
The House of Arcane

The House of Arcane is a family full of beautiful and powerful beings who are mostly women and control the most powerful magic in the Realm. The House plans to stretch their control across the lands in hopes of gaining dominance back over the Realm. The House is located at a prestige academy named Acadia Academy and is the safe haven for the house. The protagonist, Tatsuya Hayashi, is a second year at the academy and a complete loser. Not only that, he's also a virgin and a bit of a pervert. He still lives with his parents, but with all the negatives aside he is a very smart guy. He has a good intuition and can get along with anyone when given the chance. Tatsuya gets a chance encounter with the Head of the Arcane Family after an unfortunate event that transpires and is brought back to life by the Head of the family and must now serve her and her family. Read The House of Arcane and join the adventure of Tatsuya as he progresses through his life as a member of the House of Arcane.

KamiOfficial · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Mock Battle Against The President!

"I'm gonna fucking kill you pervert!" Nekona bellowed as she chased me around the old school house.

"Hold on Nekona! It was an accident! I didn't even know you were in there!" I yelled as I ran for my life.

Nekona used a burst of speed to appear in front of my and went for a punch at my stomach. I grunted and the Sloth Symbol shined on my hand then I absorbed some kinetic energy to weaken the attack.

"Sigh...Tatsuya is such a boy." Yuki smiled.

"He wouldn't be Tatsuya if he wasn't..~" Azuki giggled.

"No you're not avoiding this fight, perverted bitch!" Nekona yelled and spun around and kicked at me.

I ducked her kick and looked up and noticed she wasn't wearing panties then blushed. 'She's totally gonna be pissed now that I've seen her beautiful kitty.' I thought to myself.

"Get a nice view?!" Nekona bellowed and went for another kick at my face.

I dodged the kick and rolled backwards. I stood up. "It's not like I wanted to look at it! Besides why aren't you wearing panties anyway?!"

Nekona blushed and choked on her words. "Th-They haven't finished drying yet! Oh now I'm so gonna kill you!"

Lily watched Nekona rush me with attacks and watched me dodge her attacks. She looked at Yuki. "Does this happen often?"

"Every other day when Tatsuya isn't being a boy." Yuki laughed nervously.

I blocked Nekona's attacks then my right arm began to tingle. "Hold on." I said and Nekona stopped attacking.

"House of Arcane, I have important information to relay." Satan spoke.

"Satan..." Yuki stood up.

I walked to the desk and everyone gathered over to the desk. "What's up? I was in the middle of defending myself."

"Ha! You're lucky I spoke and saved you from her wrath. Anyway I have important information to say." Satan said.

"No fair! You always say the important stuff! I wanna speak to them too!" Beelzebub whined.

"Shut it you damn fucking Munchlax, this is very important business and as the King of Hell, I have to say this." Satan said.

"Come on, you old fart. Let the Wood Plank speak once in a while." Asmodeus said.

"Thank- WAIT! Hey! You're not funny!" Beelzebub yelled.

The three Demon Lords began bickering like young school children and I sighed.

"Do you...deal with this often?" Yuki asked.

"Yep.." I said.

"Are they like..." Azuki asked.

"No no...nothing like that. It's just since the Sin Bringer is on my right arm, this is the only way they can communicate with you all unless." I said then held my hand out and a small blue communication circle appeared on the desk and showed a holographic live footage of what was going on.

"And that's that!" Satan bellowed with his foot on top of Beelzebub's head. "Eat the fucking ground! Wait no! Don't eat the ground!"

"Ahem." I said then Satan noticed a magic screen in front of him.

"Ahh, I see you found a better way of communication. Mind making this full screen boy?" Satan said.

"I have a name." I said then turned the magic circle into a screen displayed on the board.

"Tatsuya!~ Hi my darling~ It's nice we can see each other outside of a dream!~" Asmodeus giggled as she stood in front of the screen.

"Darling?" Yuki asked as her left eye twitched slightly.

"Will you move?! What's with you all?! Acting like a bunch of peasant devils!" Satan scolded as he pushed Asmodeus out of the way. "Now I can finally tell you the message."

"Speak." I said.

"The Allied Fallen Angels have gained control of the Houses of Gadreel, Beleth, and Barbatos. Their next targets are the Houses of Forneus, Kokabiel, and Remiel." Satan said.

"Have any of you figured out their ultimate goal yet?" Yuki asked and crossed her arms.

"Other than gain control of the Sin Bringer and Virtue Keeper? Yeah we know exactly what they are planning. Yuki, you know about this...The First Fallen Angel. The Primordial Fallen Angel, she's alive." Satan said.

"First Fallen Angel?" I asked.

"Yes, boy. The First Fallen Angel is named Sanvi Sorthrus. She is the head of the House of Sorthrus and she rules with her daughter Sora Sorthrus. The daughter is known as the first hybrid...she's known to have the power of both the Alpha Angels and the Omega Demons, she's a Primordial Nephalem or also known as The Arkosios. Over the years Sora has grown more and more powerful becoming a Absolute Arkosios. She's the most powerful being in our reality and the one who appears in the Revelation." Satan explained.

"And their plan?" Yuki asked.

"They plan to make Sora Sorthrus...The Ruler of Alpha Heaven and Omega Hell by killing God and Anti-God. Sora is the Ultimate Being, a being that scales above the Alpha Angels and the Omega Demons. Because of her power if she becomes strong enough she will have power that rivals God and Anti-God." Satan said.

"Damn...these Fallen Angels are getting out of hand. I can't focus on my goal as long as they are here. Someone needs to protect the Mortal Realm and we know the Zodiacs can't do that anymore since the old Zodiac Gods have been killed.." Yuki said.

"We can only do so much before we have to require help from the Heavens. Yes it is against the Law to connect to the Heavens, but only without proper reason." Satan said.

"It won't come to that. The House of Arcane shall do whatever it takes to win." Yuki said.

"I see. Do what you wish with this information. I have to train my faction of Hell for potential war." Satan said then ended the communication.

The magic screen vanished and Yuki looked at us. Lily looked very worried and held her hand to her chest. With this information we knew the Revelation was getting increasingly closer.

"Tatsuya, come with me." Yuki walked away.

"O-Okay." I nodded and followed Yuki.

"You all are free to go home for the day." Yuki said before leaving the room.

I followed Yuki and she grabbed my hand then warped to the training grounds. Once we landed in the training grounds, I noticed Yuki let go of my hand and walk ahead.

"Alternate Space...Activate!" Yuki said then altered the dimensions and a blinding magic light shined.

I grunted and covered my eyes then I uncovered my eyes after the light vanished. I looked around and noticed we were on an empty battlefield.

"A Mock Battle?" I asked.

"Yes, but it's different from when we battled against the Student Council two days ago. This battle will end the moment one of us surrenders. In this battle, I want us to really go all out, and because I'm planning to go all out...you will need to stay on your toes. This will be beneficial to you. You need to reach our level to even be of use in this upcoming Revelation. You've started to break limits...I want you to push further beyond and break through the ceiling that's been keeping you down." Yuki said as she gripped her necklace. "I've sensed the potential in you since the very first day. It's just me and you so don't be afraid to break it. I'll be okay."

I nodded and summoned my Sin Bringer. "I understand and I will make you proud, Yuki."

Yuki smiled at me then closed her eyes and opened them back up with a serious look on her face. "Let us begin."

I awakened my Active Knight Mode and my armor appeared over my body. I dashed to Yuki and went for a punch. She dodged my attack and looked at me. Her left eye shined and an invisible attack struck me and blew me away. I groaned and rolled backwards then rebounded off the ground then dashed to her once more. I went for a barrage of attacks. A protective magic circle blocked my attacks then she unleashed an energy blast at me, blowing me away. I groaned as I crashed through multiple trees and rolled on my side on the ground.

Yuki appeared in front of me via magic circle and walked towards me. "You're strong. No one can deny that, but you still aren't on the basic level of the House of Arcane. Not without the power of the Sin Bringer. That even you can agree on."

I slowly stood up and chuckled softly. "Yeah...I'm pretty pathetic in comparison to the others. I'm not as physically powerful as Nekona is, or as focused as Erika could be. I don't have a magic prowess like Azuki nor the healing ability like Lily...nor do I have the ability to use Arcane Magic like you can, but I am unique..I am a future Demon Lord. This is my fate..."

Yuki watched me and braced herself.

I bellowed and the Pride Symbol shined on the middle of my chest then my armor shined purple as I switched to my Pride Mode. I dashed to Yuki and she grunted then looked surprised when I hit her cheek with a powerful punch. She grunted as she flew backwards. I flew after her and my armor slightly sparkled. She avoided the trees as she flew backwards and looked at me. I bellowed and went for a barrage of quick strikes. She grunted as she blocked and dodged my attacks. I grabbed her arm and punched her face, sending her crashing through multiple trees and crash into a mountain.

I flew after her then noticed multiple twinkling lights and grunted as a massive wave of energy beams were headed my way. I switched to my Gluttony Mode and began to absorb the energy beams as best as I could. I grunted as I had to stop as the energy beams had slight holy energy. Yuki noticed a massive explosion and watched.

I flew out of the smoke cloud and switched to my Pride Mode once again then went for an attack. Yuki blocked the attack with a magic circle and grunted lightly. I switched to my Gluttony Mode and began to absorb the magic circle the Yuki lowered the magic circle and I looked a bit surprised. Yuki fired a beam of holy energy at me and I switched to my Wrath Mode and blocked the beam and grunted. She roared and made it more powerful and gave her attack Priority Effect to cancel out my Holy Immunity effect. I groaned as I began to take damage from the beam. Yuki appeared above me and kicked me down to the water.

I groaned as I crashed into the water and she appeared in front of them then held her hand in front of me. She blasted me with powerful Arcane Magic and split the water in two. I groaned as I went through the ground and landed on my back in a cave. Yuki flew down into the hole and landed on her feet in the cave.

"You're never gonna get stronger if you keep fighting like this! I want to help you but I feel like you're holding back, or maybe you've actually reached your limit. After all it wouldn't be surprising if you did." Yuki said. "Men can't be as strong as women in this case. History has changed Tatsuya. A once man's world now ruled by women."

"Prove her wrong." A voice called out to me.

"It's fine if you did reach your limit. It won't change the fact that...I like you. Even though there are things you won't know about me, we've spent enough time with each other to understand each other. It's just, if this is all you can do...I will have no choice but to use you as a lower devil and leave you to the lower ranks." Yuki sighed.

"Tell me what you want...and I'll give it to you..~" The voice said.

"...I want...more power..." I said and slowly sat up.

"Is that all..?~ I can tell you have a strong desire to have Yuki and her friends...You want sexy women...I can grant you that as well...I can grant you all the powers that comes with Greed but I want something from you..~" The voice said.

"What's that..?" I asked and the Greed Symbol shined on the middle of my chest.

"I want all the souls you collected..~ They are very valuable and with that many is more than enough to fill my army..~ So how about it..? We got a deal?" The voice asked.

I stood up and chuckled softly. "Sure Mammon...we got a deal."

"Good~ I knew I'd like you from the start~ My power is yours sweet boy~" Mammon giggled.

Yuki looked at me and noticed my armor shining yellow and wondered what was going on.

"You said...it was fine if I was at my limit, Yuki. On the surface yeah, it would be fine...but it's not!" I said and looked up at her.

"What are you saying?" Yuki asked.

"I can't stop here, not while I'm targeted by the Fallen Angels! So that's why I will push myself even further! I want more power Mammon so give me more power!" I yelled.

"Mammon..?" Yuki looked a bit surprised.

"How badly do you want this power?" Mammon teased.

"Badly! I have something to prove! I won't stop here and be demoted! I am the future Demon Lord! All Demon Lords have had harems that were godlike! Married and had sex with multiple people! I want that! So give me that power!" I yelled and my armor flashed brightly.

"Heh..~ I'm not convinced~ Is this truly what you want..?~ What will you give to me in exchange?~" Mammon asked.

"I'll...I'll make a pact with you and all of the other Demon Lords! I'll become the strongest Demon Lord Hell has ever seen! Stronger than Lucifer, stronger than Satan! I'll trade you my humanity for this power!" I said. "I'm already a Devil...I have nothing else to lose."

Yuki looked at me and felt extremely excited on the inside listening to me. She slowly developed a sinister smile on her face.

"Your humanity huh..?~ Heh...I want to see how this plays out so yes...You shall become 100% Devil! I grant you this power!" Mammon said then granted me power equal to my desire.

My heart thumped hard and black aura surged powerfully around my body. I grunted and felt my demonic power increasing as the rest of my humanity disappeared from my body. I bellowed and my dark aura surged powerfully and my armor shined brightly then transformed. Demon horns grew from the sides of my helmet, devil winds manifested on my back, and a armored demon tail grew behind me. My right arm had demon markings going from my shoulder to my hand then transformed into a true demon arm.

"Active Limit Breaker Knight Mode." Satan chuckled.

Yuki looked at me and giggled then laughed like a yandere, holding her face. She looked at me with her blood red eyes and licked her lips.

I looked at Yuki and spread my wings then glared at her. "How do you like my new form..?"

"I...love it. You're the first man to ever get me excited like this...I feel my aphrodisiac blood amplifying, my body tingles when I'm with you...And this...only enables me more. Your power is amazing, simply amazing!" Yuki laughed and spread her wings.

I noticed two red wings beneath her two white demon wings. "Red wings..?"

"I am also part vampire on top of being a devil..~ Just like you...I too sacrificed my humanity to grow stronger to kill my father and brother..." Yuki smirked and giggled.

"What..?" I said in shock. "You killed them..? Why?"

"I couldn't keep them alive...They were going to use the House to join the Fallen Angels! I couldn't let them do it! I hate the Fallen more than anything I've hated before! They needed to die...They needed to go away so I can use the House to complete my goal...Dominance of the Mortal Realm! If I gain dominance the humans will all be mine...I can rebuild the Underworld and Hell! I can use the humans for whatever I want! The House of Arcane will gain revenge on all who's wronged us...We will become absolute! We are already the Strongest because of the Crest..." Yuki smirked and gave me a look of insanity.

"Yuki.." I said. Slowly I noticed Yuki becoming more and more insane. She's driven into madness and I was the cause because I kept enabling her.

"Tatsuya...I need your Devil Tool. The one tool that will help me become complete and kill all who stands in my way.." Yuki said and snatched her necklace off her neck. She walked ahead and turned her cross into her Holy Tool then used her magic to give everything she did Priority Effect. "I brought you here...because I need to extract it from your body."

"What?!" Asmodeus said surprised.

"Yuki...wants to do what?! Was this her plan this entire time?!" Beelzebub asked in shock.

"No way.." Belphegor said as she woke up nearly immediately from hearing Yuki say those words.

"Now this...is very interesting. I would've never suspected Yuki to be this insane." Satan laughed.

I looked at Yuki and looked at my right hand, noticing it trembling.

"Her Holy Energy has Priority Effect! I won't be able to absorb it!" Beelzebub said.

"Her entire body has Priority Effect...meaning..." Asmodeus started.

"Yes...Yuki has the power to negate anything using the ability, Ultimate Denial. She's planned this. We were too blind to see it. We became this strong so she could take it away for herself." Lucifer said. "We lose."

Lucifer saying we lost this battle only made me more terrified of Yuki. She was planning to kill me since the moment she saw I had the Sin Bringer. It was only me and Yuki in this Alternate Space so no one could hear us or see us.

"Don't worry, Tatsuya..~" She said as she stopped right in front of me. "It will be like we're together forever..~ Your power won't go to waste..~ I'll stop the Fallen and it would be like we won together..~ So just stand still and make this easy..~"

I felt my heart racing as I looked at Yuki. I grunted and closed my eyes then heard another voice in my head.

"You can't stand there and let her win. This isn't training anymore...you are fighting for your life!" A voice called out to me.

I looked at my hand then noticed the Envy Symbol shining on my hand. "Leviathan...your Sin is useless to me. Unlike all the other sins they actually have use. I don't think you can help me in this situation.." I said then looked back at Yuki.

"Heh..~ That's where you're wrong. You can do more than use the power of the Sins...you can use our power as well. I destroyed the Universe once. My power transcends beyond anything you could ever imagine. I am THE Leviathan and I grant you the use of my power. With all Seven of us...you can't lose." Leviathan said.

"You are no King or True Devil, boy...but if you think we've truly lost then maybe you don't deserve the Sin Bringer. If anyone can stop Yuki, it's you...but let this be known, Ultimate Denial has a counter. It's a power none of us have unfortunately, but using the Sins of Envy, Greed, Pride, and Lust...those four have an ability named Desire Manifestation, use that to create an ability that counters Ultimate Denial. We shall leave the rest to you... Tatsuya." Satan said then his voice faded away.

I looked at Yuki and glared at her, grunting lightly.

"Done speaking to the Demon Lords? Shall we get this started?" Yuki smirked. "Unlike the Fallen I actually have the integrity to let you finish a conversation."

"I'm ready, but I'm not ready to lose. I'm ready to win!" I said.

"Of course you wouldn't make it easy. Fine by me, I'll just destroy you and take away your will to fight!" Yuki laughed then looked serious. "Now let's begin.."