

*These first few chapters aren't Auxiliary although they cover a bit of the MC's time before becoming a professor. It introduces a few characters that will appear later and a bit of backstory for the MC. So, you don't need to read them but you'll be missing out on a few things.*

I woke up to the sound of screaming. I didn't bother changing from my simple black shirt and shorts and instead decided to grab my belt with my longsword and run outside yawning. The blade was made of Opal, a cloudy white with specks of rainbow-like colors in it, which complemented the black steel hilt and black leather handle. saw immediately what was wrong there seemed to be about 4 bandits, leather armor, battle scars, and cheap weapons. The whole kit and kaboodle.

They were walking through the town I saw the scream came from a lady whose hand was caught by them. She had tan skin, short dark brown eyes, and hair. She was around 5'9" She seemed to be wearing a loose shirt and a skirt. Those creeps! I charged at the weasel holding the lady. I decided I didn't want to kill him despite my rage so I hit him with the bottom steel of my handle. His right hand recoiled with a shout. He swung his ax at me with his left hand. I noted a few mistakes right off the bat.

He took a step back after I hit him so he couldn't put his all in the swing with his balance off. and he aimed blindly it took only a bit of a lean backward to dodge his attack. I rammed the bottom of my hilt straight into his lower jaw to knock him out.

"JEFF!" As the weasel fell down there was a slightly bigger man behind him and aimed his greataxe at my waist. That might've killed me if his swing wasn't sluggish, not really his fault his ax was too big for him. I jumped onto the ax, I jumped off of it and rammed my knee straight into his face, knocking him out. While I was in the air I caught a glimpse at the last 2 people, one had a spear trained on my heart. If I continued falling I would definitely get impaled.

Too bad I had a free hand. I grabbed the sharp part of the spear and slowly pushed it away from my heart and landed on him. I hit him with my hilt knocking him out. One left. I looked up and saw a Scythe coming down at my head, I rolled to dodge and hit the scythe with my blade, preventing it from stabbing his teammate.

"Whose side are you on?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I'm against killing." I hit him with my hilt before he could continue talking. I yawned, will I ever try my hardest? I didn't even have to use magic. I looked over at the lady who was sitting on the floor. I quickly walked up to her and reached my hand out she grabbed it and I pulled her up.

"Are you okay, milady?" She dusted herself off.

"Yes, how about you?" I smiled and she seemed to blush a bit.

"I wouldn't be this town's guard if I lost to them."

"Your just a guard? You're telling me you haven't been offered a job at the capital with that strength." I shook my head.

"I have, but this is my hometown I owe a lot to these people, I wouldn't abandon them for a few extra gold coins." I looked at the town taking in my surroundings once again, the building where all wood and breaking, but that didn't bother me, this was my hometown, Corun.

"I better take these bandits to the Guard's hall. Bye." I smiled one last time, I unsheathed my sword into my belt and grabbed the 4 bandits and slung them unto my shoulders and started jogging toward the Guard hall.

"Wait, you never told me your name!" I turned around and grinned.

"Remington Fellstar." She started laughing.

"What's that for?"

"Nothing, I'm Katherine Cynth, see you around Remy!" It took all I had to not laugh. I waved, turned around, and continued jogging. Remy Huh?

I managed to make it to the Guard's hall in a few minutes. I ignored the weird looks from the townsfolk, especially since I was barely dressed and carrying a few knocked out men. I dropped the bandits on the floor and knocked on the door. I smiled ready to be greeted by the captain of the Guards. She was a friend of mine. I was greeted by a young girl.

She had long black hair down to her elbows. She had pink eyes. She was around 4'10". Her skin was very pale. Guess Holly really overworked her. She was wearing a metal cap and leather armor with a steel breastplate.

"Hello, what brings you to the Guards Hall?"

"Hello, I"m here to drop off these bandits, and write my report." She tilted her head to her right as if she didn't understand what I was saying. I sighed.

"I'm a guard here."

"Ohh, sorry I'll help you with them." I picked all four of them up.

"No need girl you should rest I'll tell Holly you need a day off." I saw tears stream down her eyes, but she quickly brushed them off and hugged me.

"Thank you." She let go and I watched her runoff. Holly, what the hell did you do? I walked inside and closed the door. I saw a kid around the young girl's age sparring with Holly, with dozens watching and taking notes from the sidelines. Holly had long dark brown hair, one side covered one of her eyes, she had striking blue eyes. Her face wasn't that of the women I had seen earlier no hint of softness in her features, just a stern glare. She was wearing the same leather armor and steel breastplate as the sad kid she was sparring. Hers was a bit bigger since she was 6'1".

The girl she was sparing had faded blonde hair and faded green eyes. She was 5'5". She thrust her spear at Holly's heart. Don't worry the spear was wood. Her form was a bit off, she was crouching and thrust her spear upwards, and she was using one hand. Holly easily dodged to the right.

"I got you!" The blonde girl managed to shout that as Holly brought her sword towards her head. I caught a glimpse of her other hand, she was using magic! she released the lightning bolt at point-blank straight at Holly breastplate.