
The Human Giant

There is always the desire to be the strongest, the fastest, the smartest, and to reach the apex of everything. To some, they believe that talent determines everything. To others, hard work is more important. For many to reach the apex of any field a combination of talent, hard work, and determination is needed. In a world where powerful demons, unkillable immortals, and strange monsters ran amok. Where human lives were treated on the same level as ants. Yoze, a young man who had transmigrated from Earth to this dangerous world could only rely on his hard work, strong will, and his cheat, the Second Best System to that makeup for his lack of talent and resources. With his desire to improve his family's life and his ambition to surpass human limits, he set his eyes on passing the Scholar exam as he took his first step toward dominating the world. Whether it was humans, demons, monsters, immortals, or gods they all were within his sights and would soon become a stepping stone for his rise to excellence. "You are a genius of 1000 years. Okay, I'm a genius of 900 years. I'll surpass you in three years." "You are the most talented runner in the world. That's okay, I'm fine with being the second most talented runner but I bet I can surpass you in three months." "Having the most talent doesn't mean anything unless you use it. You are born with talent. I earned it. You are afraid of demons while I cherish seeing every demon." Yoze smiled as he looked at the nine-headed immortal under his feet. "I heard that Immortals can't die. Let's test that rumor." As Yoze advanced on his journey he slowly discovered that there was no supreme power system or logic that this strange world followed. Whether the Spiritual Energy that the demons monopolized, the Crystal Energy that could create entire worlds, or the Inner Vigor that humans held close to their hearts. Yoze was determined to become the master of them all!

Mr_Palados · Fantasy
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394 Chs

Chapter 22: Ghost Town

Yoze confirmed that he wasn't imagining this flow of Inner Vigor in his body when he saw that he had reached level three in his Big Golem Cultivation method and when he could jump from 300 pounds to 500 pounds in a single thought.

Though Yoze lost a hundred pounds of muscle to cultivate his Inner Vigor in the end he benefited massively from it. Not only did Yoze not lose any strength, endurance, or speed from his breath though but he had gotten stronger, had better endurance, and even his speed increased due to his losing a hundred pounds to slow him down.

And when Yoze needs his weight to crush his opponents into submission he could jump into the sky and think about becoming heavier and fall like a falling meteor.

It was an overall benefit and had no side effects to think of. The only thing Yoze needs to do is to continue practicing the Big Golem body Cultivation manual and eat a lot instead of converting it to muscle he was now going to convert it Inner Vigor.

"At the beginning stages of Level Three, I can weigh 500 pounds with my Inner Vigor. When I reach the peak I can approximately add another 200 pounds. Adding approximately to a total of 700 pounds of muscle that has the speed of when I'm 300 pounds." Yoze thought satisfied with the effects.

[Name: Yoze]

[Age: 22 ]

[Talents Categories: Comprehension Talents, Physical Talents, Martial Arts Talents, Other Talents]

[Techniques: Twin Fists (Rank 4: 80%), Big Golem(Level 3: 1%), Mindless Legs (Stage 5: 90%), Blood Fist (Perfection level: 100%),

Twin Blood Fists (Perfection level: 100%), Mindless Blood Legs(Perfection level: 100%)]

[Talent Mark: 1]

"Nice, my cheat now is putting my Talents into different categories. Now I don't have to look at a blurb of words every time I open it up." Yoze was pleasantly surprised that his cheat had adapted to his needs again.

The first time this happened was when Yoze had practiced his first martial arts technique, Twin Fists, and his cheat had created the techniques section. Now after two years his cheat had once again adapted to his needs and made itself more presentable.

Now instead of Yoze needing to look through all his talents every time he wanted to look at a talent he had copied he now just needed to open the section it was in.

"Since it has adapted to my needs twice now that means that it's going to happen again in the later future. It's possible that when I have more techniques it will also put them into categories."

After celebrating his breakthrough, Yoze went home to finish his preparations to leave Jade City. The next few days, Yoze was busy searching all over Jade City for a large carriage, wagon, and a guide to take them to New Swampscott City.

Standing at the open gates of Jade City, Yoze along with his father and Leah Goat, who he had "convinced" to join in the adventure for the greater good, looked back at Jade City with fondness.

After spending almost two years of his life here, he had developed a bit of attachment to the city. Jade City was where Yoze had officially started his journey of becoming a true martial artist.

For whatever came about in the future, Yoze would always view Jade City with a special fondness. After soaking it in, Yoze absorbed his feelings and asked if his father was ready to leave.

"I'm ready to go whenever you are?"

"Are we ready to head out?" After getting his father's confirmation Yoze checked to see if the guide he hired was finished making preparations for the trip.

"All good to go, if we head out now we can make it to a small town and stay there for the night instead of sleeping outside." The 40-year-old guide commented to Yoze.

"That sounds good then let's head out. Dad, you should go in the carriage and I'll stay out to take care of the goat."

Yoze's father looked at the Red Eyed Goat that his son had brought along. He remembered that Yoze brought a similar-looking goat a year ago. Seeing him bring along a goat for this trip, he had nothing to complain about since he thought that Yoze was planning on eating it.

"Alright, " Yoze's father simply nodded his head and entered the carriage with his body at the moment he got tired simply from walking.

"Are you sure about that young man? There is plenty of room in the carriage to fit both of you and you might not be able to keep up with the carriage slowing us down." The 40-year-old guides gave his advice.

"It's fine, let's try it out this way first. If I'm unable to keep up I'll attempt to enter the carriage. Just confirming that this carriage can support around 400 pounds right?"

The 40-year-old man looked stunned at Yoze's question and replied with a simple confirmation.

"That's good we will go with this plan then."

"Okay, let's set off."

About 6 hours later as the sun was about to set and darkness would engulf Yoze's carriage, Yoze saw a town a mile away from them. At their current pace, they would arrive in ten minutes and be able to rest up in an inn.

However as they grew closer, Yoze, Leah, and the guide sensed that something was wrong with the town. All the buildings and street lamps weren't on and there were no sounds of chatter or playing children. The town was completely silent and looked identical to a ghost town.

"Emerald Town."

A large sign in front of the town's entrance showed that this was indeed the town that they had planned to be their resting spot for the night.


Yoze suddenly stopped walking and commanded the guide to stop the carriage. Yoze took a couple of sniffs in the air before exchanging glances with Leah and both came to the same conclusion.

"I have a bad feeling about this town, let's turn back to distance ourselves and come take a look at what has happened to Emerald Town with the daylight."

"I agree." The guide quickly agreed with Yoze's suggestion as he too felt that something was wrong with the town.