
The Human Princess and The Werewolf King

There was only one rule that every member of the crystal pack must obey "Never ever question the orders of your Alpha". Logan Anderson rules the Crystal pack with an iron fist. Rumors has it that he is a cold and ruthless man. Ever since Logan became the Alpha of his pack, for some reason he has always felt empty, not even the thought that he was feared and respected was able to fill the emptiness in him, that is until he met her, the girl who his wolf called out to. For some reason only her has been able to fill the emptiness in him. Logan thought he has found his light and savior, what he didn't know was that he has also found his only destruction.

Rosepetals456 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Won't Break Me.

After Ava was drag out of the room, Elizabeth looked at her mother and said "Was locking her up truly necessary?"

Queen Rosaline gave her daughter a stern look and asked "Are you becoming soft? Yes, locking her up is indeed necessary. You know Ava can't be controlled easily, and we must do everything possible to ensure that she doesn't see the King, at least not before your engagement."

"What does it matter if she sees him? And you still haven't told me what you did to my father. He suddenly fell ill and I know you must have done something. So what was it? What did you do mother?" Elizabeth asked.

"I only did what was necessary to ensure you become Queen before you give birth to that bastard, and do not act innocent you knew it would come to this."

Elizabeth got angry at her mother for referring her child as a bastard so she retorted "My child is not a bastard."