
The Human Fighter (Hiatus)

A human soldier named Zaban Sodsa grows bored with his military service in the overprotective and hostile village of Riversia so he decides to escape his village and go on an adventure for fun. What kind of adventures will he go through? Why don't you read and found out! Note: No sexual content or harems. Might be childish sexual jokes, not too sure but no sexual content at all will be tolerated. There will be romance but it's not all that romance-ish because I'm not a romance guy. Grew up watching tons of shonen anime so I don't worry about the plot being disrupted about some relationship shit. I am proud enough to say I think this story will be one of my best and I hope you enjoy, if you don't then I appreciate you for giving it a try! Now go eat a pear!

Yung_Sage · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The Stamiv Raid (Part 5 / Final Part)

The three stare at one another, causing Abrik to yawn and sluggishly say, "Are we going to stare at each other to death or do you two seek to continue our brawl? I'll like to have a drink after this." Zaban maintains composure and endeavors to devise a proficient offensive strategy, while Nylanna displays aggression in response to Abrik's impertinent remark. She moves at such a rapid pace that she leaves an afterimage trail in her wake, initiating a fierce, merciless close-quarters fight against Abrik, leaving Zaban flabbergasted, just as he completed devising a detailed plan.

"Well, there goes my strategy... Time to trust in my gut and go for Plan B! Code The Unplanned Plan," Zaban says, running into the fight afterward and exerting pressure on Abrik which seems to be working slowly each second the fight passes. Abrik nearly falls off the stairs getting pushed back so far but manages to flip onto the handlebar and slide down. Frustrated, Nylanna pursues him while Zaban removes the handlebar off the wall with great shows of strength, in hopes of destabilizing Abrik and allowing Nylanna to strike.

Abrik grins as he sees Nylanna taking advantage, congratulating them in his head, "Good. This is excellent, despite the adrenaline being so high and a stubborn teammate. He still manages to form immediate counters and ideas involving Nylanna... He manages to be as proficient in team fighting and solo! I love it," Abrik begins to let out a psychopathic chuckle. "I LOVE IT," he screams with much excitement.

He evades the impending strike by forcibly retracting his head, utilizing a handspring to channel the accumulated momentum toward thrusting both his feet onto Nylanna's abdominal region, consequently compelling her to descend the staircase. Abrik securely plants his feet onto the ground before instantly detecting Zaban's sudden attempt to tackle him down which caught Abrik off guard, thus causing all three to lose balance and fall off the staircase. To counteract Zaban's forceful approach, Abrik promptly grabs his hair and delivers a knee strike to his face that effectively pushes him away. Regrettably, Nylanna, subjected to an inferior mass in comparison to Zaban, endures further injury from being immobilized underneath him.

"Shit... Where's Nylanna? I could've sworn I just saw her," Zaban say, rubbing the side of his head in pain while looking left and right to try to locate Nylanna. Nylanna's eye twitches before she starts beating the ground, shouting, "GET OFF OF ME! YOU IDIOT!" Zaban gets off of Nylanna as an irritated Nylanna stands and dusts herself off before slapping the shit out of Zaban, leaving Abrik flabbergasted. Zaban rubs his cheek and cries, "OW!"

"You knew I was there! You–" Before Nylanna can finish, she receives a slap of her own from Zaban. Zaban and Nylanna start catfighting as a concerned, baffled, perplexed, bewildered, fucking BEDUFFLED Abrik stares with a cringed expression.

"I Didn't- know it was- You! Didn't need- to slap me!"

"Yes- You- DID! That's why- I- slapped you! You moron!"

Abrik is left speechless before flash-stepping to the two and double clothesline both of them, rolling them back further to cause them to stop their petty scuffle. "Here I thought you two were adults," he says in a disappointed father tone.

"Sir... I'm 25," Zaban answers while recovering from the clothesline as Nylanna groaned at Zaban's stupidity and stood up. "Ok Zaban, listen... This foe... Despite the damage we dealt to him, he still seems to be winning the exchange. I'll like you to stall him while I charge up my strongest attack," she says, with a malicious smile.

"You... Have to charge up your attack?"

Nylanna laughs evilly, saying, "Of course! Of course!"

Zaban looks at Abrik, "How long?"

"Five minutes."

"Five minutes?!"

"Hey. You know, Psychi," She laughs as Zaban sighs and gets in stance. "You better be onto something... Hell with it... FOR THE PEARS!" Zaban screams as he runs straight at Abrik before Abrik just backhands him in the wall.

For four minutes straight, Nylanna watched Abrik beat the brakes off of Zaban almost to near death, snickering throughout the entire altercation. Zaban, now having a black eye and pacing, still stands, "H-How long..."

"One more minute."

To Nylanna's shock, Zaban smiles when she said that. "Good! I think I studied his battle style well enough," Zaban said as he switches to a different stance, a little loose and having his legs further from each other and having his lead palm open towards Abrik. Both laughed at Zaban before Abrik rushed in but Zaban sent a jab to his nose, forcing him to stop his advance before Zaban doesn't let Abrik rebound and tried to go for a jab to the body. Abrik tries to grab it but it was feint as Zaban was trying to get Abrik to loosen his guard and lead his head forward to land the high kick to his face much easier, shocking Abrik as he gets sent to the window, cracking but not breaking.

Abrik shakes his head before he sends Zaban, having his fist sparkle in small fiery ashes a bit as his tattoo shines brighter as he goes for a punch but Abrik shifts his body to the side, making Zaban punch through the windows instead and immediately counters with a sidekick to the face. Zaban is forced to brace for the attack and bleeds from the mouth and nose but keeps his eyes open to grab his leg and throw him into the walls. Before Abrik could respond, Zaban ran at him to do a 360° spin, Abrik anticipated a tornado kick but instead, Zaban just stops and hooks him in the face.

Abrik slums to the floor as Zaban went for a stomp but Abrik rolled out of the way and cartwheeled to gain distance. "How did you get better in combat all of a sudden?"

"You're a pressure fighter."

"Pardon me?"

"It took me a while to try to see what style of combat you're most comfortable in and you like to run in and attack. You want an all-out war, a slugfest. The only way to counterattack pressure fighters like you is to not play to their game, instead, I will keep you at a distance, and as soon as you fold, I won't rest until you retreated."

"Oh really?"

"Like now, I hold the advantage with the distance you created for yourself. All I have to do is wait."

"And why did you tell me this."

Zaban gets out of his stance to point to Nylanna, "Because she should be done with charging her attack. No point in continuing, no way I'll beat you in this condition and how physically you overwhelm me," he says before Nylanna lifts an eyebrow.

Nylanna thinks to herself about what Zaban said before remembering and snapping her fingers, "Oh! I lied."


"I lied about charging my attack. Psychi doesn't need charging to activate a move. I just needed to say the word and it'll activate in seconds," she giggles, leaving Zaban in utter shock. "Then... What was the point of me nearly dying," he responds as Abrik and Nylanna chuckle.

"Oh no, this exchange you had wasn't completely a waste of time."


Nylanna grins and gets down on the ground, having her aura grow larger, chuckling, "So I can kill you both easier with this move!" The entire mansion shakes as Zaban loses balance and falls while Abrik stands firm, not bothered by the move even focusing on fixing his hair back.

Whilst performing the 'Psychi Incatation', Nylanna uttered quietly with closed eyes, and in mere moments, a small vortex of purple wind encircled her, causing any objects in its path to be annihilated. Thereafter, she executed a spinning maneuver while lying on her back, resulting in the amplification of the tornado's size, ultimately leading to the formation of a colossal twister that demolished the entire mansion. In an exclamation of triumph, she shouts, "TYPHOON TWISTER!" Mol and Fandous watched the destruction of their house with pogger faces, far enough to not be sucked in the tornado.

After the attack, Zaban finds himself on the dirt, badly damaged and wounded but still half-conscious to be awakened, coughing profusely before spotting Abrik grabbing Nylanna by the collar and seemingly going for the killing blow. Zaban sees this and tries to muster up the last bit of his strength to stand on his feet, failing twice before he finally gets up and limps to Abrik, "WAIT!"

Abrik stops and stares back at Zaban, "Oh? You're alive? That's honestly insane you still have enough consciousness to be standing... I was going to kill her off for trying to kill you too but seems there's no need," he says, throwing her to the side as Zaban tries to take a step but feels his ankle balling up in pain as he falls to one knee.

"Oh, alive but in terrible condition. I was going to ask you to fight with me once again but it seems this attack she performed did a number on you huh," Abrik says as Zaban looks up at Abrik, pacing. Fandous and Mol arrive back, "KILL THEM! KILL THEM BOTH," Fandous screamed but Abrik ignored him, keeping intense eye contact with Zaban, neither of them blinking nor moving an itch.

"I see," Abrik says, chuckling as Fandous continues to demand him to strike them down. Abrik walks to Zaban, staring down at him before UTTERLY FUCKING–

"Sir Stamiv. I quit," Abrik says.


"I quit."

"What do you mean you quit?!"

Abrik walks over to Zaban and crouches, lifting Zaban's chin to face him. "Out of all of them, you're the most promising one... Get stronger," Abrik says before standing back up and just walking off, "I'm getting me a drink," he says, getting out of sight as Fandous stares in shock before Zaban looks back at Fandous with murderous intent, scaring Mol and Fandous.

Zaban starts limping to Fandous specifically as Mol steps in front to stop him, "You-You'll have to get through me-"

"Move," Zaban simply said, causing Mol to cooperate and move out of the way immediately as Zaban stepped up to Fandous.

Then does a small slap to the face, "I don't like getting slapped," he says, patting Fandous in the back. "This crime thing ain't for you. I think you should do something you actually would like to do," he says, giving him a thumbs up and walking off, coming to a stop. "Oh, can I take Nylanna," he asks as Fandous just nods slowly.

Zaban weakly smiles and turning back to Nylanna before picking her up and limping far enough to not be at the sight of Fandous and Mol before falling unconscious right on the floor, snoring.

"Well, that was... Certainly something," Mol says, trying to brighten up the mood. "Mol. Shut up," he says back before getting on his knees, "I'm... Going to be a street seller... Think that's better than being a kingpin," he says as Mol nods. "Me too, uncle... Me too... I don't even like pears," he says, confusing Fandous.

"You're telling me we did all of this for you to get a pear... And you don't even like pears?!"

"No, but it made me feel richer."

Fandous eye twitches before he runs in and starts smacking Mol all around in rage.

How was that little introduction arc?

Yung_Sagecreators' thoughts