
The hot daughter-in-law of the era, she is hot and sassy

[Beautiful and sassy female educated youth vs. cold and handsome retired brother] Ye Xing had just finished reading a period novel before going to bed. He closed his eyes with satisfaction, but when he woke up, he was transported to the 1970s. Looking at this crowded little house and the tattered clothes with a sense of age, Ye Xing thought she was wearing a book? No, she brought over the novel she read before going to bed! What's even better is that she can use anything that appears in the book without restriction! ! ! From televisions in the 21st century to meat tickets in the 1970s, Ye Xing can own them all without restriction, and he comes with a shopping mall golden finger! ! ! But what happened to the evil stepmother? Send me to the countryside and take my job? Doesn’t it hurt your biological father? Stepsister is vicious? Ye Xing: Although I punch the vicious stepmother and step-sister, and kick the green tea scheming girl, it’s not a problem! But I’m really not good at catching fish! There was no other way, so the fish lover Ye Xing had no choice but to beg pitifully (arrogantly) to the indifferent local guy: "Hey, you can catch me a fish and braise it in braised sauce. Can I give you a bag of sugar?" Zhou Mingsheng: "I don't want candy." Ye Xing: "Then what do you want? It's not my fault, as long as you can say it, I can get it!" Zhou Mingsheng: "If I want you, give it to me. All my fish are yours. " The Five Star Production Team was contracted by Zhou Mingsheng to become a fisherman for his wife? I can! Zhou Mingsheng: "Also, let me do the rough work of slapping you in the face. You are so delicate, so don't hurt yourself."

L_Magar_1733 · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Time Travel

"Hey~~~Why does my head hurt so much?"

  Ye Xing thought without even opening his eyes, covering his head and curling up half of his body.

  She just finished reading the over one million-word period novel last night, and then fell asleep with satisfaction. She didn't drink, and she didn't fight. How could she wake up with pain all over her body, especially her head! ! !

  "Look at the good daughter you gave birth to. She is still lying on the bed in broad daylight. She doesn't know why she thinks she is some kind of eldest lady! Let

  me tell you, Ye Sheng, she has to give in to this job, or not. You have to give in! I have signed her up to go to the countryside, you..."

  Auntie's sharp voice came, making Ye Xing stunned. At the same time, Ye Xing's pain eased a little. Xing was finally willing to open his eyes, and what he saw was a dusty wall? ? ? ?

  Ye Xing sat up without knowing why, and the quilt covering her body was still pressing heavily on her body. Forgive her, what the hell is this! Even though it was dark and full of patches, it also exuded an unpleasant smell, like socks that hadn't been washed in months. It was so disgusting!

  Ye Xing quickly patted the non-existent dirt on his body and huddled in a corner of the bed. At the same time, he finally figured out that something was wrong.

  Her 200-square-meter apartment was gone, replaced by a cramped and dilapidated hut, and what she wore looked like a freshly wiped rag, stained with various stains. In this case, the patch could be removed. ignored.

  "Am I being kidnapped?"

  Ye Xing muttered to himself, feeling a little panicked.

  "Stop making noise, do you want everyone to hear it? You're shameless and I'm still asking for more."

  A middle-aged man said impatiently.

  This voice brought Ye Xing back from her thoughts. Yes, she seemed to have heard the words "going to the countryside" and "educated youth" just now? No, no, no, no, the time travel god favored her?

  Ye Xing's first reaction when she regained consciousness was to look for a mirror. She quietly got out of bed and found a small mirror on the bed opposite. She looked at it carefully.

  Well, the face is still the same, but it's a bit paler, a bit thinner, and the skin is a bit worse, but Yangyang is still the dewy beauty.

  It's the 1970s, and my original name is Ye Xing. She is a poor little boy. She is eighteen years old this year. Her mother died when she was eight years old. Her father married a stepmother with a daughter who is younger than Ye Xing. Two years old.

  Later, the stepmother gave birth to a younger brother, who is now eight years old. The whole family lives in this house of more than 20 square meters. In summary, Ye Xing, an outsider in the family, is too annoying!

Ye Xing had a job. She was going to be packed up and sent to the countryside when she was sixteen. But she was lucky and by chance she helped the deputy director of the machinery factory a big favor.

  So in order to repay her, the man found her a temporary job in a machinery factory, with an income of more than ten yuan a month.

  Due to the reputation of the deputy factory director, Ye Xing's stepmother did not dare to take this job. However, they were deprived of every penny of their salary and were scolded and insulted at home. It was simply given to them in vain. work to earn a living.

  The original character was raised to be weak and she didn't dare to resist, but she was hardworking and hardworking, and now she has become a regular worker and is no longer a temporary worker.

  But the stepmother finally couldn't bear it any longer. Her daughter was old and would have to go to the countryside if she didn't find a job.

, how could she give up!

  Moreover, the deputy factory director was transferred to another factory, so the stepmother felt confident, so she killed him first and reported later, and put Ye Xing's name on the list of going to the countryside early.

  The idea was to let Ye Xing go to the countryside and have his daughter take over.

  When Ye Xing first heard the bad news, he was so angry that he finally broke out and had a fight with his stepmother's daughter Ye Fang.

  Well, in the end, Ye Fang and his stepmother teamed up to beat him up. No wonder Ye Xing felt so painful when he first came over. It turned out to be him being beaten!

  He couldn't be beaten, and his biological father didn't care. There was nothing he could do, and he finally drank medicine and died. She had hidden a bottle of pesticide for a long time, and she had no longer wanted to live through such torture.

  I didn't have the courage to commit suicide before, but I got so angry yesterday that I drank the medicine in one go, and today Ye Xing came.

  After accepting the memory, Ye Xing sighed quietly, feeling complicated and unspeakable.

  She is living well in the new century, but she can't handle life in the 1970s! Going to the countryside to farm? Kill her! I have never even been in a kitchen in my life, and I am still hoeing!

  "I can deal with this stepmother. The key is that now that the names have been filled in, it's useless to say anything. Going to the countryside to become an educated youth is inevitable, unless there is a relationship."

  Ye Xing murmured to himself, turning his head quickly Little brain.

  At the same time, the fingers of the right hand continue to tap lightly on the palm of the left hand.

  "Huh? Am I blinded?"

  While Ye Xing was thinking, he suddenly saw a blurry thing flash across his palm.

  But when she looked carefully, there was nothing.

  Forget it, the first priority now is to see if you can take down your name. We'll talk about the rest later.

  Ye Xing figured out the relationship and didn't dare to delay. He was about to go out immediately. However, you still have to do something before going out.

  She first took out the one dollar she had saved so hard and took it with her, and then opened the door.

  The quarrel outside the door has long since subsided. After all, the original father has agreed to what the stepmother said, and the stepmother must accept it as soon as she sees fit.

  "Hey, are you willing to give it up? It's really a young lady's body, but her maid's life is at stake."

  The stepmother sat lazily and looked over sarcastically, but she couldn't hide the pride in her brows.

The stepmother never bothered to show off to her original self, and would always beat and scold her, and even squeeze her to do her job lightly.

  The only role that the original father played was probably to enable the original person to graduate from junior high school. The rest, haha.

  Ye Xing glanced at his stepmother slowly. She had high cheekbones, an inverted triangle, and a vicious stepmother look. It was true that she said that the stepmother comes from her heart.

  "It's better than some people, with human skin and snake mind."

  Ye Xing retorted, saying that she was snake-hearted.

  "I've rebelled against you, you little bitch, and you still dare to talk back now!

  Ye Sheng, look at your daughter, she looks like she needs to be taken care of, and you still said that I beat her! If you don't beat her, she will be in trouble. !"

  The stepmother suddenly became angry and stood up. After scolding Ye Xing, she scolded Ye Sheng again.

  However, he probably felt guilty and didn't dare to pounce on Ye Xing again today.

  Ye Sheng was caught in the middle and sighed. The house was always so noisy. In order to calm down the trouble, he was about to speak.

  "Ye Xing, why are you talking to your mother? You can't..."


  Ye Xing interrupted coldly.

  It was this cowardly and inactive father that led the original person to commit suicide. If only he had been tougher and paid more attention to his wife, the original person would not have been so desperate.

  Wait until she comes back to clean up the family.

  Ye Xing didn't have time to spend time with them. He glanced at the two people with disgust, quickly walked to the door and put his hand on the doorknob.

  Then his expression suddenly changed, pitiful, heartbroken and hysterical, he yelled.

  "Dad, are you still my real dad! You usually beat me and scold me to make me work, pay all wages, and don't give me food.

  Now you want me to give my job to Xiaofang, pack up and get out, what are you doing? You're going to drive me to death!"

  ————- digression——-

a new post, let's pick up the mood and start again~~~~~

  It's beautiful, sassy, ​​and sweet. The educated youth lady is here, who can not be moved by this? Indifferent handsome native guy, just wait to take over!

  Before the male host arrived, the small theater came first~~

  Ye Xing (eager to try): Ah, I have traveled through time.

  Zhou Mingsheng (with a cold face): Oh.

  Ye Xing (proudly): I have a golden finger.

  Zhou Mingsheng (with a cold face): Oh.

  Ye Xing (proud and complacent): I have something to eat.

  Zhou Mingsheng (very free): I have the strength.

  Ye Xing (cowardly and confident): I was wrong, come here and help me pull the weeds!

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