
The Lovestruck Pirates





Yuzuki Aoi has logged in


Yuzuki could only raise an eyebrow slightly in response to the sudden notification that popped up upon his existing of the portal. Though, he quickly dismissed it as he looked around at his surroundings.

He narrowed his eyes as he seemed to have found himself on what appeared to be the shore of a beach, definitely not one that he recognised. Obviously since this was indeed a different world. Meaning he needed to tread cautiously.

Yuzuki's attention was soon brought to a strange GUI that seemed to stay on his vision, the GUI being located at the corner of his peripheral vision. When he turned his attention up towards it, he blinked a few times as he read the information.


[One Piece - Server 12]

[Current Players: 1/5 --> [Yuzuki Aoi] [....] [....] [....] [....] ]


'I see...'

Yuzuki nodded his head as he looked at the information. It had been a question he had, with the number of Gamers he saw in the hub, what would happen if so many were to appear. However, it seems that the system was smart and separated them into alternate of sorts in the forms of servers.

Much like in RPG games.

From what he could see, it seemed that there was a maximum limit of five Gamers that could be in the world at a time. He also noticed a strange lock icon, so he decided to click on it to see what it meant. When he did, it gave him some insight.

Apparently, the lock meant that he was locked into this particular server. From what he read, it seemed to say that he would be unable to travel over to another server of this particular world, that being One Piece, without an invitation.

In other words, the only method for him to actually travel to another server of this One Piece world would be to have a friend send an invitation for them to come over. However, there would need to be enough room, meaning a free open slot in the 5 player limit.

He also did recognise the One Piece world, nothing incredibly in depth, but a good amount of it. It was kind of hard not to know of it considering the fact that the One Piece series was indeed one of the most popular mangas ever created and animated.

As of right now, it appeared that he was the only individual currently in this server.

'If memory serves, One Piece is a rather violent series. Considering pirates...' Yuzuki thought as he decided to take his sword out of the inventory just to be safe, he wasn't sure where in the world he actually was. It would be safe just in case something happened.


[Bloodlust Signs Detected]


'How convenient...'

Yuzuki thought with narrowed eyes as he turned around as he could actually feel the bloodlust even without the system having told him, though he didn't feel any fear from it as it was practically nothing. It was a weak bloodlust.

"What do we have here? Some kid with a sword!"

"Bahaha~! How cute!"

Yuzuki turned to see that the two people who shouted were two males around their mid-thirties perhaps, one being rather obese and the other pretty scrawny. He just stared at them unblinking as he didn't see them as much of a threat.

His attention was soon brought to a notification that had occurred in response to the activation of his [Observe] skill. He soon saw two GUIs of information regarding these two people who he could easily identify as pirates.


[Name: Marger] [Crew: Lovestruck Pirates]

[Health Points: 120/120] [Special Points: 0/0]

[Strength: 24 <+0>] [Speed: 40 <+0>] [Vitality: 16 <+0>]


[Name: Parger] [Crew: Lovestruck Pirates]

[Health Points: 400/400] [Special Points: 0/0]

[Strength: 44 <+0>] [Speed: 8 <+0>] [Vitality: 66 <+0>]


'Lovestruck Pirates, who came up with that?'

Yuzuki couldn't help but wonder as the name was honestly ridiculous to him, weren't pirates supposed to try and appear intimidating? The name of Lovestruck Pirates just struck him to see them as a complete joke.

However, he was not naive. He could tell these guys were most likely not the leaders in any way for this particular crew, and they were decent in power. The skinny guy was a bit more powerful than he was when he first got his stats. Though, he was far stronger now.

The big guy's Vitality was even rivalled to his own almost when he first started off and got the ability. However, it seems that their health was really not up there, the guy had the most and that was only around a quarter of what he had.

"He's quite the looker, ain't he? Bahaha~!"

"Yeah! I'm sure a few of our guys would love to have some fun with him, huh? Baha!"

"Agreed! Let's take him!"

'Okay, I have a bad feeling...' Yuzuki frowned as he heard those words. When they said 'fun', he had a feeling what they were saying and he was not happy with it. He narrowed his eyes as they began approaching him with grins on their faces. 'I'll deal with this fast...'

"Alright, kid. Come with us peacefully, we'll be nice and gen-!"


The fat one had yelled out as Yuzuki suddenly rushed at the scrawny looking one with impressive speed before using the butt of the sword to stun the male before sending a powerful punch that caused him to lose his consciousness

Parger had his mouth wide as Yuzuki easily took care of Marger. Yuzuki then turned his attention to the obese pirate before disappearing and reappearing in front of him, Parger couldn't even do much before Yuzuki low swept him, causing him to trip.

Yuzuki didn't stop there as he then kicked him upwards before jumping up and landing a powerful downwards hammer kick as the fat male was sent crashing to the ground. Landing with a loud thud as he found himself losing consciousness as well.

"That was easy..."


[You have levelled up 2 times! You have gained 6 Status Points]

[You have gained $76]


'Good, it seems I don't need to kill them to gain experience.'

Yuzuki nodded as he really did not like the idea of killing other human beings unless he truly needed to, he would just knock them out. He may have had an unfortunate life, but that wouldn't cause him to lose his humanity.

Yuzuki then noticed a rope that the scrawny male had as he picked it up and decided to use it as something to tie the pirates with. It didn't take long as he managed to tie the two pirates up and onto the base of a large tree.

He then sighed before noticing a new notification.


[Quest Acquired]

Task: Defeat the remaining minor Lovestruck Pirates that are currently attacking the villagers of Mospark Village.

Rewards: $20,000, 2 Copper Gacha Coins, 1 Silver Gacha Coin

Accept? [Yes] [No]


Yuzuki immediately selected the [Yes] option, though he needed to find out just where this so-called Mospark Village was actually located. As if on cue, he heard a bunch of screams coming from his right as he turned his head.

Yuzuki then narrowed his eyes before quickly sheathing his blade on the left side of his waist before quickly running towards the sources of the screams. He could even hear a few explosions coming from the distance.


It didn't take Yuzuki long before he actually arrived in the village that the screams were coming from. The place appeared to be a simple decently large village that was situated near the water of the island, the village being on a slightly sloped hill.

When he had arrived, he noticed the large pirate ship that was docked near the water, obviously belonging to the attacking pirates. He also noticed a number of villagers running away in fear, running away from the pirates that were attacking.

Of course, he didn't waste any time at all and began taking them down with ease. All of them were around the same damn level as the two that he had easily taken care of back near the shore of the beach he had arrived at.

All the civilians were hiding in their houses, which made it that much easier for him as he didn't need to worry about watching who he was attacking. With all the people outside being pirates, he could easily take them down without worry.

"W-Wait hold on! We can talk about this!"

"Silence." Yuzuki said simply as he knocked out another Lovestruck Pirate. Yuzuki hadn't been hit at all yet, these guys were just too damn slow to keep up with him. He hadn't even used one of his skills yet against them.


[You have levelled up 8 times! You have gained 24 Status Points]

[You have gained $560]



'Hm?' Yuzuki quickly heard the voice of who he could easily identify as to be a female as he turned his head to see a female who appeared to be around the same age as himself, she was on the ground running away from a man in his mid-forties or so.

The female had fair skin and a petite build, along with having neat long silver hair and a pair of ocean blue eyes. She was wearing what appeared to be a simple black dress and white sandals, a rather simple outfit.

The man had short brown hair and was decently muscular, having worn a ripped white t-shirt and baggy black pants. He also wore a pair of brown leather boots and a love heart tattoo printed in pink on the back of his neck. He had noticed all the pirates had the same tattoo on them.


[Name: Lovestruck Pirate Right Hand, Haji] [Crew: Lovestruck Pirates]

[Health Points: 4,400/4,400] [Special Points: 0/0]

[Strength: 120 <+0>] [Speed: 72 <+0>] [Vitality: 80 <+0>]


"I can't wait to have some fun with you. There were a good number of good lookers in this village, but you sure take the cake!"

"S-Someone, help me please!"

'Great, a damn paedophile...' Yuzuki growled under his breath. If there were a few things in his life that he hated the most, one of them would be a paedophile like this guy. Unfortunately, this guy was pretty damn powerful.

Looking at the guy's stats, he seemed to outrank him quite a lot in the strength department. The guy was almost as durable as Yuzuki was along with being almost as fast as he was, that was not something he was exactly happy with right now.

This guy was a lot tougher compared to the others. No wonder he is called 'Right Hand' in the name.

However, Yuzuki was not going to let that bother him right now as he quickly dashed forwards before grabbing hold of the female, earning a small shriek from her as they skidded to a stop a few meters away from the man.


"You know, the other guys were pretty bad with how they were lusting over the people in this village along with even me sometimes. However, you sure take the cake for scum and disgusting, don't you?"

"Who the hell are you, brat?!" Haji outraged as he glared towards Yuzuki. The male didn't flinch at all, nor give him a response as he set the girl down from his arms as she continued to look at him with wide-eyes filled with surprise. "Are you deaf?!"

"No, but I wish I was." Yuzuki scoffed as he heard the man yelling at him. Yuzuki signalled for the girl to stay put as he unsheathed his sword and began approaching Haji. The pirate blinked before laughing as he stared at the boy.

"You want to fight, huh? You have quite the pretty boy look, you could definitely sell for quite a price." Haji grinned both perversely and greedily as he then unsheathed a cutlass from what he knew and pointed it at Yuzuki. "Very well, I'll take you on!"

"That'll be your mistake." Yuzuki rushed forwards with a burst of speed as their blades clashed, Yuzuki gritted his teeth as he could feel the strength that Haji possessed. He definitely couldn't beat the guy in a fight of strength.

"What's wrong? Too strong for ya?" Haji taunted as he pushed back Yuzuki. The young male quickly broke the clash as he began to send a barrage of slashes towards the pirate. Unfortunately, Haji was able to parry and counter them. "Heh. You're not too bad for a kid! However, you are fighting the right-hand man of the Lovestruck Pirates, the great Ha-gah!"

"You talk too much." Yuzuki scowled as he landed a powerful kick to Haji's stomach, causing the man to lose the air in his lungs as Yuzuki then delivered a roundhouse kick to the man. Sending him flying back onto the ground. The girl watching on in surprise at the display of skill from Yuzuki.

Yuzuki didn't waste any time as he saw the man starting to get back up, he got into a stance with his sword before twirling it around a few times as he narrowed his eyes as the man stood up. "The First Divine Blade: Shimmering Steel... Vibrant Flash."

Yuzuki announced his attack with a monotone voice as he dashed forward while continuously swinging his sword in a complicated fashion, it looked as if his sword was moving like a supersonic blur. The man widened his eyes as Yuzuki approached.

He barely had enough time to react as Yuzuki was in front of him, he used his cutlass to the best of his ability to try and block the slashes. He did manage to block a few, but a few of the hits managed to get through as blood slashes appeared on his body.

"Geh... Enough!" Haji shouted as he swung his sword in a rage as Yuzuki quickly backflipped out of the way as he narrowed his eyes at the male who now sported a furious expression. "That's it, brat! Screw selling you, I'll kill you where you stand!"

'Hmph, getting angry in a fight. He'll end up faltering...' Yuzuki scoffed slightly as he saw the condition the male was in. He was certain the male wasn't going to be thinking straight with the amount of anger he could feel coming from the man.

"Die~!" Haji rushed at him with his blade raised above his head. Yuzuki didn't even attempt to dodge seriously as he just used his blade to redirect the attack to the left before delivering a powerful elbow hit to the man's chest.

"The First Divine Blade: Shimmering Steel - Vibrant Flash." Yuzuki once again stated simply before the attack started. This time was much more effected as his slashes were hitting Haji's main body from a very close-up range. The man widened his eyes with absurd amounts of agony as he released a cry of utter pain. 'This is over...'

Yuzuki stopped his attack before jumping upwards and performing a roundhouse kick that was aimed straight for Haji's head.

"How can this be...?" Haji's words stated as he saw the leg approaching him. He wasn't able to move though as he was soon sent crashing straight into the ground, the force of the kick embedding his head into the ground as Yuzuki landed gracefully back onto the ground.

'Hmph, somewhat decent challenge...'


[You have levelled up 4 times! You have gained 12 Status Points]

[You have gained $1,200]


[Quest Completed]

Task: Defeat the remaining minor Lovestruck Pirates that are currently attacking the villagers of Mospark Village.

Rewards: $20,000, 2 Copper Gacha Coins, 1 Silver Gacha Coin


[Character Status]

Name: Yuzuki Aoi

Age: 12

Level: 15

Race: Human

Balance: $415,836

Health Points: 1,680/1,680 [20 Per Vitality Stat Point]

Special Points: 1,600/1,600 [40 Per Special Points Stat Point]

Status Points: 42

Gacha Coins: [Copper: 2] [Silver: 1] [Gold: 0]

[Strength: 82 <+0>] [Speed: 80 <+0>] [Vitality: 84 <+0>]

[Special Points: 40 <+0>] [Wisdom: 50 <+0>] [Luck: 75 <+0>]


Yuzuki just panted slightly as he looked over the information.

It appeared that each level did indeed give him three status points each, he wasn't exactly certain if that was good or not since he knew that levelling up gets harder the higher your level is. Well, it wasn't like there was much he could do about that, so he'll put up with it.

He twirled his sword around for a second before sheathing it as the small amounts of blood that had collected on his blade splashed off and onto the ground. It was strange, he had never wielded a sword before yet he felt as if he had been using one for a while.

It was most likely similar to most RPG games, when a weapon has been equipped onto the player, they always seem to automatically know how to utilise a blade even without prior training with one. Some games strayed away from that and made the player level up a certain swordsmanship stat, but that didn't seem to be the case here.

Yuzuki then saw the Gacha coin rewards and nodded before deciding to use them right now as they could always give him something useful for the future.


[You have received $620]

[You have received $420]

[You have received $10,500]

[You have received LV1 Enchant Stones x4]

[You have received LV1 HP Stones x8]

[You have received 'The Mask of the Lost Ages']


[The Mask of the Lost Ages: A mask said to have been crafted by the hands of the gods during times when the multiverses were still young. Grants the user double the experience gained during battles through the divine powers blessed within the mask]

[Class: A] [Type: Helmet] [+10 Strength] [+15 Vitality] [+25 Luck]


Yuzuki blinked as he read the text.

HP Stones were obviously the other version of SP Stones, they grant health while the SP Stones grant you SP points. However, his full attention was on the mask that he was now holding in his right hand. He held it up as he examined it.

The mask not only boosted his Strength, Vitality and Luck stats by a good bit, but also seemed to grant him something that will truly help in the long run. With how it would provide him with double the experience he gains normally, it would definitely assist greatly in getting stronger.

It also appeared that the increase in the Luck category was larger than the other two, that would most likely help in when he rolled Gacha coins. At least, he assumed that the Luck category is what affects the chances of good items from the rolls.

The mask itself appeared to be of the same proportions as his own face, with the design being that of mainly black colouration with golden edges. There was only a singular eye-hole, that being the left eye, and had a glowing golden neon edge around it in the pattern of a burning flame.

The mouth of the mask was non-existent as it was just the general shape of Yuzuki's bottom half of his face. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to breathe out of the mask, but this was a Gamer system, no game developer really ever considered such a small thing when they design helmets, masks and such.

Anyway, aside from the mask, he had some points that he wanted to spend right now as he looked to see he had a total of forty-two Status Points available for allocating. He considered it for a second before nodding as he added them to the field he wanted.


[Strength: 102 <+10>] [Speed: 95 <+0>] [Vitality: 87 <+15>]

[Special Points: 44 <+0>] [Wisdom: 50 <+0>] [Luck: 75 <+25>]


"Thank goodness you're okay!"


Yuzuki turned his head as two loud voices caught his attention. When he did, he saw that one voice belonged to the girl he had just saved from Haji and the other was an older woman probably in her late thirties or so who had the same coloured hair as the young girl.

He watched with his usual emotionless look as he saw the mother embracing the girl in her arms with a few tears running down her face. He didn't stare for long before turning his attention towards the ship docked on the shore of the water.

'Might as well check it out...' He then looked around at the village. 'But first, need to tie all these pirate up.'
