
The Human Life of the Vengeful God

Arc 0 serves as an introduction, so if you find it slow, I recommend starting the story directly from Arc 1. The story of Alaric is not only about his ruthless revenge, but also about how he fights to fulfill his goal of destroying the empire. As his life changes drastically, Alaric faces challenges and obstacles that will test his determination and bravery. Throughout his journey, he will uncover dark secrets and form unexpected alliances, while facing powerful enemies and betrayals. The story unfolds in a world full of political intrigue and epic battles.

Mat_Oldo · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2

In the depths of my being lies an abyss that the mere word "void" cannot fully describe. It is a dark, unfathomable space—a black hole in my soul that has expanded over time. It wasn't always like this; once, this capsule of desolation was filled with laughter, love, and affection. But not anymore.

Everyone who once mattered, all those who illuminated my path with their presence and warmth, have vanished. My life has become a vast desert of emotions, where the aridity of loneliness is a constant companion.

But here, in the midst of this emotional wasteland, I cling to something because the void is not just the absence of something; it's also the opportunity to fill it with indomitable determination. I have nothing left to lose, and that's what makes me strong, isn't it? While the world keeps turning, and the shadows of injustice persist, I become a beacon of relentless vengeance.

Anger and hatred are the flames that burn within me, fueled by the desolation that surrounds me. All the wrongs in the world have no rival. Every injustice, every vile act, becomes a step in my ascent to revenge. I won't be stopped because what is suffering when you've already hit rock bottom?

Revenge is not just an act of retribution; it's an affirmation of my existence. It's the echo of all silenced voices crying for justice from the shadows. It's the hammer with which I forge my own destiny on the anvil of despair. I can't stop now. If I stop, the blood staining my hands will be in vain. All I can do is keep fighting.

The void I feel inside, that absence like a black hole in my soul, has become my engine. Every day I spend in this state of nothingness brings me a little closer to my goal. And when I finally achieve the vengeance I crave, perhaps, just perhaps, that void will be filled with a renewed sense of purpose, a fulfilled goal. Until then, I'll keep going, without fear, without mercy, because the void won't stop me on my path.

When there are no more enemies in this world... only then, maybe I can stop fighting.



I walk calmly through the recently conquered village, ignoring the alleys where burly men satisfy their desires with the bodies of the weak.

Or the women and children who beg for freedom while locked in small cages prepared by slavers.

As I walked past a cage, a badly bruised girl grabbed my arm tightly through the bars— "Sir, please tell me where they're taking me!" She turns her eyes to me, and upon noticing my completely empty gaze and expressionless face, she releases me while remaining totally paralyzed.

Continuing towards the former chief's house, ignoring how the slaver in charge of the girl repeatedly beats her, I received several friendly congratulations from people I had never met before, each one congratulating me on my promotion to Junior Sergeant.

I reached the door and knocked three times; immediately, it opened, and out jumped the commander who gave me the mission— "Oh!! Julius! I was waiting for you!" He waves his arms foolishly, even if he acts so childishly, he is a Commander, which implies hundreds of war achievements and a terrifying strength.

— "Nice to see you so energetic as always, Commander."

— "Ahh, if you say something like that with a serious face, no one will take it as a compliment," he says while sighing resignedly, but quickly recovers and gestures for me to enter.

Upon entering, I quickly noticed how all the possessions of the former Fox leader were taken out and probably sold. In the middle of the room, almost anticlimactically, is a small chessboard already set up.

He looks into my eyes with a strange smile as his red eyes shine strangely— "Let's play."

I nod slightly— "If that's what you want, Commander..." I walk slowly in front of the board and sit down.

He sits in front of me with the board in between— "Fufufu, call me only Superior Ramisu or Sucher~" He laughs for a few seconds by himself; under my impassive gaze— "And well, do you prefer White or Black~"

— "White," I say without giving it much importance.

Chess... for many, it's a game of strategy and mental skill, an intellectual challenge that ignites passions. But for me, it's simply tedious. It's like an exercise in boring math, where all variables are visible, and the solutions are calculable. Essentially, it's a game that bores me because I can foresee all possibilities.

Where's the excitement in a game where every move boils down to a series of predictable calculations? Everything is so limited, so predictable, that it loses its appeal. I always know what the next move will be and the one after that.

Chess is like a solved puzzle before even starting to play. There's no room for surprise, for true creativity. In my head, I see the board, the pieces, and all possible combinations. It's not a mental challenge; it's simply a matter of patience and calculations.

Instead of enjoying the game, I find myself trapped in the monotony of predictable moves. Where's the excitement in that? Where's the fun?

I know many find beauty in the simplicity and logic of chess, but for me, it's just a game of rigid rules and calculable moves. The emotion lies in uncertainty, in surprise, in the complexity of the unpredictable.

And you know what's worst about this? My whole life is based on the quote "It's smart to hide intelligence," so I can't just go and beat a superior. So, what's the best solution?

Exactly... Stalemate.

— "Phew!!" Ramisu sighs heavily after finishing the game— "What

  a match!"

— "I couldn't agree more," I respond with a tired voice— "I don't want to be rude, but..." My gaze sharpens slightly— "What is the real reason you called me?"

— "Hahaha! Oh, I was wondering when you'd ask me that!" He exclaims with infectious laughter and an enthusiastic tone, as if he had been eagerly anticipating that question. — "Of course. I expected nothing less from the famous and talented 'Magic Pretender'."

My face contorts— "Do I already have a nickname?"

— "Don't be surprised. Climbing two ranks in less than three weeks is an unprecedented achievement. But back to the topic," he continues with a more serious tone, his eyes shining with determination and confidence. — "As you probably know, the Empire is in an unprecedented crisis. The root of this situation lies in the illness afflicting the King, but the painful truth is that His Majesty left us a few months ago." He stands up abruptly, turning his back, his shoulders tense, reflecting the seriousness of the situation— "Since the King has no direct heirs, the responsibility of appointing the next monarch has fallen to the council." He turns around, and his face lights up with an excited smile, his eyes glowing with hope. He raises both arms in a gesture of determination and confidence. — "Julius Edward, I ask... be my right hand." His voice resonates with emotion and determination, as if he were willing to do anything to achieve his goal.

I open my eyes widely, and my face becomes completely unreadable. My poker face is shattered right now, but I quickly compose myself to ask— "Why me?"

He looks into my eyes while smiling brimming with charisma— "Don't play dumb. I could tell you something like I consider you my friend or some nonsense like that, but I know you wouldn't believe it." He grabs my shoulders— "I want you to be my Knight because you have the same look as me... The look of a man willing to do anything to achieve his goal."

I keep my gaze fixed on his eyes— "Are you aware of what it means to appoint a Junior Sergeant as your Knight?"

— "I'm aware of everything, and I know it's worth it," he steps away from me and extends his hand toward me.

I look at him for a few seconds before shaking my head and then look at him with a little respect— "I have the goal of going to the Magic Academy."

— "True! But why not... do both?" He says it with a very serious tone, yet it seems he's trying to suppress a smile despite his serious words and the cold gaze he gave me a few seconds ago.

— "Oh..." At this point, it seems I don't have many choices. I can't just say "No" after the Commander went to such lengths to get to this point. Thinking that, I take his hand.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders amicably— "Fufufu, I hope we're friends from now on, Knight Julius Edward."

I doubt I'll ever see you as a friend. It's not that I'm insensitive or incapable of feeling empathy; it's just that after that day, I've learned to see people as pieces, each with their role and purpose. In my path, personal relationships have become transient, ephemeral, and, to some extent, disposable. People are ultimately resources, tools to achieve my goal.

It's a pragmatic approach. In my experience, human relationships are predictable. Loyalties shift, alliances break, and trusting people can become a weakness. Each individual has their interests and agendas, and in my quest, I can't allow anything to stand in my way. Nothing.

— "I'll do my best, Commander Ramisu."


"All ranks are approximate and may vary depending on specialization or war recognition," for example, great intelligence can bridge the gap between ranks by itself.

Commander = SS / SS+

Knight = SS- / S+

Captain = S/S-

Lieutenant = A

Senior Warrant Officer = A-

Warrant Officer = B+

Junior Warrant Officer = B-

Sergeant Major = C+

Sergeant = C

Junior Sergeant = C *but with less experience*

Corporal Major = C-

Corporal = D+ / C-

Junior Corporal = D

Senior Soldier / Elite = D-

Soldier = E

Obligatory Soldier = They are cannon fodder who pay for their crimes by going to the front line (Civilian Rank)
