
Episode 27: He Knew He Wasn’t Trouble 1

“Please allow this lowly vampire to dare speak with you, Your Highness Prince Kyanite.”

THE SAID PRINCE stared at the vampire in absolute bewilderment. Not once did he ever imagine that he’d get Prince Chalcedony to kowtow and beg in front of him. The frightening prince that he had come to know was nowhere to be found. All he could see now was a criminal displaying repentance for what was already done.

Slowly, Prince Kyanite lifted the silver sword away from the vampire and gave it back to Zeeno. With small, wobbly steps, he approached him and knelt on one knee. After a few moments of hesitation, he brought his right hand to gently caress the back of the other’s head.

No one else moved. Not one even commented. And Prince Chalcedony was more than surprised. The gesture that the Human Prince was doing tugged something in his heart. Silent tears fell from his distressed eyes. A little while later, his shoulders began to shake. He couldn’t contain his cries anymore.