

Michael along with his family, servants, clones, and Lydia watched Melinda and Aria sitting on 4th floor to not let any damage to the infrastructure.

In this week of training there have been some attempt to breach this place but after several more tries and death this place became a little renown and the number of invaders decreased dramatically in the past few days there have been no attempt at all.

Looking at the supplies that we have it seem we would have lasted 2 more month so sooner or later we would have to scavenge for food or move from here.

Gradually two black clouds emerged in the sky, weirdly no matter how close Aria and Melinda is the black cloud remain separate and didn't touch each other, even the lightning flashes didn't touch seeing this Michael quickly used The Perceptive Conjuration to move Aria and Melinda away from each other with each being at the edge of the 4th floor and the black cloud above them followed, after all this is Aria and Melinda, his beloved, there is no was he is using them in experiment that this risky.

Without saying anything Melinda and Aria accepted it, after all it was Michael who did it, there is no way he is going to harm them.

Michael compared the black cloud to his, the guy who failed, and Anira's he found that even after comparing all of those examples the black cloud looks very similar to each other even the lightning bolt that flashes in and out from the cloud didn't really look different but the difference started after the first lightning bolt and everyone that he has seen have the same size and firepower at least on the first one.

Then at the same time a thin purple lightning struck, indeed it is the same, when Anira breakthrough the realm her lightning bolt didn't changes except the colour became dark blue after 12 thin purple that enlarged only a few centimetre compared to the first one and Anira breakthrough with 2 nodes.

Right now Aria and Melinda is going to breaktrough with 8 nodes. Just like Michael's the lightning bolt didn't strike until 30 seconds have passed.

To describe how worried Michael is it could be seen in his in his hourglass, on the wooden part of his hourglass that is supposed to be half filled is now only left with 8 emblems.

Of course Michael lend his copied powers to Aria and Melinda, for Aria he lend her the Golden Eagle Transformation and Heavenly Insect Emperor while Melinda got Cat's Nine Life and Spiritual Tentacle as he discovered that Melinda and Aria currently could only merge two transformation and activate one other talent at the same time, he had an similar amount before he breaktrough to the Transformation Realm and he is currently at 5% of transforming his normal Qi into the purple Attribute Qi, he could felt the benefit with the same quantity but different quality, it's like a portion of Attribute Qi is equal to 10 portion of normal Qi.

Melinda had her normal Lightning Cheetah Transformation except her normally thin long tail became nine long and fluffy tails while Aria was a smaller version of the monster form that Michael used to try to scare them a week ago but without the White Hulk in addition the combination form an elegant and majestic form even though she face is covered and she honestly didn't have much curves compared to Melinda, Aria looks weirdly attractive in the golden feather along with the black amour.

They both only used their body to endure the lightning and it seem they are speechless because they didn't even feel anything.

Just like how Michael breakthrough the lighting bolt expanded and when it reaches the 9th lightning bolt the lighting bolt became smaller but it wasn't truly dark blue in colour, although hard to distinguish there is purple mixed in it and Melinda and Aria tried to withstand it with their own body. With Aria it only struck off some feathers while with Melinda it only made a black mark but Michael warned them to be careful so they used the illusion and tentacles to reduce the impact.

And just like Michael's the lightning bolt at the 16th, it changed into a mixed colour of dark blue and blue, once again the same thing happened at the 20th, the lightning bolt gathered into a ball and changed into a yellow colour, there Is no impurities on it filed with only yellow colour.

Seeing this Michael prepared himself to rescue them, one each of his palm a white light was growing stronger and stronger while he crouched preparing to rushes at moment notice.

Then just like that the yellow lightning bolt descent upon the two girls and then history repeat itself the illusion and tentacles that Melinda and Aria conjures vanished the moment it neared the yellow lightning bolt and it seem it didn't do anything to help.

The yellow lightning bolt then struck the two girls, the moment it did Michael rushes toward Aria, it wasn't he is favouring Aria over Melinda but Melinda had a failsafe for her, yes it is the Cat's Nine Life.

So Michael healed Aria as the cloud dispersed and in 10 seconds Aria was healed with her naked and unconscious, perhaps if it wasn't for that she have once experience the remains of red lightning once her injuries perhaps would have reached the soul and she would get into the temporary coma like before, Michael then used the earth to cover her body while he rushes toward Melinda.

Thankfully as said before she had experienced the red lightning so she wasn't in any real danger, her flesh was only charred and she was unconscious from the shock just like Aria although it looks like she can't be saved if she were to let be it would take months for her natural enchanted healing ability to heal itself after all it is the wound from Tribulation Lightning.

Melinda then recovered and Michael carried them both to his room, of course to let them rest he already have enough of the sleeping sex play.

While he was carrying the two of them Anira reported to him just like how she reported 3 days ago when she is going to breakthrough. "Master I found a really unique talent, he only took a week to level up from the Early Gas Stage to Middle Solid Stage."

Fuck i finally realized how hard it will be without any stockpile while wanting to read novels all day too

MF_THE_BOTHcreators' thoughts