
The hot daughter-in-law of the era, she is hot and sassy

[Beautiful and sassy female educated youth vs. cold and handsome retired brother] Ye Xing had just finished reading a period novel before going to bed. He closed his eyes with satisfaction, but when he woke up, he was transported to the 1970s. Looking at this crowded little house and the tattered clothes with a sense of age, Ye Xing thought she was wearing a book? No, she brought over the novel she read before going to bed! What's even better is that she can use anything that appears in the book without restriction! ! ! From televisions in the 21st century to meat tickets in the 1970s, Ye Xing can own them all without restriction, and he comes with a shopping mall golden finger! ! ! But what happened to the evil stepmother? Send me to the countryside and take my job? Doesn’t it hurt your biological father? Stepsister is vicious? Ye Xing: Although I punch the vicious stepmother and step-sister, and kick the green tea scheming girl, it’s not a problem! But I’m really not good at catching fish! There was no other way, so the fish lover Ye Xing had no choice but to beg pitifully (arrogantly) to the indifferent local guy: "Hey, you can catch me a fish and braise it in braised sauce. Can I give you a bag of sugar?" Zhou Mingsheng: "I don't want candy." Ye Xing: "Then what do you want? It's not my fault, as long as you can say it, I can get it!" Zhou Mingsheng: "If I want you, give it to me. All my fish are yours. " The Five Star Production Team was contracted by Zhou Mingsheng to become a fisherman for his wife? I can! Zhou Mingsheng: "Also, let me do the rough work of slapping you in the face. You are so delicate, so don't hurt yourself."

L_Magar_1733 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 Ye Xing’s counterattack

Thinking about it carefully, she was actually not too much at a loss.

  Moreover, the eldest sister also promised her that if she could really give her a job, she would return the money that Ye Xing gave her today.

  It's just that much, okay, it's better than nothing.

  Ye Xing took a leisurely stroll on the street and saw with his own eyes the supply and marketing cooperative that was unique to this era. It's really not big, and it doesn't sell many things. The quality and style are not good, so the young lady doesn't have anything that catches her eye at all.

  Okay, she couldn't buy anything because she had no money or tickets.

  Now that we have all come here, of course we have to do as the Romans do, and it is even more difficult when we go to the countryside. We have to prepare a lot of things before going to the countryside, including food and clothing. As for what to do after going to the countryside, she hasn't thought about it yet.

  Now she is going to find the workshop director to solve the problem.

  Ye Xing found the workshop director and quickly completed the job recruitment procedures. Her job was officially transferred to the eldest sister's family.

  Then she asked confirmingly.

  "Director, you can't go back on your word after completing this procedure, right?"

  "Of course, even if your family comes to find you, there's nothing you can do."

  The director nodded affirmatively.

  The director is a good person. Ye Xing went through the job recruitment procedures alone without saying a word, and gave the job to someone who was not from the Ye family. Thinking about it, he knew there was something wrong.

  This Ye Xing had endured it for so long and finally got tough.

  But after all, I have lost my job and will probably go to the countryside to become an educated youth.

  The director's guess was close to ten, and in the end Ye Xing walked out under the director's sympathetic eyes.

  People nowadays are still very kind. Although there is no way to help Ye Xing, it does not prevent others from sympathizing with her.

  These sympathies will be useful in the future.

  Ye Xing went back to find the eldest sister again and told her when she would report to the machinery factory. The eldest sister was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth.

  "Young people are quick to do things!

I will give you the money back, don't worry, my sister will promise to send you to a simple place.

  And then you will send your bad sister far away."

  The eldest sister secretly said to Ye Xing.

  Ye Xing curled his lips.

  "Thank you, sister, you are so kind."

  Ye Xing was in a good mood and didn't mind being sweet.

  After settling this matter, Ye Xing went home. There was still a tough battle to fight back home.

  She wants to get back all the money the original owner has earned in the past few years!

  It was time to eat at this time. Although there was not much oil or water in what everyone ate, it still smelled like food. Ye Xing was so hungry that his hands and feet began to feel weak.

  The eldest lady had never been hungry before, and now she was in a panic. She was in urgent need of delicious food to save her battered stomach. But think about the food of this era, that's it, don't ask too much.

  "Where did you go, you damn girl? Did you say something to that bitch? Look at me, I won't beat you to death today!"

  Liu Xiaoyan had been waiting for a long time with a stick in hand. When Ye Xing came back, she immediately pounced on him.

  She lost the fight today, and the fat aunt pulled her hair and beat her up. If she didn't take it out on Ye Xing and beat her hard, she would be angry to death.

  Ye Xing quickly dodged Liu Xiaoyan's stick, picked up an object and threw it over.

  What a coincidence, it was the enamel jar Liu Xiaoyan brought to drink water from just now.

  Ye Xing hit it so hard that it immediately dented.

"Ah, ah, my enamel jar!"

  Liu Xiaoyan felt distressed and quickly picked it up and put it away.

  "You bitch actually dared to resist and throw my things. I want you to know how powerful I am today!"

  Liu Xiaoyan's face was ferocious, as crazy as if she was possessed by a demon.

  Apparently he was mad at the fat aunt and didn't care.

  Ye Xing was also a little scared. He was so crazy. Was he suffering from epilepsy?

  Fortunately, there was only Liu Xiaoyan at home and no other helpers. If she couldn't defeat Liu Xiaoyan later, she would seize the opportunity and run out.

  Ye Xing's mind was spinning quickly. When Liu Xiaoyan was picking up the enamel jar, she had already picked up the bench and held it in front of her chest.

  Isn't Liu Xiaoyan greedy for money? Throwing things is the most effective, and it can also make her feel distressed and distract her.

  "I have to let you know how powerful I am today!"

  Ye Xing said fiercely.

  "Look what this is? Your kettle!"


  Ye Xing was so quick that he threw the only kettle in the house.


  Liu Xiaoyan was so distressed that she almost died, even more so than before.

  "I'll beat you to death!"

  Liu Xiaoyan rushed forward and stabbed Ye Xing's eyes with the stick.

  Ye Xing quickly used a stool to block the stick, and then pushed hard, pushing Liu Xiaoyan back a few steps.

  Ye Xing's move took a lifetime of effort, he was so damn hungry!

  When Liu Xiaoyan stepped back, she accidentally stepped on the thermos bottle that fell on the ground.


  Liu Xiaoyan fell heavily to the ground.

  "Hiss!! You! You shameless thing, you eat my food, drink my food and beat me!"

  This hit her tailbone, Liu Xiaoyan gasped in pain, and she couldn't get up for a while.

Ye Xing took the time to reply to her.

  "It's you who eats my food, drinks my food, and takes over my salary!"

  Bang bang bang!

  Ye Xing pushed the table over, and a lot of things fell out. Even the eating bowl fell and broke all over the floor.

  "Damn it, this is all money! It's really a crime for me to deal with a stepdaughter like you!

  Stop it, stop it!"

  Liu Xiaoyan screamed and got up when she saw Ye Xing scratching the quilt.

  It was late, and Ye Xing didn't have time to find scissors, but he picked up a piece of debris that had just fallen and scratched the quilt in Liu Xiaoyan and Ye Sheng's room, one after another.

  The homespun cloth these days is relatively fragile, and the fragments are sharp. Ye Xing can cut it without using too much force.

  Ye Xing's hands were faster than his brain. After scratching the quilt, he scratched their clothes.

  There are those from Liu Xiaoyan and those from Ye Sheng.

  Before Liu Xiaoyan rushed over, Ye Xing successfully scrapped four pieces of clothing, which was almost all the summer clothes for the two of them.

  "You crazy bitch*@·**, you gave birth to a son without an asshole, you dare to touch my things, you @**@@**."

  Liu Xiaoyan endured the pain and rushed over, in response to the powerful call of money Next, her speed was faster than before, so fast that Ye Xing only caught an afterimage.

  Fortunately, Ye Xing dodged at the last second, and Liu Xiaoyan hit the wall hard, her forehead turning purple.

  The person was still too dizzy to move.

  "You, just wait for me!! Wait for your dad and..."

  Liu Xiaoyan said harshly, with more than enough heart and energy.

  Ye Xing had no time to reply now. She was also afraid that Ye Sheng and the others would come back and attack her and beat her to death.

  She seized the opportunity to lift what she could, but unfortunately the cabinet containing the food was locked and could not be opened.

  But it doesn't matter, let's knock it over first. As soon as the cabinet hits the floor, the bottles and jars inside will burst.

  I guess the oil and soy sauce bottles are broken.

"Damn it, you're going to tear down the whole house!"

  Liu Xiaoyan was really crying now. What's the use of saying harsh words, the whole house was destroyed.

  "Ye Sheng, Ye Sheng, where did you die? Go home quickly!"

  Liu Xiaoyan stood up unsteadily and shouted loudly.

  She shouldn't have sent Ye Sheng out because she was afraid that if Ye Sheng was around, he would be soft-hearted when she beat Ye Xing.

  Unexpectedly, Ye Xing, this stupid thing, went crazy today and smashed everything in the house.

  The noise in the Ye family was so loud that it was impossible for those upstairs and downstairs to miss it.

  At first, when Ye Xing threw something, everyone didn't take it seriously, thinking that Liu Xiaoyan was losing her temper again or hitting Ye Xing.

  "Liu Xiaoyan's family is always noisy and doesn't let anyone eat!"

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