
The Hot CEO’s Mysterious Nerd Secretary


ruffatorres · Urban
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157 Chs

The Truth

Xia felt a pang inside her chest as she picks the last of her belongings, a heart-shaped picture frame with a picture of her and Zachary Benedict,  and neatly settled it inside the suitcase. It took her only ten minutes to pack her things. She did not bring much with her anyway. She knew they will only stay in the country for a few days.

She could not understand the sadness in her heart. Thinking that she will leave Brittania soon makes her even sadder. A sense of belongingness filled her heart when they arrive here, but now they are to leave it seems the hole of emptiness bigger than before resurfaced.

For the very first time in her twenty-five years of existence, she felt as if the missing part of her life was finally found in this place, even to the place she grew up she did not even feel that kind of peace. Their house became more of a prison than a home.

Brittania brings her with so much nostalgia as if this is the country she was born.