
The horrors of being the villain

GrimmPeaks · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The lay of the land

After Liam sends out his skeletons, the party leader of the adventures shouts to his the rest of them. "Quick get the wounded out of here," he said, turning to look at Liam and then seeing him speak with himself. "I'll buy some time, then I can run off. I don't think I can take this thing, " Liam says to the ghost. the ghost then speaks up "awww come on, it will be fine and fun. At least give these lot a good show of your strength. " Liam then commands the skeleton archer to shoot for the goblin Kings eyes as the arrow is about to hit the goblin king disappears and reappears behind Liam "what the" Liam gets hit into the air blood coming out from his mouth. before he hits the ground, his skeletons catches him and lay him down softly. the skeleton Commander plague grabs his sword, and his eyes flare up with a black and red glow, and he charges the goblin king swinging his sword wildly as he dose so a scraping of bone against bone can be heard from him as that happens the archer shoots multiple arrows towards the Goblin King

the king laughs and swings his wooden club to the skeletons. Plague dodges the hit and climes on his back and starts digging his sword into the goblin. Kings back, it lets out a blood curdling scream. Liam is starting to regain his strength and runs to finish off the goblin king has Liam gets close, and the goblin king disappears once again. Liam snaps his head around and orders his skeletons to rush him. The goblin king swings his wooden club again, and this time, the wind pressure sends all the skeletons flying backwards. Liam attacks the goblin King

"you fucking lump of meat YOU'RE MINE" he says slitting his throat and digging his whole arm into his throat and ripping what's left out. Liam takes a look at his hand and the dead body and starts laughing manically. "HAHAHAHAH, YOU STUPID BEAST YOU WAS OUT MATCHED." After Liam calms down, he realises the goblin king dropped loot. the system speaks up, "the goblin king has dropped robes of the forgotten and wooden club." Liam remembering how the king disappeared and reappeared in a blink of an eye. "Thank you so much," a timid voice speaks up. Liam looks at the person seeing its a boy, not much older than him. "You okay, kid?" says Liam, wiping his arm to get rid of the blood "um yes you are amazing the way you control those things to attack and also catch you. " Liam scratching his head and with an awkward smile says "yea It's kinda my thing to be good at this stuff. " Liam then thinks in his head

"I have no fucking clue what happened maybe it was to do with the high intelligence on plague maybe that's why also this robe will be handy when I'm in a tough situation" the rest of the people come over to thank Liam "Don't mention it guys" the leader then says to Liam "you are a Spirit controller or something of the sorts" the ghost then speaks up "hahah you want to tell them about me oh dear friend of mine" Liam coving his mouth and speaking to the ghost "shhhhhh you ain't real be quite" the ghost is a sarcastic voice "stop being mean to your only friend asshole" Liam ignoring him talks to the leader

"Yes, I can raise the dead, and they are all completely under my control. No need to worry,"

most of the Adventures look at Liam with a mix of fear and amazement. "It is a strange request, but" the leader says before being cut off by Liam "sorry buty I will not be joining your group. I apologize. " The leader nodding his head with a slight bit of sadness, and in his voice says "Well I had a feeling but it was worth a try without I'm sure we all would have be hurt or even killed so please take this as a thanks" Liam gets handed a black sword " there's was no reasons for me not to help you lot out thank you for the sword I'll take good care of it"

Liam starts to walk away, looking at the sword. "You have unlocked a new skill that is only granted when wielding the sword," Liams eyes light up with enjoyment. "What is this skill system?" Liam makes it back onto the path as the system explains his new skill." Ahh, so for every fifth hit, I land it deals 50 extra points of damage"

:two days later: "we should have joined them," says the ghost, "shushhh, you've been talking all day and night. I swear if you didn't give a buff, I would take off this ring and never put it back on, " Liam says with annoyance "Well I'm gonna set up camp here for the night... oi skeletons guard the area, don't let anyone in, " Liam says, "don't you think it's a bit early for bedtime? " says the ghost

"we've got a big day, alright. I want to test these skills" early in the morning. Liam can be seen using the robes from the goblin king to move from shadow to shadow. "So its limits is 10 feet and can be only used every one minute... well, it's useful. Unfortunately, I couldn't make the goblin king one of my army. I need to grow stronger and make this world mine. " Liam walks back over to the campfire. "You sure dream big don't. yea ummmm" Liam with a smile on his face "you don't know my name that's weird" the ghost speaking "Well you never asked in so I never felt it was necessary" Liam still smiling asks "what is your man name then you dick" the ghost a little annoyed "my name is Ryuke" Liam smile becomes even bigger "what a... SHIT name hahaha" Ryuke with an angry voice "WELL what's your name bet it's Dummer, then mine, "

"The names Liam White don't forget it since I technically own you," Liam says with a smug smile. "Actually, that's a good name," says Ryuke. "Anyways, I'm gonna kill some goblins by myself,"

"You think that is wise. You kinda need your bodyguards wherever you go." Liam still walking deeper into the forest says to Ryuke, "listen its by choice I have, then around took clean up after me or after themselves. you understand?" Has Liam stop talking he hears, goblins attacking orks, "what in the hell I'm so fucked if they see me" Liam says while watching closely "Oh well mister take over the world prove yourself and kill at least one ork" Liam sighs and walks out of the forest and towards the battle "ahh this brings me back to the first day I was taken here" Liam says nonchalantly while walking right up to an ork. "Can you chew this for me, darling?" Then stabs a sword into the orks mouth, killing it within seconds "wow you actually killed one?" Ryuke says in suprise. "Of course I will be the god of death one day," Liam says, running to the next ork slicing its legs to make it drop down, then Liam rams the sword through its eye dragging it upwards through its brain and skull. "How many more will test my new skills?" Liam yells. then a ork charges Liam, getting ready to swing its sword while yelling , "WAAAARGH!" Liam, using his skill to do more damage on the fifth hit, uses his robes to appear behind the ork and slashes it fives, and on the fifth hit, the orks insides blows outwards to the other orks making them throw their weapons down and run into the woods "Death awaken" Liam says with a evil smile on his face "hunt down your former friends and bring me their heads" the skeleton ork runs into the woods screams could be heard.

30 minutes later, "he's sure taking his time, isn't he?" says Ryuke. Liam resting upon the blow-up ork and yawning, "He's alright, I can feel him getting closer." After a little bit longer, the ork drops 49 skulls of the orks. "Good job. go take them to camp its that way. " Liam points towards it and gets up. "Let's move out. I want to rest tomorrow. It is going to be a busy day, "