
The Human Giant

There is always the desire to be the strongest, the fastest, the smartest, and to reach the apex of everything. To some, they believe that talent determines everything. To others, hard work is more important. For many to reach the apex of any field a combination of talent, hard work, and determination is needed. In a world where powerful demons, unkillable immortals, and strange monsters ran amok. Where human lives were treated on the same level as ants. Yoze, a young man who had transmigrated from Earth to this dangerous world could only rely on his hard work, strong will, and his cheat, the Second Best System to that makeup for his lack of talent and resources. With his desire to improve his family's life and his ambition to surpass human limits, he set his eyes on passing the Scholar exam as he took his first step toward dominating the world. Whether it was humans, demons, monsters, immortals, or gods they all were within his sights and would soon become a stepping stone for his rise to excellence. "You are a genius of 1000 years. Okay, I'm a genius of 900 years. I'll surpass you in three years." "You are the most talented runner in the world. That's okay, I'm fine with being the second most talented runner but I bet I can surpass you in three months." "Having the most talent doesn't mean anything unless you use it. You are born with talent. I earned it. You are afraid of demons while I cherish seeing every demon." Yoze smiled as he looked at the nine-headed immortal under his feet. "I heard that Immortals can't die. Let's test that rumor." As Yoze advanced on his journey he slowly discovered that there was no supreme power system or logic that this strange world followed. Whether the Spiritual Energy that the demons monopolized, the Crystal Energy that could create entire worlds, or the Inner Vigor that humans held close to their hearts. Yoze was determined to become the master of them all!

Mr_Palados · Fantasy
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394 Chs

Chapter 68: Animal Style

[Mindless Legs (Stage 5: 199%)]

"Mindless Legs still hasn't reached level 6?" Yoze's mind raced to produce all sorts of ideas to try to fulfill that last gap.

"Stage one is Soft Steps, Stage 2 is Sticky Steps, Stage three is Silent Steps, Stage four is combining all three, and Stage five was me improving their integration and making it more instinctive."

"Most of the previous stages had a technique that needed to be incorporated. Should I create a technique and integrate it?" Yoze closed his eyes as thought of what kind of technique Mindless Legs needed.

He first thought about creating some type of speed technique but he rejected it because he lacked experience with those kinds of techniques. Mindless Legs never focused on increasing his speed and relied more on Yoze's strength and speed to push his body faster.