
The Human System

Haniel an Angel comes from Heaven to learn how the Human lives,he was given his lover from the past as his guardian but what happens when his lover has the most recorded sins in the earth.

Annie08 · Others
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6 Chs

Year 15**

Luna left after because her Mother had used a telepathy to call her but before she left she had a private conversation with Ariel.

"Ariel, Please don't date Haniel",Luna begged.

"Why?",Ariel furrowed her eyebrows confused at what Luna asked.

"Just don't date him, please for my sake break up your relationship",Luna begged again as she looked at Ariel with a pleading eye.

"Luna,if you don't tell me the reason why I shouldn't date Haniel the relationship would keep growing",Ariel said sternly as Luna glared at her angrily.

"Ariel, don't forget I introduced him to you and you are stepping on my back and dating him,I also like him no I love him and I'm willing to do anything for him even if it's getting rid of you so now just back off when I'm nice",Luna threatened as Ariel looked at her shocked and with disbelief written on her face.

'I guess I should really tell her',Ariel thought and wanted to tell Luna but Luna was already in some deep thoughts.

"Luna,Luna, Luna don't show your powers when you are with her,Come back home right now",Luna mother told her in her telepathy powers.

When Luna already calmed down she didn't wait for Ariel nor Haniel to explain and just left angrily.

"Are you really sure we shouldn't tell her?",Ariel asked worried about her best friend.

"Two is already a secret but when it's three it's no longer a secret",Haniel said seriously with a straight face.

"Thanks,do you wanna stay for dinner?",Ariel asked all of a sudden shocking Haniel as his straight and stern face immediately changed to a smiley face.

"Okay",he nodded hurriedly and smiled as they both sat down on the floor to eat.

After dinner Haniel and Ariel sat down in a bench after cleaning the dishes.

"Have you ever wondered what life would be like in the future?",Ariel asked Haniel while staring at the stars.

"Well,I don't know but all I can say is focusing on the future can't help your future be better and don't think about the future to much cause you don't know tomorrow",Haniel said while looking at Ariel lovingly with smiles on his face.

"Tomorrow I'm going to know the whereabouts of my parents whether the Great Lords like it or not",Ariel breathe out and smiled as she looked at Haniel before looking at the stars back.

"Do you really want to know about your parents?",Ariel nodded and smiled.

She breathe out as she picked up a stone and threw it to the water at the side,"You don't know what it feels like to lose something and you desperately want it back,You only lost your Dad but I lost both my Mum and Dad",

"How are you that sure they aren't dead yet?",Haniel asked

"They are not dead,I can feel it",She smiled

"So can you feel me if I'm not close to you",Haniel asked jokingly as they both laughed silently.

"Well I won't say feel I can sense and scent you any where,your smell is quite refreshing and nice",Ariel smiled and stroke his hair with her hand and laughed.

"Well I guess yeah",Haniel laughed as his ear turned red.

An hour later they both got tired and decided to call it a day not knowing that day would be the last day they meet again until their destinies want them to meet.

"Bye Ariel"Haniel waved as Ariel entered her house and left.

In another part of the world.

"Mum",Luna shouted as she entered her house,"Why did you call me back,she stole Haniel from me again I will kill that girl",Luna shouted as she entered her Mum's chamber.

"Luna my dear you have to calm down the time is finally here don't worry she won't go scout free either her or her parents are going scout free",Luna calmed down when she heard her Mum words as she came closer to her Mum's bed.

"Mum,do you by chance know where her parents are?",Luna asked as her Mother smiled devilishly and stroked Luna's chin with her thumb.

"Why did you think I sent you to be her friend even though you hated her?",Luna gulped hard as she looked her Mother with a fearful gaze.

"Don't worry Mother knows what she's doing,Just go to your room and don't come out until I tell you",Luna nodded like she was charmed as she stood up and walked to her room like a controlled puppet.

The Next day Ariel went to Evie's store but she wasn't there so she asked another store owner beside Evie's store.

"Sorry Excuse me,have you seen Evie anywhere?",

"Didn't you hear?",Ariel shook her head as the woman came closer to her and took her inside her store.

"Yesterday Some People came from the castle to take Evie yesterday",

"But Why?",Ariel asked worriedly

"They said the Queen got angry because she accompanied someone named Alisa yesterday and they said the Queen doesn't like anyone named Alisa that's why no one is named Alisa in the town but yesterday an unknown person named Alisa came to Evie's store",The woman said as she was looking outside for any eavesdroppers.

Ariel eyes flickered shut as tears were threatening to fall but she pushed it back forcefully and she sniffed."You must know that I'm Alisa right and why are you telling me this",

Ariel looked at the woman as the woman smiled lovingly,"Evie already told me you would come today and ask of her and I know you since you were born",

"You are a witch?",it sounded more of a question more than a fact.

The woman laughed silently,"Not a witch I'm a white fairy only white fairies can see the past and the present but you are the Daughter of Nature so your powers are exceedingly great that's why everyone is after you",

"Who are the people?",Ariel asked worriedly

"Just know the people close to you are the ones who will hurt you badly okay",All of a sudden everyone started shouting as the woman hurriedly stood up and closed her store door and every other windows as Ariel stood up urgently.

"What's happening?",Ariel asked worriedly and helped the woman close all windows.

"They already sense you are here,the time is getting closer you have to save Evie to know everything okay the only thing I can do for you is transporting you to the castle,and here is the passage route to the dungeon",She waved her hand in the air as a piece of paper fell on her hand and she gave it to Ariel.

"What about you?",Ariel asked out of concern as the woman smiled lovingly and caressed her cheeks with both of her hands.

"This battle is your own alone I will be fine you will meet me again in the future I promise okay,Now go",The woman opened a portal for Ariel and pushed her towards it.

"What's your name?",Ariel asked hurriedly

"Castyn",She smiled and pushed Ariel towards the portal before the doors was pushed open by some creatures with long ears and long nose and one eyes as they seized Castyn and a tear dropped from Ariel eyes as the portal closed and she found herself in a room with a smell of blood and sweat.