
The begining of the sports festival!

I saw her tremble visibly and I leaned on the wall sizing her up with my eyes. She was still trembling I made a gesture to tell her shoo. I looked at Iida and saw he was rooted to his spot. He turned around slowly and I looked him straight in the eyes my red-tinted ones to his blue eyes. I simply told him "Run!" with a sadistic smile. My tone screamed danger. He turned around and visibly used his quirk to run away. I smirked and saw my boyfriends staring at me as if I was a god/goddess. I gave each of them a kiss and continued walking to the classroom. I soon heard hurried feet and giggled.

We stepped into the classroom and I smiled everyone that wasn't in my friend group and heard what had happened from Uraraka looked VERY frightened. Touya, Shoto, and I walked to our seats and waited for Aizawa to be ready. When he finally was I was doodling on my notes. The doodle was of Hero Izu and Villain Izu. It was a yin and yang on the yang side was me, on the yin side was the side if I had decided to be a hero. I sighed under my breath. and paid more attention to the lesson.

When class was over everyone except me and Shoto got a permission slip to give to their parents or guardians. Shoto had removed himself from his family just like Touya had so Touya was our guardian. Aizawa knew that Touya would say yes to this and when Aizawa had asked just to make sure, Touya had approved anyways.

"Tou, could we go home so we can get some gear ready?" He nodded looked at Shoto and he also nodded. I skipped outside to see tons of reporters and agencies waiting for us. The agencies were looking for models. I sighed looked at them both and gestured for them to wait there. I walked up to them and answered some things. "I will be hiring an assistant to handle all of this and all the agency offers!" I shouted once they quieted down. I made a card up and handed them out. I gestured with my hand for Shoto and Touya to come now.

When we finally got home I was a little hungry but wanted to get everything ready for tomorrow. I grabbed my scythes and a little something I had been working on. It was a bunch of gear that would give me a huge advantage in the festival. I had one for each of the stages that are possible for each. I then called two people who I hoped would like to help me with things. "Hey, shigi!" 'huh! Midoriya! It's been a moment!' "Yeah, it has! I was calling to see if you would like to help me with something that will be good for my reputation tomorrow?" 'Yeah sure! Isn't the sports festival tomorrow?' "Exactly! I would like to see if you and Toga will help me and be my assistants for a while? You'll get paid highly." 'hmmmmm... just a sec lemme ask Toga!' There was silence on the line for a few seconds. 'She says she would love to!' "Great! Meet me at my house tomorrow morning at six!" 'cya then!' "Yep bye!" 'Bye!' I hung up and looked at the phone the had the phone number on the card. I picked it up and began answering it until tomorrow. There were modeling agencies that I said yes to because those didn't take to long.

There were a few magazines and reporters but I didn't bother with all of them because they all wanted to meet at the same time. There was a talk show which I said yes to because it was the first one to ask me to come on. I then closed the number off because I was getting sleepy and hungry. I trudged up the stairs from the basement and went into the kitchen. I saw Touya and Shoto talking over some beer and saw they had ordered pizza I picked a slice up and ate it I saw them looking at me but just stuck my tongue out. I finished the pizza and trudged up to our room. I changed into the same pajamas as last night and laid down. I cuddled into the blankets and pillows and unconsciously made a green rabbit plushy.

I fell asleep not long after that. At some point during the night, Touya and Shoto cuddled into me and I fell back asleep. The next morning I woke up very early so I could get ready. I got dressed in the school uniform and walked downstairs. I went to the basement made a bag that was enhanced like the backpacks to fit as many things in it that I wanted. I put the gear into separate bags for what category of the festival it would be for. Then I put them in one bag (after labeling the bag of course) I got out the things to disguise Toga and Shigi and waited for them to get here.

I pulled all the things out of the basement and sat in the living room. A few minutes later the doorbell rang and I got up. I opened the door to see Toga and Shigi. I let them in and set to work at disguising them. I dyed Toga's hair a more platinum blonde and put blue-eyed contacts in. I gave her a stylish outfit fit for an assistant and set to work on Shigi. I dyed his hair a very light blue, so light it almost looked white. I put some chapstick on him, and some makeup to cover the scratches on him. I put some pink contacts in because they blended better than a lighter color or any other color.

I gave him the male version of Toga's outfit and smiled at how amazing I did. I handed them the bag and watched their arms drop slightly. I smirked and put an enhancement on it to make it lighter. I watched their faces and gave them the phone that connected to the card. I heard a noise from upstairs and watched as two sleepy faces shuffled downstairs. One in uniform the other in nice clothes. I smiled at them and handed them their breakfast. They ate quickly and I smiled I turned around to look at Toga and Shigi. "Is everyone ready?"

In response, I got groans and complaints at how early it was and smiled. We filed out into the car and I drove to the school. I saw a decrease in reporters outside and smiled. There was a significant decrease since I put cards outside the gate. The ones here were in line to get one but they had brought their cameras in case they caught me. I smiled at them when I passed some took pictures of me and I smiled even more. When we passed them a serious look came to my face. "Time to make my father proud," I whispered to myself. When we got inside people swarmed us and I just lead them through the crowd. Toga and Shigi looked surprised but Shoto, Touya, and I walked through it like we did every day. When we reached the classroom Aizawa was handing out our gym outfits Shoto and I grabbed ours. "Stay here with Touya," I told Toga and Shigi.

Shoto and I went to the changing room and obviously changed into the gym uniform. We picked up the school uniform and for me, I also put the gym top into the pile. I walked in shirtless my abs on display. I heard some whistles from my friends and I smiled and chuckled. I set my clothes in my backpack. I took a rubber band and pinned my bangs out of my face I put an eye patch on my eye and was ready. I looked around to see everyone looked serious and I laughed, almost all the eyes flicked to me and I waved mockingly at them. I got my phone out and called my father. "Hey, dad!" 'Hey Izuku, you're going to be competing in the festival soon right?' "Yeah, I am! I just wanted to ask if you're going to be watching?" 'Of course, I will, actually I have a special surprise for you!' "Really? I can't wait!" There was a deep laugh on the other side. 'Well, I'll talk to you after the festival okay?' "Okie, dad! I'll talk to ya later!" 'Bye Izu.' "Bu-bye!" I smiled and looked up to see Kacchan was fuming and I forgot that I hadn't told him the complete truth. "Kacchan come here!" He stormed over and I rubbed his shoulder. "That wasn't the bastard that-" I cleared my throat, "You know what. That was my birth father! That bastard was my stepdad," I snarled when I thought of him.

His eyes showed a look of understanding. I smiled and gave him a hug. He calmed down and I smirked, "Looks like your boyfriend is getting jealous go talk to him K?" He blushed and nodded he hurried over to Kiri and kissed him he looked away with a very crimson blush on his cheeks and I giggled. The announcement sounded saying that it was time for all classes to go to the busses to go to the stadium. I smirked and walked calmly through the halls with everyone. There were a lot more blushing guys and girls with my lack of shirt so I blushed even more.

I sat with all my friends + Shoto, Touya, Toga, and Shigi. When we got there I was a little amazed but it didn't show on my face. The only thing that moved on my face was my ruby lips. We were lead to the back room where I was confronted with many people saying they would win. I smirked and got very excited when It was time for the first years to enter the stadium. I walked out my entourage behind me I pointed to the three reserved seats near the edge of the bleachers and Touya, Toga and Shigi went up there. I smiled and looked at Shoto smirking at him more than smiling. We were now all in the spotlight where usually it would be 3-A that would have the spotlight it was 1-A because of the villain attack. I saw a stickman that I assumed was All Might out of his regular form in the stands I waved at him with an innocent smile and kept walking in the sun. All of the first years stood together and I saw Shin and Denki standing together. I held Shoto's hand and listened to the instructions I saw the hero Midnight was the one in charge for the first years so I almost laughed out loud at all the subtle flirting she was doing. When she had the top student of the year come up and shouted my name I walked calmly up there only letting Shoto's hand go at the last moment.

"Hello! As you heard I'm Izuku Midoriya, And I would like to tell you, Your all going to do amazing! Thank you very much!" I jumped off the stage my wings activating like an instinct so I glided off smoothly. I saw Touya smile and I did too which was rewarded with even more claps from the audience. Then it was time for the first event to be picked. The challenge was... Obstacle course. I smiled at this my white wings unfolded and all the students were led to the starting line. I looked up heard the go signal to sound and flew up. I flew forward and saw the robots that had been in the entrance exam I remembered they were the zero pointers from my research. I flew back down but stopped when Ice shot forward I smiled and my eyes grew wide I swooped forwards flying next to Shoto and blew a kiss to him. I landed in front of the robots and smashed them. I swooped forward more and landed again. I had mostly just caused little smashes on them and Shoto froze them and sped forward Kacchan behind him. I smiled and kept going forward. I landed and ran forward but stopped when I saw a bunch of ropes and a canyon. I looked and saw some of the ropes were decaying and decided it would be better to just fly across I flew over it all again and reached the other side I decided to keep going and reached the last obstacle, The minefield I looked and saw the mines and sighed. I thought about another quirk I could use and decided to just burst through it I set up my enhanced speed and zoom across all of it, I did just that and heard an explosion line behind me. I ran normally to near the end and when I saw Kacchan and Shoto having a fight for first I smirked I waved at them and Kacchan got distracted I decided to keep going and used enhanced speed and came in first.

Shoto came in second and then Kacchan. I smirked and leaned against the stage. I waved at everyone and smiled. I saw that they had captured all of it and smiled.

Double update today maybe triple! Sorry, some of the paragraphs are long I just wanted to fit all of that in.


Zero_Kiriyucreators' thoughts