
The Hope's Peak Titan

(Male OC, could be something else as well but I won't spoil) SPOILER WARNING for Danganronpa and for some minor to large spoilers from Attack on Titan. (Edit) No Genderbend. - A boy with a rough past is one of the new students at Hope's Peak Academy. He fits in rather well and makes some new friends. Unfortunately, despair is creeping up on them. Can he use his talent to save them? Even with the mysterious memories of an unknown man being a burden on his mind? Or will he be captured by the chains of despair? - First chapter is going to be a test. If people want it then I will continue. Updates will be quite random and mostly slow as I am about to start the big boy exams, so it will be hard. Also I am a newbie writer sooooooooo.. yes it will not be as good as I want it to be. Criticism is needed and wanted. This is also posted on Wattpad by the name of AdmaIsAStupidName

AdmaTheBest · Anime & Comics
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The Time Before Our Destiny/Despair

A/N: New chapter let's go. As you can probably tell, the level of detail put into this will be more than MK-IRL, it still won't be top quality I'll tell you that. The sophistication is much higher though. It might not fit, but I think "Follow Fi" is the best to listen to when reading this story, just saying. Thank you for your support, enjoy!

– ??? –

A man strolled through the busy streets of the colourful city, everything around him told a unique story. The family was eating out at a restaurant because their daughter got good results in her exams, the man singing his heart out just to earn enough money to eat some food the next day, along with a young boy in tattered clothes waiting for his mother to find him. The man's story was also unique, unique as it was, it left a scar in his heart. It took all his will to bear the burden, unfortunately, it isn't going to be enough.

After his disconnection from his troubles he arrived back at his home. Walking up 3 flights of cracked stone stairs and traversing from one side to the over he got to his apartment door. The paint had seen better days and the door handle would be better off being replaced. It was a daily reminder of just how much of a shoddy life he has lived. 'Enough of this…' he thought constantly, but in no way did he have the will to do so, he was trapped in a cage of 'something'? What that cage is, no one knows. As usual, he opened the door. The condition of the door mirrored the state of the room, the wallpaper was on it's last legs and the furniture looked like it was torn apart by a ruthless monster. Where did it go all wrong? Well you could say it was at several points in the man's life, he himself would say when he lost the one person who wanted him to be alive.

– 10 years ago –

A young boy was sitting outside of the headteacher's office. His mother sat beside him with an irritated and disgusted look, possibly at the boy himself or other pressing matters that are more important than her own son. "Mrs ******, she will see you now." the intercom rang out. His mother released a breath of frustration as she got up, she turned to the solemn boy next to her giving him a monsterous glare, "Stay there, if you get into trouble again, you're dead." In response the boy looked even deeper into the floor in pain and just as much in shame. Only about a minute or so of loud silence, shouting began to ring out from the office. It was impossible to decipher exactly what was being hurled throughout the other room, but the eyes of concern from the bystanders towards the little kid sunk him deeper into the sea of humiliation.

The mother walked through the door in a rage, it looked like she had just been to war with another animal. She walked past her child and towards the door, he took it as a hint to follow her. They made it to the car and the car drive home was just as painful, the two of them did not speak a single word. After about 10 minutes of driving they arrived in front of their home, a fabulous two story house with a spacious garden. What more could you ask for? The mother turned back to her son and like before told him to stay where he was. She got out of the ocean blue Mercedes and marched towards the door of the house. The boy sat there in solitude and confusion, he didn't know what his mother was doing.

His mother, about 5 minutes later, walked out holding a black suitcase dragging it along the cobblestone path. Opening the front door on the left side she placed it on the seat*. He wanted to question why she brought his suitcase out, but he didn't want to risk getting in trouble again. After half an hour of driving, they pulled up at a bungalow*. It didn't stand out like the house he lives in but it gave off a sense of calmness. An old man opened the door, he did not seem too pleased to see them. She got out of the car and walked over to him. As he was still in the car it was impossible for him to understand them. She then looked over at him and signalled for him to get out of the car.

Contrary to the look the old man gave his mother, he seemed to be happy in my presence. "You're going to be living with him from now on. I don't care what you have to say… I'm already stressed enough from your father leaving, just get out of my sight." He burst out crying, all he wanted to ask was 'why?', but he was unable to. The old man grabbed hold of his hand and carefully pulled him along to the door. "WHY!? WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME!?" out of nowhere he shouted in absolute pain. The woman stood there for a while, it seemed like it was nigh impossible to turn around again. When she did.. "It's because… YOU'RE JUST LIKE YOUR STUPID FATHER! A troublemaker who always gets into fights, why can't you just be… a normal child?"

Anger was boiling within the child, he just wanted her to understand. To her it didn't seem like he had anything else to say so she carried on walking. She reached the end of the path when, "I always get into fights because they always make fun of you, they always make fun of me because dad left. Why can't you just understand?" A moment of shock flashed upon her face, almost admitting that she had made a horrific mistake. She began to contemplate whether to return to her child and take him back home, but she resolved herself in her decision and kept on walking, getting in the car and driving away.

In a calm and loving voice from behind, "It'll be alright now son, let's get you inside and I'll make you some food." He followed behind the old man into the house. The whole floor was a fluffy carpet and many ornaments filled each room, the old man seemed to be quite the collector. For about an hour he didn't utter a single word, if the old man asked him a question it would be answered with either a simple nod or shake of his head. His attention was fully grasped when a colourful aroma forced itself down his nose. He turned his head towards the old man who was holding a pure white tray with a green plate. It contained a meat and potato pasty chopped up into small pieces. "Here you go." He placed it on the boy's lap. He was very intrigued, it was just a normal pasty, so how could it possibly smell different.

Reluctantly he lifted a piece of it into his mouth, the moment it touched his mouth he felt a burst of some foreign feeling, making his eyes go blurry. It took him by surprise, what surprised him the most was the sudden wet feeling on his face. Tears. Warm arms folded around the boy, "It will be alright now. You will be fine, now that you are with your grandad." Releasing it all he began to wail in relief.

– 5 years later –

Life had completely turned around for the boy, he had found someone who loved him more than anyone else. Like everything, it won't last forever.

Playing video games was something he missed doing at his old home, but for his 16th birthday, he got a console to play games on, one such franchise that he got into was Danganronpa. He loved the characters, due to their uniqueness and the trials and tribulations that they all went through. When he finished playing them he would then dip into the world of anime. The first ones he watched were ones like Dragon Ball, Naruto and Fairy Tail. They were all good series in their own way, but the one that stuck out the most was Attack on Titan. As many say, it is a masterpiece. The second season had also just finished airing.

He was a bit late, no, he was very late to the release of Danganronpa V3. He had finally saved enough money from his part time job to buy a couple games and Danganronpa V3 was on the list of games he was going to buy. Standing at the entrance of the game store, he felt a familiar joy. He took a breath of excitement and joyfully skipped inside. Skimming along the isle he laid his eyes upon a game case that said "Danganronpa V3", the moment he was about to touch the case, he received a sudden phone call, //Despair\\. "Who's this?" He calmly stated, but that calmness turned into unsettling dread when the caller answered. "This is the North-Road Community Hospital, I'm sorry to inform you that your grandfather has sadly passed away due to a heart attack.." He ran out of the shop in anguish. He knew his grandfather was getting weaker and weaker, he knew he was running out of time.

He didn't even get to say goodbye.

– Current Time –

After the death of the only pillar that gave his life meaning, he drifted from job to job. Despite doing well in school, it gave him a lingering sense of despair that never made him want to succeed. Like he was stuck at the bottom of the ocean with a weight that would never be removed. Walking down the street, he felt like each step caused an earthquake, a violent crash of waves. Sadly, no one else heard it. Not only was it impossible for anyone to hear it, the striking of the rain against the floor filled everyone's ears. He was doomed to carry this burden.

He stood near the edge of the bridge, rain crashing along the ground, a single lamp post removing the darkness around him. Everything that happened in his life flashed before his eyes. It gave him even more drive to finally end it all. Only a second later did he pull himself over the railing, holding himself above the river below. Deep in his mind, he thought he heard someone call out to him. Ignoring it, he looked down into the water and let go. "If only life was better…"

– Somewhere –

How long has it been? The boy did not know, the sound of monotonous beeps rang through his head. It sounded familiar. Flashes of memories struck his head like thunder, unfamiliar, but also familiar. Suddenly, "It seems you're finally awake." He looked up in surprise. A man stood at the door, he held an aura of confidence, unlike anyone else. He had unique black-purple hair, a black suit and a purple tie. Again he looked quite familiar, if the boy remembered correctly, his name was.. Jin Kirigiri… right?


Steering wheel goes on the right in UK Cars

Bungalow: One story house.