
The Human Protector

This novel is on break for an indeterminate time ------------------------------- Men were not alone in the universe. It was a fact that humans who lived peacefully on their planet, found out in the worst possible way. When large spaceships had come in with the aim of controlling this planet to empty it of resources before reselling it, they gave humans two choices. Either you serve us yourself, or we kill you before enslaving you. Seeing that despite the large spaceships, the invaders only have swords or spears, the humans had decided to fight. But at the end, it did not take a few months before the mankind was crushed. Rin, a former soldier who lived with his daughter, saw her die in front of his eyes. But before he could do anything, he unfortunately couldn't escape slavery. Until the day he stole a relic from these aliens. A relic that will change his destiny, and that of each human being. "Ho? I love that rage in you, despite the weak creature that you are." "Let me give you the power you want." "What will it cost?" "You'll find out soon enough." As a terrible laugh echoed in Rin's head, Rin didn't hesitate, and accepted the power of this demon living in the relic.

Le_Krackeen · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: A spaceship visit

As Rin's pickaxe made contact with the wall in front of him, a crevasse opened and a small red stone flew with the shards.

As fast as lightning, Rin caught it mid-air, and making sure no one was looking at him by glancing around, put the stone in his mouth.

He breathed through his nose, and continued to mine like this as if nothing happened. He was pretty happy, as he didn't expect to find this pebble so easily.

The day passed thus, and night came. The slaves, exhausted from the day, were walling slowly toward their resting area inside the cave.

It was just an area on the ground, with no accommodations whatsoever, and the slaves stretched out in this place without a single noise like a group of robots programmed beforehand.

Rin collapsed to the ground, next to Martin and Elira. Mining all day was still exhausting, so he was tired as soon as he touched the ground. But he resisted the call of sleeping, and seeing that the guard was far away, he spat out the stone he had kept all day in his mouth.

Martin's eyes widened as Elira began to smile. She took the stone with her sleeve to wipe it off and observed it from all angles.

It was a red stone, slightly luminous, which forced the three companions to try to hide the light in the darkness of the cave.

"What's this ?" Martin, who was looking at the stone in Elira's hands, was puzzled. "I am one hundred percent sure to have never seen this kind of stone!"

Elira, equally lost, scratched her head.

"No idea, it's just a luminous stone to me."

"Okay," Rin, his gaze moving towards the exit of the cave, exposed the idea he had since a few days now, "We just have to go to their ship and see if we can find some stuff."

"What ??"

"Shhh, watch your mouth ! Do you want this alien to come near us ?"

As Elira picked up Martin, Rin explained.

"We have two solutions. First, we ran away from here. Easy, the guards only treat us like bugs, they don't care what we do. Running away at night would be incredibly easy." He paused, and, looking in turn at these companions, continued. "But there's a fucking jungle out there. No chance of survival out there."

"Yeah that we understood, what's your second solution, to infiltrate their ship? Are you sick?"

"Elira, you see as I do that these guards don't even pay attention to us. I was able to recover this stone without them knowing, that proves that we can do it! And most importantly, it is that the opening to enter the ship is never closed or guarded. I have the habits of all these guards in mind. I will be able to access them easily without being seen. "

"Rin. It's a spaceship. If we little humans can create surveillance cameras, there's no way they don't have something like that!"

"That's true. But we only have those three possibilities. One hundred percent chance that we die in the jungle,ninety nine trying to get into the ship, or one hundred standing around and wearing out here."

"Elira, I agree with Rin. It's our only option." Martin thought for a moment. "Rin, do you think you can get in by daylight if their attention is as far away from the ship as possible?"

"Umm, that should be possible, yeah. But how do you want to attract them? By forming a riot?"

"Wow wow wow are you mad? We've got a red stone, we're using it for the guy in the red robe coming out of the ship and you'll be a little more comfortable inside. we have already seen there is practically only him inside with a dozen guards outside. "

"Okay. I sneak in, check for interesting stuff, pick up weapons and kill everyone. Are you okay?"

With that, Elira and Martin looked each other in the eyes. What had they just heard there? Elira then spoke.

"Wait, wait, wasn't your plan just to sneak in and see what the red stone was for?"

"Of course not, why would I do that? There's no point at risking my life for a pitiful stone."

After a few hours of good sleep, it was the time to be waking by kicks in the ribs, and another day began for the slaves in this backwater. Rin took the strange cube that can feed him for a whole day and under the guards' growls, moved into his area to mine.

The hours went by like this, when suddenly a cry echoed from the side.

"Ho! Gosh! Look! At this! Everyone! I found one of those strange red stones, it's incredible!"

Ignoring the fact that Martin would make a very bad actor, and probably even the worst out there, Rin began to move around and crouch to the floor to hide his presence. He was careful to stay out of all sight. Now they just had to wait for the famous researcher to come out.

Unfortunately for the trio, what happened was not what was expected.

One of the guards came quickly, and, seeing this red stone, snatched it from Martin's hands before looking at him with disdain. Then amnostizing the slaves by stabbing them with his spear, he left the cave and walked towards the ship.

The researcher hadn't left his place: it was the guard who had gone to see him.

Rin's expression didn't change, and he shifted back to his place as if nothing had happened, and started mining again. Another useful day had passed.

"Fuck, seriously, why didn't he move his ass?"

Back in the area for the night, Martin started to complain with a small voice.

"Now we lost the stone and it gave us nothing at all! Hey Rin, what are you doing?"

The latter, crawling away, did not answer him. He only waved his hand to tell him to shut up.

He had decided that tonight he would act.

There was only one guard who was awake at night, supposed to guard and make sure none of the slaves wanted to flee. But they were only weak humans, and besides, after a day of mining, there was no way these exhausted monkeys could do anything.

If they were really of the true race of humans, then the guard would have been careful, but since these were from a lost planet and had no means of cultivation, he ignored them completely. In fact, if this planet had been listed by humans, the rashkirs would never have dared to come here.

Outside the cave, a large clearing had been artificially maintained, and all around this clearing were large gray barriers.

On the other side of the barriers, large and big trees could be seen, that was the jungle where the sound of all kinds of animals could be heard constantly.

In the middle of the clearing was a huge spaceship, oval-shaped with a wide opening facing the entrance to the cave. The opening of the ship was linked by a ramp to the ground.

Rin had gotten here with no problem, he was hiding in the shadows, and crawling behind stalagmites was enough to bypass the guard.

To the right of the ship was the encampment where the rashkirs slept.

Unbeknownst to Rin, the rashkirs weren't really sleeping at night, they were all meditating sitting cross-legged. Not that it makes any difference to Rin yet.

Seeing that no one was present and that he was free to move, he decided to rush in a straight line towards the ship.

The moment of truth drew near and as he set his foot on the ramp he almost expected that an alarm would suddenly go off and a hundred of those aliens would jump on him.

Fortunately for him, none of this happened and he entered the ship easily.

He was in a large airlock completely in the dark because no light illuminated this place, and walked to the back where an entrance, the only one around him, was present.

Out of this large airlock, he was now in a long corridor, with doors to the side. These were closed and did not have a handle of any kind.

Rin understood immediately that to open these doors he had to put his hand on one of the rectangles next to the doors which probably worked as detectors.

Now Rin was pissed off, if all the doors were like this he might as well go back to sleep. There was no way he would get his hand on this stuff unless he wanted to die.

There was a little chance that this rectangulare thing was only a kind of touch screen to open the door, but there were also big chances that it was fingerprint recognition.

So for now, he will not touch these things.

He then continued walking down the hall, and as he reached the back door, voices from the other side could be heard.

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What did he hear from inside ? Wait for the next chapter !

See you tomorrow.

Le_Krackeencreators' thoughts