Up! Kenji has reached level 3.

Zombie dropped Bow and arrows (40)

Kenji Can now use bow and arrows

Kenji Can now use magic arrows

And has gained Zombies Passive!

Now that I have killed the zombie all I have to do is take down the bear. And I know just the way to do it!