
The House at the End of the forgotten road

A lone traveler, lost and cold in a storm, finds shelter in an old house. Inside, the traveler encounters a mysterious figure who welcomes them. The figure appears to be a ghost, or some other supernatural being. The traveler is frozen with fear, unable to move or speak. What will happen next? Will the traveler be able to escape the house, or will they be trapped there forever? This is just a brief summary of the story. If you want to know what happens next, you'll have to read the full story!

tomiwa_orez · Horror
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3 Chs

CHAPTER TWO:A pale,Gaunt figure

As the traveler drew closer to the light, they noticed that it was coming from a house. The house was old and rundown, and it looked as though it had been abandoned for years. The traveler hesitated, unsure whether to knock on the door or not. Just then, the door creaked open, revealing a figure standing in the doorway. The figure was pale and gaunt, and it seemed to float rather than walk. The traveler's heart pounded in their chest as the figure drifted towards them. What did this strange being want with the traveler? Was it friend or foe?As the figure approached, the traveler noticed that it was wearing tattered robes, and its eyes were a piercing shade of red. The figure stopped just in front of the traveler, and its voice was soft and cold as it spoke. "Welcome to my home," it said. "I have been waiting for you." The traveler tried to speak, but no words would come out. The figure reached out a hand, and the traveler felt a chill run through their body. "Do not be afraid," the figure said. "I have something to show you."Tentatively, the traveler reached out and took the figure's hand. The figure began to lead the traveler inside the house, and as they crossed the threshold, the door slammed shut behind them. The figure led the traveler down a long, dark hallway, and the traveler could hear their footsteps echoing on the stone floor. He emerged into a large, empty room, with a high, vaulted ceiling and stone walls. In the center of the room was a large, circular pool, filled with dark, swirling water. "Behold," the figure said. "The Well of Souls."The traveler stared at the Well of Souls in awe and wonder. "What is it?" they asked. The figure smiled, and its eyes glowed a deep red. "It is a gateway," they said. "A gateway to other worlds, other realms. A gateway to knowledge and power. Do you wish to see?" The traveler hesitated, but his curiosity was stronger than his fear. "Yes," he said. The figure nodded, and gestured to the pool. "Then step inside," they said. "And let your journey begin."The traveler took a deep breath, and stepped towards the pool. As he did, he felt the air around him grow still and cold.He reached out a hand and touched the surface of the water. It was ice cold, and when his fingers broke the surface, ripples spread out across the pool. The ripples grew larger and larger, until the whole pool was a mass of swirling, churning water. Then, a light began to shine from the center of the pool, growing brighter and brighter until it was blinding. The traveler felt himself being pulled towards the light, and he closed his eyes... What happened next could change his life forever